Akiba’s Trip: Undead & Undressed - Artemis .NCL Cheat Codes
Akiba’s Trip 2 Undead And Undressed 01.02.ncl
Transparent Clothes 0 kanae.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gameurawaza/1395654864/ 0 000CE5A8 60000000 # AoB Transparent Clothes 0 kanae.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gameurawaza/1395654864/ B 00010000 04000000 B 4082000C386000014800000838600000 60000000386000014800000838600000 #
Akiba’s Trip 2 Undead And Undressed BLJM61105 01.00.ncl
Max Gold On Change 0 games24.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-213.html 0 000D52C8 60000000 # Items Do Not Decrease When Exiting The Item Use Screen 0 games24.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-213.html 0 000E1C48 60000000 0 000E1C4C 7CE43B78 # Very High Weapon ATK 0 games24.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-213.html 0 000DF7B0 3C80000F # Max Character Experience 0 games24.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-213.html 0 0061D40C 05F5E0FF # Max Character Base Attack (Use After Max Level to keep the value) 0 games24.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-213.html 0 0061D408 000F423F # Max Character Base Defense (Use After Max Level to keep the value) 0 games24.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-213.html 0 0061D404 000F423F # AoB Max Gold On Change 0 games24.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-213.html B 00010000 04000000 B 4081000860830000606400003FE00061 6000000060830000606400003FE00061 # AoB Items Do Not Decrease When Exiting The Item Use Screen 0 games24.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-213.html B 00010000 04000000 B 408100147C8438107C83312E38600001 600000007CE43B787C83312E38600001 # AoB Very High Weapon ATK 0 games24.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-213.html B 00010000 04000000 B 8081011C80A101203BC0000180C10124 3C80000F80A101203BC0000180C10124 #
Akiba’s Trip 2 Undead And Undressed BLUS31425 01.00 BLJM61105 01.03.ncl
Max Gold in Change 0 JorgeFFC 0 000DBC84 60000000 # Hero Shirt Immune to Normal Attack 0 JorgeFFC 0 00107810 60000000 # Hero Bottoms Immune to Normal Attack 0 JorgeFFC 0 00107A04 60000000 # Infinite Item Usage 0 JorgeFFC 0 000E8A34 60000000 # Equipped Weapon has High Attack (900.000) 0 JorgeFFC 0 000E6700 3C80000F # 999 Hit Combo 0 JorgeFFC 0 0012A3A4 388003E7 # Max Character Experience 0 JorgeFFC 0 0061D40C 05F5E0FF # Max Character Base Attack 0 JorgeFFC 0 0061D408 000F423F /* Use after max level to keep the value */ # Max Character Base Defense 0 JorgeFFC 0 0061D404 000F423F /* Use after max level to keep the value */ # AoB Max Gold in Change 0 games24.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-213.html B 00010000 04000000 B 4081000860830000606400003FE00061 6000000060830000606400003FE00061 # AoB Max Gold in Change 0 JorgeFFC B 00010000 04000000 B 4081000860830000606400003FE00063 6000000060830000606400003FE00063 # AoB Hero Shirt Immune Against Normal Attacks 0 JorgeFFC B 00010000 04000000 B 4802FD256000000038800001907E0990 4802FD25600000003880000160000000 /* Does not work against charged attacks. */ # AoB Hero Bottoms Immune Against Normal Attacks 0 JorgeFFC B 00010000 04000000 B 38800002907E0994579CDFFE80DE0990 3880000260000000579CDFFE80DE0990 /* Does not work against charged attacks. */ # AoB Exit Use Item Screen for Does Not Consume any Item 0 games24.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-213.html B 00010000 04000000 B 408100147C8438107C83312E38600001 600000007CE43B787C83312E38600001 # AoB Equipped Weapon High ATK (900.000+) 0 games24.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-213.html B 00010000 04000000 B 8081011C80A101203BC0000180C10124 3C80000F80A101203BC0000180C10124 # AoB Equipped Weapon High ATK (900.000+) 0 JorgeFFC B 00010000 04000000 B 808100B480A100B83BA0000180C100BC 3C80000F80A100B83BA0000180C100BC # AoB 999 Hit-Combo 0 JorgeFFC B 00010000 04000000 B 38800001907F00003CA03F80909F0004 388003E7907F00003CA03F80909F0004 # AoB Transparent Clothes 0 JorgeFFC B 00010000 04000000 B 4082000C386000014800000838600000 60000000386000014800000838600000 #
Akiba’s Trip 2 Undead And Undressed BLUS31425 v01.01 av01.00 BLJM61105 01.03.ncl
Max Gold in Change 0 JorgeFFC 0 000DBC84 60000000 # Hero Shirt Immune to Normal Attack 0 JorgeFFC 0 00107810 60000000 # Hero Bottoms Immune to Normal Attack 0 JorgeFFC 0 00107A04 60000000 # Infinite Item Usage 0 JorgeFFC 0 000E8A34 60000000 # Equipped Weapon has High Attack (900.000) 0 JorgeFFC 0 000E6700 3C80000F # 999 Hit Combo 0 JorgeFFC 0 0012A3A4 388003E7 # Memory Max Character Experience 0 JorgeFFC 0 0061D40C 05F5E0FF # Memory Max Character Base Attack 0 JorgeFFC 0 0061D408 000F423F /* Use after max level to keep the value */ # Memory Max Character Base Defense 0 JorgeFFC 0 0061D404 000F423F /* Use after max level to keep the value */ # AoB Max Gold in Change 0 games24.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-213.html B 00010000 04000000 B 4081000860830000606400003FE00061 6000000060830000606400003FE00061 # AoB Max Gold in Change 0 JorgeFFC B 00010000 04000000 B 4081000860830000606400003FE00063 6000000060830000606400003FE00063 # AoB Hero Shirt Immune Against Normal Attacks 0 JorgeFFC B 00010000 04000000 B 4802FD256000000038800001907E0990 4802FD25600000003880000160000000 /* Does not work against charged attacks. */ # AoB Hero Bottoms Immune Against Normal Attacks 0 JorgeFFC B 00010000 04000000 B 38800002907E0994579CDFFE80DE0990 3880000260000000579CDFFE80DE0990 /* Does not work against charged attacks. */ # AoB Exit Use Item Screen for Does Not Consume any Item 0 games24.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-213.html B 00010000 04000000 B 408100147C8438107C83312E38600001 600000007CE43B787C83312E38600001 # AoB Equipped Weapon High ATK (900.000+) 0 games24.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-213.html B 00010000 04000000 B 8081011C80A101203BC0000180C10124 3C80000F80A101203BC0000180C10124 # AoB Equipped Weapon High ATK (900.000+) 0 JorgeFFC B 00010000 04000000 B 808100B480A100B83BA0000180C100BC 3C80000F80A100B83BA0000180C100BC # AoB 999 Hit-Combo 0 JorgeFFC B 00010000 04000000 B 38800001907F00003CA03F80909F0004 388003E7907F00003CA03F80909F0004 # AoB Transparent Clothes 0 JorgeFFC B 00010000 04000000 B 4082000C386000014800000838600000 60000000386000014800000838600000 #These codes have been collected from around the web and all credit goes to the original poster of the code. Notes associated with any code may be written by the original code creator. Some notes have been added or modified from their original source.
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