Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - Atmosphere / EdiZon / SXOS Cheat Codes
Title ID: 010007400FF24000
Build ID: 090b1f7f7af35d00
[01# Inf Ammo] 04000000 012C7074 52933320 [02# Max Health] 580F0000 04D5C6F0 580F1000 00000440 580F1000 00000270 780F0000 000000A0 640F0000 00000000 4B18967F [03# God Mode] 580F0000 04D5C6F0 580F1000 00000440 580F1000 00000270 780F0000 0000015C 640F0000 00000000 00000006 [04# No reload] 580F0000 04D5C6F0 580F1000 000009F8 580F1000 00000400 580F1000 00000598 780F0000 00000ECC 640F0000 00000000 000003E7 780F0000 00000028 640F0000 00000000 000003E7 [05# Moonjump] 80000002 580F0000 04D5C6F0 580F1000 00000218 580F1000 00000128 780F0000 00000170 640F0000 00000000 44000000 20000000 [06# Running x2 (left) x1 (right)] 80001000 580F0000 04D5C6F0 580F1000 00000218 580F1000 00000128 780F0000 00000414 640F0000 00000000 40000000 20000000 80004000 580F0000 04D5C6F0 580F1000 00000218 580F1000 00000128 780F0000 00000414 640F0000 00000000 3F800000 20000000 [07# Damage Multiplier x2000] 580F0000 04D56220 580F1000 00000108 580F1000 000002C0 580F1000 00000070 780F0000 00000358 640F0000 00000000 44FA0000 [08# Instant level up (press R stick)] 80000020 580F0000 04D5C6F0 580F1000 00000220 780F0000 00000438 640F0000 00000000 00000001 20000000 [08# XP Multiplier x2000] 580F0000 04D5C6F0 580F1000 00000440 580F1000 00000258 780F0000 000001B0 640F0000 00000000 44FA0000 [09# Max Money] 580F0000 04D5C6F0 580F1000 00000220 780F0000 00000480 640F0000 00000000 0001869F [10# Max Moon Shards] 580F0000 04D5C6F0 580F1000 00000220 780F0000 00000494 640F0000 00000000 000001F4 [11# Max Shift Coins] 580F0000 04D5C6F0 580F1000 00000220 780F0000 000004E4 640F0000 00000000 000001F4 [12# Max Skill Points] 580F0000 04D5C6F0 580F1000 00000220 780F0000 00000454 640F0000 00000000 00000063 [13# Max Badass Tokens] 580F0000 03E3D248 580F1000 00001328 580F1000 00000030 780F0000 0000122C 640F0000 00000000 00000063 [Disable Level Check] 04000000 01354DF4 52800FE0 [Everyone One-Shot Kill - R to Enable, L to Disable] 80000080 04000000 004D3DE0 D503201F 20000000 80000040 04000000 004D3DE0 BD000260 20000000 [Inf Ammo (off)] 04000000 012C7074 E1380000 [Max O2] 580F0000 04D5C6F0 580F1000 00000440 580F1000 00000280 780F0000 000000A0 640F0000 00000000 43470000These codes have been collected from around the web and all credit goes to the original poster of the code. Notes associated with any code may be written by the original code creator. Some notes have been added or modified from their original source.
Do you know any additional codes for this game? Is there an error listed above? Let us know about it and we’ll update the list.
Code Indexes for Nintendo Switch (Switch)