Bravely Default - CTRPF AR Cheat Codes [EU]
[Ringabel Mana 9999] 180AF9C0 0000270F [Gold 999999] 080823B4 000F423F [Max/Inf Money] 080823B4 0098967F [Max TP Tiz] 080A7C04 000003E7 [Max MP Tiz] 080A7C08 000003E7 [Refill TP Tiz (Press L)] DD000000 00000200 080A7BE4 000003E7 [Refill MP Tiz (Press L)] DD000000 00000200 080A7BE8 000003E7 [Max STR Tiz (Press R)] DD000000 00000100 080A7BEC 000003E7 [Max Vit Tiz (Press R)] DD000000 00000100 080A7BF0 000003E7 [Max Int Tiz (Press R)] DD000000 00000100 080A7BF4 000003E7 [Max MND Tiz (Press R)] DD000000 00000100 080A7BF8 000003E7 [Max DEX Tiz (Press R)] DD000000 00000100 080A7C00 000003E7 [Max AGI Tiz (Press R)] DD000000 00000100 080A7BFC 000003E7 [Max all Stats Tiz (Press R)] DD000000 00000100 080A7BEC 000003E7 DD000000 00000100 080A7BF0 000003E7 DD000000 00000100 080A7BF4 000003E7 DD000000 00000100 080A7BF8 000003E7 DD000000 00000100 080A7C00 000003E7 DD000000 00000100 080A7BFC 000003E7 [Max TP Ringabell] 080AF9DC 000003E7 [Max MP Ringabell] 080AF9E0 000003E7 [Refill TP Ringabell (Press L)] DD000000 00000200 080AF9BC 000003E7 [Refill MP Ringabell (Press L)] DD000000 00000200 080AF9C0 000003E7 [Max STR Ringabell (Press R)] DD000000 00000100 080AF9C4 000003E7 [Max Vit Ringabell (Press R)] DD000000 00000100 080AF9C8 000003E7 [Max Int Ringabell (Press R)] DD000000 00000100 080AF9CC 000003E7 [Max MND Ringabell (Press R)] DD000000 00000100 080AF9D0 000003E7 [Max DEX Ringabell (Press R)] DD000000 00000100 080AF9D8 000003E7 [Max AGI Ringabell (Press R)] DD000000 00000100 080AF9D4 000003E7 [Max all Stats Ringabell (Press R)] DD000000 00000100 080AF9C4 000003E7 DD000000 00000100 080AF9C8 000003E7 DD000000 00000100 080AF9CC 000003E7 DD000000 00000100 080AF9D0 000003E7 DD000000 00000100 080AF9D8 000003E7 DD000000 00000100 080AF9D4 000003E7 [Max TP Agnes] 080ABAF0 000003E7 [Max MP Agnes] 080ABAF4 000003E7 [Refill TP Agnes (Press L)] DD000000 00000200 080ABAD0 000003E7 [Refill MP Agnes (Press L)] DD000000 00000200 080ABAD4 000003E7 [Max STR Agnes (Press R)] DD000000 00000100 080ABAD8 000003E7 [Max Vit Agnes (Press R)] DD000000 00000100 080ABADC 000003E7 [Max Int Agnes (Press R)] DD000000 00000100 080ABAE0 000003E7 [Max MND Agnes (Press R)] DD000000 00000100 080ABAE4 000003E7 [Max DEX Agnes (Press R)] DD000000 00000100 080ABAEC 000003E7 [Max AGI Agnes (Press R)] DD000000 00000100 080ABAE8 000003E7 [Max all Stats Agnes (Press R)] DD000000 00000100 080ABAD8 000003E7 DD000000 00000100 080ABADC 000003E7 DD000000 00000100 080ABAE0 000003E7 DD000000 00000100 080ABAE4 000003E7 DD000000 00000100 080ABAEC 000003E7 DD000000 00000100 080ABAE8 000003E7 [Max TP Edea] 080B38C8 000003E7 [Max MP Edea] 080B38CC 000003E7 [Refill TP Edea (Press L)] DD000000 00000200 080B38A8 000003E7 [Refill MP Edea (Press L)] DD000000 00000200 080B38AC 000003E7 [Max STR Edea (Press R)] DD000000 00000100 080B38B0 000003E7 [Max Vit Edea (Press R)] DD000000 00000100 080B38B4 000003E7 [Max Int Edea (Press R)] DD000000 00000100 080B38B8 000003E7 [Max MND Edea (Press R)] DD000000 00000100 080B38BC 000003E7 [Max DEX Edea (Press R)] DD000000 00000100 080B38C4 000003E7 [Max AGI Edea (Press R)] DD000000 00000100 080B38C0 000003E7 [Max all Stats Edea (Press R)] DD000000 00000100 080B38B0 000003E7 DD000000 00000100 080B38B4 000003E7 DD000000 00000100 080B38B8 000003E7 DD000000 00000100 080B38BC 000003E7 DD000000 00000100 080B38C4 000003E7 DD000000 00000100 080B38C0 000003E7 [Ringabel Lv99 (requires save-load)] 080AF95C 007A1200 [Edea Lv99 (requires save-load)] 080B3848 007A1200 [Agnes Lv99 (requires save-load)] 080ABA70 007A1200 [Tiz Lv99 (requires save-load)] 080A7B84 007A1200 [Reset Money] 080823B4 00000000 [Tiz Max JP] 180A2222 00005DC0 [Tiz all JP Max] D3000000 080A802C C0000000 00000018 10000000 00005DC0 DC000000 0000026C D1000000 00000000 D2000000 00000000 [Agnes Max JP] 180A2222 00005DC0 [Agnes all JP Max] D3000000 080ABF18 C0000000 00000018 10000000 00005DC0 DC000000 0000026C D1000000 00000000 D2000000 00000000These codes have been collected from around the web and all credit goes to the original poster of the code. Notes associated with any code may be written by the original code creator. Some notes have been added or modified from their original source.
Do you know any additional codes for this game? Is there an error listed above? Let us know about it and we’ll update the list.
Code Indexes for Nintendo 3DS (3DS) Other Content for Bravely Default