7th Dragon III Code: VFD - CTRPF AR Cheat Codes [US]
[Max AZ v1.0] 00310C2C 000F423F [Max DZ v1.0] 10310C30 000003E7 [(SELECT + R)PLAY TIME 0:00:00 v1.0] DD000000 00000104 00308B94 3F800000 D0000000 00000000 [SP 999,999 v1.0] 002CC600 E59F3004 002CC604 E5853040 002CC608 E12FFF1E 002CC60C 000F423F 001BD74C EB043BAB 001BE570 EB043822 [MANA Cost 0 v1.0] 0019142C E3A00000 001BE7B8 E3A03000 0027B08C E3A01000 0027B090 E5C0100A 0027B094 EAFFFFED [No Encounter, Press L Instant Encounter v1.0] E02CC620 00000028 E2841F7D E59F001C E5900000 E5900000 E5900004 E3100C02 03A00000 15940204 E5840200 E12FFF1E 002CC648 00308164 001D077C EB03EFA7 [Complete Dungeon map of the bottom screen v1.0] E02CC660 00000040 E3A06000 E92D40FF E3A07000 E1D502F8 E0600200 E0871200 EBFCBEB8 E3A02001 EBF9AB16 E3A01000 E1A02007 EBFCED04 EBF9B6F5 E2877001 E35700F0 BAFFFFF2 002CC6A0 E8BD80FF 0012343C EB06A487 [Becomes same as the item possession number maximum v1.0] 001B8EDC E1C400B6 [Maximum number of items x99 v1.0] 001FB254 E3A02063 001FB448 E3A02063 001FB5B0 E3A02063 001FB730 E3A02063 001FB8D0 E3A02063 [Always Pre-emptive Attack v1.0] 00199518 EA000041 00199630 E1500000 [Always Critical Hit v1.0] E02CC6C0 00000060 60606061 003122D8 E92D41EF E51F6010 E5966000 E51F701C E3A08000 EBFCAB8A E20810FF EBFCAB75 E1500005 00850004 02800A01 05C091A1 E59600E8 E59610E4 E2888001 E0400001 E0C01097 E1A01440 E0410FC0 E1500008 CAFFFFEF E2844001 002CC720 E8BD81EF 0019B4EC EB04C475These codes have been collected from around the web and all credit goes to the original poster of the code. Notes associated with any code may be written by the original code creator. Some notes have been added or modified from their original source.
Do you know any additional codes for this game? Is there an error listed above? Let us know about it and we’ll update the list.
Code Indexes for Nintendo 3DS (3DS)