Mario Tennis Open - CTRPF AR Cheat Codes [TW]
[9999999 Coins] 0052D3F8 0098967F [SELECT + UP All Items Bought] DD000000 00000044 E052D328 000000D0 23232300 23232323 23232323 00002323 23232323 23232323 23232323 23232323 23232323 23232323 00232323 23232300 23232323 23232323 23232323 23232323 23232323 23232323 23232323 23232323 23232323 00002323 23232323 23232323 23232323 23232323 23232323 23232323 23232323 23232323 23232323 23232323 23000023 23232323 23232323 23232323 23232323 23232323 23232323 23232323 23232323 23232323 23232323 23232323 23232323 23232323 23232323 23232323 23232323 23232323 23232323 23232323 D2000000 00000000 [SPEED/POWERSHOT] 0059E2F4 01E30FFF [SERVICE] 0059E2FC FF5003AC [PLAYER1 SHOTS1] 0059E300 006E505F [PLAYER1 SHOTS2] 0059E308 3FA55A32 [PLAYER1 SHOTS3] 0059E304 40A00000 [MINIGAME RING TIMER COINS] 0059F838 01000000These codes have been collected from around the web and all credit goes to the original poster of the code. Notes associated with any code may be written by the original code creator. Some notes have been added or modified from their original source.
Do you know any additional codes for this game? Is there an error listed above? Let us know about it and we’ll update the list.
Code Indexes for Nintendo 3DS (3DS) Other Content for Mario Tennis Open