Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Mega Man 4 - Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Super Password
Enter A1 A4 B5 E2 F1 F3 as a password to start game play with all weapons and items.

Super Blaster
Intentionally lose a life four times in the exact same location and then continue game play. Doctor Light will give Mega Man a super blaster.


Level     Password  
Toad      A2 A5 A6 B1 D1 E3  
Bright    A1 A3 A5 B2 D1 E3  
Pharaoh   A1 A5 B4 C1 D1 D3  
Ring      A1 B4 B6 C4 D1 D3  
Dust      A1 B4 B5 C6 D1 D3  
Skull     A1 B4 B5 D2 D3 F2  
Dive      A1 B4 B5 E2 E6 F3  
Drill     A1 A4 B5 E2 F1 F3  
Do you know any additional cheats for this game? Is there an error listed above? Let us know about it and we’ll update the list.

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