Final Fantasy VIII Remastered - Atmosphere / EdiZon / SXOS Cheat Codes
Title ID: 01008B900DC0A000
Build ID: b899412d980f0b44
[1st character HP 9999 on battle] 041F0000 6487E0E8 0000270F 041F0000 6487F342 0000270F [255 Adamantine slot 17] 011F0000 6487E7BC 00000052 011F0000 6487E7BD 000000FF [255 Aegis Amulet slot 10] 011F0000 6487E7AE 00000031 011F0000 6487E7AF 000000FF [255 curse spike slot 36] 011F0000 6487E7E6 00000081 011F0000 6487E7E7 000000FF [255 dino bone slot 38] 011F0000 6487E7EA 00000097 011F0000 6487E7EB 000000FF [255 Dragon fang slot 27] 011F0000 6487E7D2 0000007E 011F0000 6487E7D3 000000FF [255 dragon skin slot 33] 011F0000 6487E7E0 00000099 011F0000 6487E7E1 000000FF [255 elem attack slot 9] 011F0000 6487E7AC 00000032 011F0000 6487E7AD 000000FF [255 elem guard slot 8] 011F0000 6487E7AA 00000033 011F0000 6487E7AB 000000FF [255 energy crsytal slot 28] 011F0000 6487E7D4 00000044 011F0000 6487E7D5 000000FF [255 flare stone slot 43] 011F0000 6487E7F4 0000001B 011F0000 6487E7F5 000000FF [255 force armlet slot 29] 011F0000 6487E7D6 00000054 011F0000 6487E7D7 000000FF [255 fury fragment slot 32] 011F0000 6487E7DE 0000007A 011F0000 6487E7DF 000000FF [255 glow curtain slot 7] 011F0000 6487E7A8 0000005D 011F0000 6487E7A9 000000FF [255 holy stone slot 44] 011F0000 6487E7F6 0000001A 011F0000 6487E7F7 000000FF [255 Holy War slot 20] 011F0000 6487E7C2 00000015 011F0000 6487E7C3 000000FF [255 HP up slot 26] 011F0000 6487E7D0 000000A9 011F0000 6487E7D1 000000FF [255 Hyper Wrist slot 19] 011F0000 6487E7C0 0000004F 011F0000 6487E7C1 000000FF [255 Luck up slot 13] 011F0000 6487E7B4 000000AF 011F0000 6487E7B5 000000FF [255 Luck-J slot 11] 011F0000 6487E7B0 00000030 011F0000 6487E7B1 000000FF [255 LuvLuv G slot 12] 011F0000 6487E7B2 000000B0 011F0000 6487E7B3 000000FF [255 Mag up slot 25] 011F0000 6487E7CE 000000AC 011F0000 6487E7CF 000000FF [255 Magic Armlet slot 18] 011F0000 6487E7BE 00000055 011F0000 6487E7BF 000000FF [255 marlboro tentacle slot 34] 011F0000 6487E7E2 00000088 011F0000 6487E7E3 000000FF [255 Meteor stone slot 42] 011F0000 6487E7F2 0000001C 011F0000 6487E7F3 000000FF [255 moon curtain slot 5] 011F0000 6487E7A4 0000005B 011F0000 6487E7A5 000000FF [255 moon stone slot 39] 011F0000 6487E7EC 00000096 011F0000 6487E7ED 000000FF [255 Pulse Ammo slot 14] 011F0000 6487E7B6 0000006C 011F0000 6487E7B7 000000FF [255 regen ring slot 30] 011F0000 6487E7D8 0000004A 011F0000 6487E7D9 000000FF [255 remedy+ slot 45] 011F0000 6487E7F8 00000011 011F0000 6487E7F9 000000FF [255 Rocket Engine slot 1] 011F0000 6487E79C 0000005A 011F0000 6487E79D 000000FF [255 Rosetta Stone Slot 4] 011F0000 6487E7A2 00000036 011F0000 6487E7A3 000000FF [255 Royal Crown slot 16] 011F0000 6487E7BA 00000058 011F0000 6487E7BB 000000FF [255 screws slot 40] 011F0000 6487E7EC 00000076 011F0000 6487E7EF 000000FF [255 sharp spike slot 35] 011F0000 6487E7E4 00000075 011F0000 6487E7E5 000000FF [255 Spd Up slot 22] 011F0000 6487E7C6 000000AE 011F0000 6487E7C7 000000FF [255 Spr up slot 21] 011F0000 6487E7C4 000000AD 011F0000 6487E7C5 000000FF [255 star fragment slot 37] 011F0000 6487E7E8 00000043 011F0000 6487E7E9 000000FF [255 status attack slot 3] 011F0000 6487E7A0 00000034 011F0000 6487E7A1 000000FF [255 Status Guard slot 2] 011F0000 6487E79E 00000035 011F0000 6487E79F 000000FF [255 steel curtain slot 6] 011F0000 6487E7A6 0000005C 011F0000 6487E7A7 000000FF [255 steel pipe slot 46] 011F0000 6487E7FA 00000042 011F0000 6487E7FB 000000FF [255 Str Up slot 23] 011F0000 6487E7C8 000000AA 011F0000 6487E7C9 000000FF [255 Three star slot 15] 011F0000 6487E7B8 00000069 011F0000 6487E7B9 000000FF [255 ultima stone slot 41] 011F0000 6487E7F0 0000001D 011F0000 6487E7F1 000000FF [255 Vit up slot 24] 011F0000 6487E7CA 000000AB 011F0000 6487E7CB 000000FF [255 windmill slot 31] 011F0000 6487E7DA 00000098 011F0000 6487E7DB 000000FF [2nd character HP 999 on battle] 041F0000 6487E180 0000270F 041F0000 6487F172 0000270F [3rd character HP 9999 on battle] 041F0000 6487F512 0000270F 041F0000 648F6A1E 0000270F [9999 Irvine HP] 041F0000 6487E218 FFFF270F 041F0000 6487F342 FFFF270F [9999 Quistis HP] 041F0000 6487E2B0 FFFF270F 041F0000 6487F512 FFFF270F [9999 Rinoa HP] 041F0000 6487E348 FFFF270F 041F0000 6487F342 FFFF270F [9999 Selphie HP] 041F0000 6487E3E0 FFFF270F 041F0000 6487F342 FFFF270F [9999 Squall HP] 041F0000 6487E0E8 FFFF270F 041F0000 6487F342 FFFF270F [9999 zell HP] 041F0000 6487F512 FFFF270F 041F0000 648F6A1E FFFF270F [Always 255 AP after Battle] 041F0000 645F8CCA 000000FF 041F0000 6487F5C0 000000FF 041F0000 6487F5C2 000000FF 041F0000 6487F5C4 000000FF 041F0000 6487F5C6 000000FF 041F0000 6487F5C8 000000FF [brothers exp] 041F0000 6487DDC4 05F5E0FF [diablos exp] 041F0000 6487DE08 05F5E0FF [GF AP always Get 255 on Battle] 041F0000 645F8CCA 000000FF 041F0000 6487F5C0 000000FF 041F0000 6487F5C2 000000FF 041F0000 6487F5C4 000000FF [GF AP=255 after battle] 011F0000 6487F5C0 000000FF 011F0000 6487F5C2 000000FF [IFrit EXP] 041F0000 6487F634 05F5E0FF [Irvine Exp] 041F0000 6487E21C 05F5E0FF [Irvine lvl 100] 041F0000 6487E21C 000182B8 [Irvine lvl 25] 041F0000 6487E21C 00005DC0 [Irvine lvl 8] 041F0000 6487E21C 00001B58 [Money/GIL] 041F0000 6487E764 05F5E0FF [Quezacotl EXp] 041F0000 6487DCB4 05F5E0FF [Quistis EXP] 041F0000 645F8EBC 05F5E0FF [quistis LVL 100] 041F0000 6487E2B4 000182B8 [quistis LVL 25] 041F0000 6487E2B4 00005DC0 [quistis LVL 8] 041F0000 6487E2B4 00001B58 [Rhinoa Exp] 041F0000 6487E34C 05F5E0FF [Rinoa LVL 100] 041F0000 6487E34C 000182B8 [Rinoa LVL 25] 041F0000 6487E34C 00005DC0 [Rinoa LVL 8] 041F0000 6487E34C 00001B58 [selphie Exp] 041F0000 6487E3E4 05F5E0FF [selphie lvl 100] 041F0000 6487E3E4 000182B8 [selphie lvl 25] 041F0000 6487E3E4 00005DC0 [selphie lvl 8] 041F0000 6487E3E4 00001B58 [Shiva EXP] 041F0000 6487D628 05F5E0FF [solomon ring slot 47] 011F0000 6487E7FC 000000A7 011F0000 6487E7FD 00000001 [squal exp] 041F0000 6487E0EC 05F5E0FF [squall lvl 100] 041F0000 6487E0EC 000182B8 [squall lvl 25] 041F0000 6487E0EC 00005DC0 [squall lvl 8] 041F0000 6487E0EC 00001B58 [weapon mon 1st slot 48] 011F0000 6487E7FE 000000B1 011F0000 6487E7FF 00000001 [weapon mon august slot 49] 011F0000 6487E7FE 000000B7 011F0000 6487E7FF 00000001 [Zell EXP] 041F0000 6487E184 05F5E0FF [Zell lvl 100] 041F0000 6487E184 000182B8 [Zell lvl 25] 041F0000 6487E184 00005DC0 [Zell lvl 8] 041F0000 6487E184 00001B58These codes have been collected from around the web and all credit goes to the original poster of the code. Notes associated with any code may be written by the original code creator. Some notes have been added or modified from their original source.
Do you know any additional codes for this game? Is there an error listed above? Let us know about it and we’ll update the list.
Code Indexes for Nintendo Switch (Switch)