Axiom Verge 2 - Atmosphere / EdiZon / SXOS Cheat Codes
Title ID: 01002FC010240000
Build ID: 219522748b02d4a9
[Allow Climb Walls without Ninhursag] 040E0000 0059BB20 52800020 [Allow Drone Charge Projectile] 040E0000 0059BC90 52800020 [Allow Drone Flying] 040E0000 0059BB10 52800020 [Allow Drone Melee Charge] 040E0000 0059BC70 52800020 [Allow Fast Travel] 040E0000 0059BC40 52800020 [Allow Full Health Projectile] 040E0000 0059BCA0 52800020 [Allow Ground Pound] 040E0000 0059BCB0 52800020 [Allow Hacking] 040E0000 0059BC50 52800020 [Allow Melee Charge Projectile] 040E0000 0059BC80 52800020 [Allow Melee Charge without Rah] 040E0000 0059BC60 52800020 [Allow Night Vision] 040E0000 0059BCC0 52800020 [Allow Zaltu] 040E0000 0059BCD0 52800020 [At least 31 Apocalypse Points (for Upgrade)] 040E0000 0059E4E8 1E27F001 [Can Enter Breach] 040E0000 0059BB30 52800020 [EN 1000] 580F0000 0606D700 580F1000 000000E0 580F1000 000001C0 780F0000 00000218 640F0000 00000000 447A0000 580F0000 0606D700 580F1000 000000E0 580F1000 000001C0 780F0000 0000021C 640F0000 00000000 447A0000 [Enhanced Launch] 040E0000 0059BAC0 52800020 [Has Amashilama] 040E0000 0059BAD0 52800020 [Has Compass] 040E0000 0059BAF0 52800020 [Has Compass Gem] 040E0000 0059BB00 52800020 [Has Turbo Zip] 040E0000 0059BC30 52800020 [HP 500] 580F0000 0606D700 580F1000 000000E0 580F1000 000001C0 780F0000 00000208 620F0000 00000000 000001F4 580F0000 0606D700 580F1000 000000E0 580F1000 000001C0 780F0000 0000020C 620F0000 00000000 000001F4 [Infinite Nano Points] 040E0000 0059E730 D503201F [Infinite Stamina (for climbing)] 040E0000 00493E10 D503201F [Invincible (inf. Hit Points)] 010E0000 0059E646 0000001F [Invincible - off] 010E0000 0059E646 00000009 [Invincible Drone (inf. Drone Hit Points)] 010E0000 0059E67A 0000001F [Invincible of Drone- off] 010E0000 0059E67A 00000001 [Moon jump (Press B+UP rise, UP stay in midair)] 080E0000 033BBF00 F9400300 1E202829 080E0000 033BBF08 F9404000 F940A000 080E0000 033BBF10 540000C0 F240001F 080E0000 033BBF18 54000061 F27C001F 080E0000 033BBF20 14000002 1E2703E9 080E0000 033BBF28 D65F03C0 1E321009 040E0000 0049E184 94BC775F [Moon jump (Press Up and jump)] 080E0000 033BBF00 F9400300 1E202829 080E0000 033BBF08 F9404000 F940A000 080E0000 033BBF10 54000040 F240001F 080E0000 033BBF18 D65F03C0 1E204029 040E0000 0049E184 94BC775F [Moonjump (Hold down the B key)] 80000002 580F0000 0606C770 580F1000 000001E8 780F0000 0000002C 640F0000 00000000 C0200000 20000000 [Moving Freely in Water without Liru] 040E0000 0059BAE0 52800020
Title ID: 01002FC010240000
Build ID: 4e425efaa7c59230
[Allow Climb Walls without Ninhursag] 040E0000 0059CFE0 52800020 [Allow Drone Charge Projectile] 040E0000 0059D140 52800020 [Allow Drone Flying] 040E0000 0059CFC0 52800020 [Allow Drone Melee Charge] 040E0000 0059D120 52800020 [Allow Fast Travel] 040E0000 0059D0F0 52800020 [Allow Full Health Projectile] 040E0000 0059D150 52800020 [Allow grasp Ledge without Sheshkala] 040E0000 0059CFD0 52800020 [Allow Ground Pound] 040E0000 0059D160 52800020 [Allow Hacking] 040E0000 0059D100 52800020 [Allow Melee Charge Projectile] 040E0000 0059D130 52800020 [Allow Melee Charge without Rah] 040E0000 0059D110 52800020 [Allow Night Vision] 040E0000 0059D170 52800020 [Allow Zaltu] 040E0000 0059D180 52800020 [At least 31 Apocalypse Points (for Upgrade)] 040E0000 0059F998 1E27F001 [Can Enter Breach] 040E0000 0059CFF0 52800020 [Enhanced Launch] 040E0000 0059CF70 52800020 [Has Amashilama] 040E0000 0059CF80 52800020 [Has Compass] 040E0000 0059CFA0 52800020 [Has Compass Gem] 040E0000 0059CFB0 52800020 [Has Turbo Zip] 040E0000 0059D0E0 52800020 [Infinite Nano Points] 040E0000 0059FBE0 D503201F [Infinite Stamina (for climbing)] 040E0000 00495040 D503201F [Invincible (inf. Hit Points)] 010E0000 0059FAF6 0000001F [Invincible Drone (inf. Drone Hit Points)] 010E0000 0059FB2A 0000001F [Moon jump (Press B+UP rise, UP stay in midair)] 080E0000 033BD800 F9400300 1E202829 080E0000 033BD808 F9404000 F940A000 080E0000 033BD810 540000C0 F240001F 080E0000 033BD818 54000061 F27C001F 080E0000 033BD820 14000002 1E2703E9 080E0000 033BD828 D65F03C0 1E321009 040E0000 0049F3A4 94BC7917 [Moving Freely in Water without Liru] 040E0000 0059CF90 52800020These codes have been collected from around the web and all credit goes to the original poster of the code. Notes associated with any code may be written by the original code creator. Some notes have been added or modified from their original source.
Do you know any additional codes for this game? Is there an error listed above? Let us know about it and we’ll update the list.
Code Indexes for Nintendo Switch (Switch)