Adventures to Go! - CWCheat Codes [US]
The following are known CWCheat Codes for
Adventures to Go! on Sony Playstation Portable (PSP).
_S ULUS-10417
_G Adventures to Go! [US]
_C0 10,000,000 Gold
_L 0x2041A554 0x00989680
_C0 20 AP Alina
_L 0x00417DA6 0x00000014
_C0 20 AP Cat
_L 0x00418276 0x00000014
_C0 20 AP Finn
_L 0x10417B3E 0x00000014
_C0 20 AP Gifford
_L 0x0041800E 0x00000014
_C0 34464 Casino Coins
_L 0x0041A558 0x00186A0
_C0 99 Bladeshards
_L 0x20417AB4 0x00000063
_C0 99 Darkshards
_L 0x20417AA8 0x00000063
_C0 99 Earthshards
_L 0x20417ACC 0x00000063
_C0 99 Fireshards
_L 0x00417A84 0x00000063
_C0 99 Iceshards
_L 0x20417A90 0x00000063
_C0 99 Lightshards
_L 0x20417A8C 0x00000063
_C0 99 Loveshards
_L 0x20417AC0 0x00000063
_C0 99 Mindshards
_L 0x20417AFC 0x00000063
_C0 99 Powershards
_L 0x20417AE4 0x00000063
_C0 99 Timeshards
_L 0x20417AF0 0x00000063
_C0 99 Windshards
_L 0x20417AD8 0x00000063
_C0 999 HP Alina
_L 0x00417D8C 0x000003E7
_C0 999 HP Cat
_L 0x10418276 0x000003E7
_C0 999 HP Finn
_L 0x10417B24 0x000003E7
_C0 999 HP Gifford
_L 0x10417FF4 0x000003E7
_C0 AP Alina
_L 0x10417DA6 0x00000014
_C0 AP Finn
_L 0x10417B3E 0x00000014
_C0 AP Full / Clear (L switch)
_L 0xD0000003 0x10000100
_L 0xD0000FF0 0x00000000
_L 0x10000FF0 0x00000001
_L 0xD0000FF0 0x00000002
_L 0x10000FF0 0x00000003
_L 0xD0000003 0x30000100
_L 0xD0000FF0 0x00000001
_L 0x10000FF0 0x00000002
_L 0xD0000FF0 0x00000003
_L 0x10000FF0 0x00000000
_L 0xD0000FF0 0x00000002
_L 0x2006E52C 0x24020014
_L 0xD0000FF0 0x00000000
_L 0x2006E52C 0x24020000
_C0 AP Garron
_L 0x1041800E 0x00000014
_C0 Coins (Casino event)
_L 0x1041A558 0x000186A0
_C0 Fast Movement
_L 0x002FD0C0 0x000000F5
_C0 Full Armor Guide
_L 0x8041A429 0x01290001
_L 0x00000002 0x00000000
_C0 Full Bestiary
_L 0x8041A2B0 0x00270001
_L 0x10000202 0x00000000
_C0 Full Shard Guide
_L 0x8041A185 0x00320006
_L 0x00000002 0x00000000
_C0 Full Weapons Guide
_L 0x8041A3CE 0x005B0001
_L 0x00000002 0x00000000
_C0 Game Time 0
_L 0x20333034 0x00000000
_C0 HP Alina
_L 0x10417D8C 0x000003E7
_L 0x10417D8E 0x000003E7
_C0 HP Finn
_L 0x10417B24 0x000003E7
_L 0x10417B26 0x000003E7
_C0 HP Garron
_L 0x10417FF4 0x000003E7
_L 0x10417FF6 0x000003E7
_C0 Inf AP Player 1
_L 0x10417B3E 0x00000014
_C0 Inf HP Player 1
_L 0x10417B24 0x00000064
_C0 LV99 Alina
_L 0x10417D80 0x00000063
_C0 LV99 Finn
_L 0x10417B18 0x00000063
_C0 LV99 Garron
_L 0x10417FE8 0x00000063
_L 0x00417A84 0x00000063
_L 0x00417A90 0x00000063
_L 0x00417A9C 0x00000063
_L 0x00417AB4 0x00000063
_L 0x00417AC0 0x00000063
_L 0x00417ACC 0x00000063
_L 0x00417AD8 0x00000063
Do you know any additional codes for this game? Is there an error listed above? Let us know about it and we’ll update the list.
Code Indexes for Sony Playstation Portable