Code Breaker Codes [US]

Bomberman Max 2: Blue Advance - Code Breaker Codes [US]

The following are known CodeBreaker Codes for Bomberman Max 2: Blue Advance on Nintendo Game Boy Advance (GBA).

The codes should work with the region specified but may work for other regions as well.

  1. Enable Code (Must Be On)
    93A238F6 CEAD
    F3343A41 50FE
    D5C1D681 F7C2
  2. Stop Time
    DC738F77 7AEB
  3. Max Speed
    030C6458 315C
  4. Invincible
    870994F1 377C
  5. Infinite Bombs
    2968EA98 16C8
  6. Infinite Lives
    F8F42966 5043
  7. Max Bombs
    00CD771D 36C0
  8. Max Fire
    80C9B7F5 36E4
  9. All Charabombs
    58C0A3DE 17C1
    210C227A 1DD9

Have Attributes Codes

  1. Pass Thru Blocks, Flames Pierce All & Push Bombs
    AEAE0966 CC13
  2. Pass Thru Blocks, Pass Over Bombs, Flames Pierce All & Remote Bomb
    80C9B7F5 B6E6

Have Charabomb Codes

  1. Dorako
    7280A1CC 5750
  2. Ceedrun
    7AC0A1DC 1740
  3. TwinDrag
    768191CD 5750
  4. Pterydon
    7EC191DD 1740
  5. Stegodon
    5280A5CE 7751
  6. Sibaloon
    5AC0A5DE 3741
  7. Sharkun
    568195CF 7751
  8. Kai-man
    5EC195DF 3741
  9. Seapony
    70A0ABCC 57D0
  10. Anglar
    78E0ABDC 17C0
  11. Pommy
    74A19BCD 57D0
  12. P.Claw
    7CE19BDD 17C0
  13. P.Animal
    50A0AFCE 77D1
  14. P.Hen
    58E0AFDE 37C1
  15. P.Beast
    54A19FCF 77D1
  16. Elephan
    5CE19FDF 37C1
  17. Rhinon
    7200E18C 577C
  18. Youno
    7A40E19C 176C
  19. ToughGuy
    7601D18D 577C
  20. BigOx
    7E41D19D 176C
  21. Shargon
    5200E58E 777D
  22. P.Dragon
    5A40E59E 376D
  23. P.Fangs
    5601D58F 777D
  24. Sparkun
    5E41D59F 376D
  25. Rhinaus
    7020EB8C 57FC
  26. Elefandon
    7860EB9C 17EC
  27. KameKing
    7421DB8D 57FC
  28. Th.Liger
    7C61DB9D 17EC
  29. FlyShark
    5020EF8E 77FD
  30. Elemouse
    5860EF9E 37ED
These codes have been collected from around the web and all credit goes to the original poster of the code. Notes associated with any code may be written by the original code creator. Some notes have been added or modified from their original source.

Do you know any additional codes for this game? Is there an error listed above? Let us know about it and we’ll update the list.

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