Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze - Atmosphere / EdiZon / SXOS Cheat Codes
Title ID: 0100C1F0051B6000
Build ID: f48bd40d89b529c1
[5 puzzle pieces] 580F0000 05E1AEF8 580F1000 00000020 580F1000 00000008 580F1000 000000C0 580F1000 00000010 780F0000 00000028 640F0000 00000000 00000005 [99 bananas] 580F0000 05E1AEF8 580F1000 00000020 580F1000 00000008 580F1000 000000C0 580F1000 00000010 780F0000 00000004 640F0000 00000000 00000063 [99 Blue Balloons] 580F0000 05E1AEF8 580F1000 00000020 580F1000 00000008 580F1000 000000C0 580F1000 00000010 780F0000 0000006C 640F0000 00000000 00000063 [99 CK] 580F0000 05E1AEF8 580F1000 00000020 580F1000 00000008 580F1000 000000C0 580F1000 00000010 780F0000 00000088 640F0000 00000000 00000063 [99 Diddy Kong] 580F0000 05E1AEF8 580F1000 00000020 580F1000 00000008 580F1000 000000C0 580F1000 00000010 780F0000 00000080 640F0000 00000000 00000063 [99 Dixy Kong] 580F0000 05E1AEF8 580F1000 00000020 580F1000 00000008 580F1000 000000C0 580F1000 00000010 780F0000 00000084 640F0000 00000000 00000063 [99 extra hearts] 580F0000 05E1AEF8 580F1000 00000020 580F1000 00000008 580F1000 000000C0 580F1000 00000010 780F0000 0000007C 640F0000 00000000 00000063 [99 Green ballons] 580F0000 05E1AEF8 580F1000 00000020 580F1000 00000008 580F1000 000000C0 580F1000 00000010 780F0000 00000068 640F0000 00000000 00000063 [99 invincibles] 580F0000 05E1AEF8 580F1000 00000020 580F1000 00000008 580F1000 000000C0 580F1000 00000010 780F0000 00000078 640F0000 00000000 00000063 [99 parrots] 580F0000 05E1AEF8 580F1000 00000020 580F1000 00000008 580F1000 000000C0 580F1000 00000010 780F0000 00000070 640F0000 00000000 00000063 [99 red balloons] 580F0000 05E1AEF8 580F1000 00000020 580F1000 00000008 580F1000 000000C0 580F1000 00000010 780F0000 00000018 640F0000 00000000 00000063 [99 shields] 580F0000 05E1AEF8 580F1000 00000020 580F1000 00000008 580F1000 000000C0 580F1000 00000010 780F0000 00000074 640F0000 00000000 00000063 [999 bananacoins] 580F0000 05E1AEF8 580F1000 00000020 580F1000 00000008 580F1000 000000C0 580F1000 00000010 780F0000 00000008 640F0000 00000000 000003E7 [Always Golden Donkey(on:R3&Left off:R3&Right)] 80001020 04000000 00255808 1E2703E1 20000000 80004020 04000000 00255808 1E2703E2 20000000 [Always special bar] 580F0000 05E1AEF8 580F1000 00000020 580F1000 00000008 580F1000 000000C0 580F1000 00000010 780F0000 00000040 640F0000 00000000 00000064 [Enemy Freeze(on:Left&-key off:Right&-key)] 80001800 04000000 0051A8D0 D65F03C0 04000000 00528604 D65F03C0 04000000 0052BFA0 D65F03C0 20000000 80004800 04000000 0051A8D0 D10143FF 04000000 00528604 D10143FF 04000000 0052BFA0 D10143FF 20000000 [Have g] 580F0000 05E1AEF8 580F1000 00000020 580F1000 00000008 580F1000 000000C0 580F1000 00000010 780F0000 00000038 640F0000 00000000 00000001 [Have k] 580F0000 05E1AEF8 580F1000 00000020 580F1000 00000008 580F1000 000000C0 580F1000 00000010 780F0000 0000002C 640F0000 00000000 00000001 [Have n] 580F0000 05E1AEF8 580F1000 00000020 580F1000 00000008 580F1000 000000C0 580F1000 00000010 780F0000 00000034 640F0000 00000000 00000001 [Have o] 580F0000 05E1AEF8 580F1000 00000020 580F1000 00000008 580F1000 000000C0 580F1000 00000010 780F0000 00000030 640F0000 00000000 00000001 [High Jump with Dixie(Press A off:R3+L3)] 80000001 04000000 0056EB28 1E201000 20000000 80000030 04000000 0056EB28 1E2703E3 20000000 [High Jump(Press B off:R3+L3)] 80000030 04000000 003470F0 1E2C1000 20000000 80000002 04000000 003470F0 1E2E1000 20000000 [inf hearts 2e] 580F0000 05E1AEF8 580F1000 00000020 580F1000 00000008 580F1000 000000C0 580F1000 00000010 780F0000 00000010 640F0000 00000000 00000002 [inf hearts dk] 580F0000 05E1AEF8 580F1000 00000020 580F1000 00000008 580F1000 000000C0 580F1000 00000010 780F0000 0000000C 640F0000 00000000 00000002 [Infinite time chrono mode] 041F0000 B601E5EC 00000000 [Invincible(on:Top&+key off:Bottom&+key)] 80002400 04000000 002D37F8 D65F03C0 04000000 0036402C D65F03C0 20000000 80008400 04000000 002D37F8 D10143FF 04000000 0036402C D10143FF 20000000 [Invul. Press R-Stick to Die] 04000000 001FB5D0 D65F03C0 80000020 04000000 001FB5D0 F9412008 20000000 [MoonJump] 04000000 001FAB48 1E27D001 [Moonjump x8] 04000000 001FAB48 1E241001 [No Damage by Spikes] 04000000 001FBB4C D65F03C0 [Speed Up(on:Left&+key off:Right&+key)] 80001400 04000000 00299E14 1E201003 20000000 80004400 04000000 00299E14 1E2E1003 20000000 [Super High Jump(Press A off:R3+L3)] 80000030 04000000 0003E67C 1E2E1002 20000000 80000002 04000000 0003E67C 1E341001 20000000 [Weak Gravity Jump(Press B off:R3+L3)] 80000030 04000000 00694910 1E2E1001 20000000 80000002 04000000 00694910 1E281001 20000000 [ZERO Gravity Jump(Press B Dive:R3+Top off:R3+L3)] 80000030 04000000 00694910 1E2E1001 20000000 80000002 04000000 00694910 1E2703E1 20000000 80002020 04000000 00694910 1E27F001 20000000These codes have been collected from around the web and all credit goes to the original poster of the code. Notes associated with any code may be written by the original code creator. Some notes have been added or modified from their original source.
Do you know any additional codes for this game? Is there an error listed above? Let us know about it and we’ll update the list.
Code Indexes for Nintendo Switch (Switch)