Arcadias no Ikusahime - Artemis .NCL Cheat Codes
Arcadias No Ikusahime BLJS10224 01.00.ncl
Alternative Names 0 PARAM.SFO /* Battle Princess Of Arcadias */ # Infinite Items 0 0 00120E34 39290000 # Hits Multiplier 0 0 000CFCD8 3BA9Z [Z]0005=5x;000A=10x;0019=25x;0032=50x;0064=100x;00FA=250x;01F4=500x;03E8=1000x;2710=10000x[/Z] # Infinite Weapon Upgrades 0 0 00183600 60000000 # Infinite Weapon Upgrade Materials 0 0 00012CD4 60000000 # AoB Infinite Items 0 B 00010000 04000000 B 3929FFFF2F890000912B0004409EFDD4 392900002F890000912B0004409EFDD4 # AoB Hits Multiplier 0 B 00010000 04000000 B 3BA9000193BB035C80780068835F0058 3BA9Z93BB035C80780068835F0058 [Z]0005=5x;000A=10x;0019=25x;0032=50x;0064=100x;00FA=250x;01F4=500x;03E8=1000x;2710=10000x[/Z] # AoB Infinite Weapon Upgrades 0 B 00010000 04000000 B 7D2902142F890063409D000839200063 600000002F890063409D000839200063 # AoB Infinite Weapon Upgrade Materials 0 B 00010000 04000000 B 7C0500502F800000419C00B890090010 600000002F800000419C00B890090010 #These codes have been collected from around the web and all credit goes to the original poster of the code. Notes associated with any code may be written by the original code creator. Some notes have been added or modified from their original source.
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