LittleBigPlanet - CWCheat Codes [EU]
The following are known CWCheat Codes for
LittleBigPlanet on Sony Playstation Portable (PSP).
_S UCES-01264
_G LittleBigPlanet [EU]
_C0 2D Sackboy
_L 0x6042035C 0x3D800000
_L 0x00020001 0x000001E8
_L 0x6042035C 0x00000000
_L 0x00020001 0x00000000
_C0 2D Sackboy (Alt.)
_L 0x6042035C 0x3D800000
_L 0x00020001 0x000001E0
_L 0x6042035C 0x00000000
_L 0x00020001 0x00000000
_C0 3D Sackboy
_L 0x6042035C 0x3F800000
_L 0x00020001 0x000001E8
_L 0x6042035C 0x3F800000
_L 0x00020001 0x000001E0
_L 0x6042035C 0x00000000
_L 0x00020001 0x00000000
_C0 A bit Quicker
_L 0x203B1B08 0x3D288889
_C0 A bit Quicker
_L 0x203D61E8 0x3D288889
_C0 Air Balloon
_L 0x203AC7C0 0x3FC00000
_L 0x10227820 0x0000C7C0
_C0 Air Balloon
_L 0x203D0E14 0x3FC00000
_L 0x102422F4 0x00000E14
_C0 All Story Levels
_L 0x6041D374 0x0000002B
_L 0x00000001 0x00000000
_L 0x6041D374 0x0000001C
_L 0x00000001 0x0C000000
_L 0x6041D374 0x00000000
_L 0x00020001 0x00000000
_L 0x6041D374 0x00000000
_L 0x00010001 0x00000004
_C0 All Story Levels
_L 0x604441C4 0x0000002B
_L 0x00000001 0x00000000
_L 0x604441C4 0x0000001C
_L 0x00000001 0x0C000000
_L 0x604441C4 0x00000000
_L 0x00020001 0x00000000
_L 0x604441C4 0x00000000
_L 0x00010001 0x00000004
_C0 Big
_L 0x6042035C 0x40000000
_L 0x00020001 0x00000190
_L 0x6042035C 0x40000000
_L 0x00020001 0x000001A4
_L 0x6042035C 0x40000000
_L 0x00020001 0x000001B8
_L 0x6042035C 0x00000000
_L 0x00020001 0x00000000
_C0 Big Jump
_L 0x20206654 0x3C013FC0
_L 0x20206678 0x4481B800
_C0 Big Jump
_L 0x2021EE84 0x3C013FC0
_L 0x2021EEA8 0x4481B800
_C0 Bigger Jumps
_L 0x20206654 0x3C013FA0
_L 0x20206678 0x4481B800
_C0 Bigger Jumps
_L 0x2021EE84 0x3C013FA0
_L 0x2021EEA8 0x4481B800
_C0 Bubbles
_L 0x203ED3D4 0x000186A0
_L 0x20FFB234 0x000186A0
_C0 Closer
_L 0x203B4888 0x42140000
_L 0x203D8F40 0x42140000
_C0 Further Away
_L 0x203B4888 0x42540000
_C0 Further Away
_L 0x203D8F40 0x42540000
_C0 Hyper Mode
_L 0x203B1B08 0x3D888889
_C0 Hyper Mode
_L 0x203D61E8 0x3D888889
_C0 infinite bubbles
_L 0x003ED3D4 0x000F423F
_C0 infinite-bubbles(L+D-Pad up Increases)
_L 0x00000118 0x0a200190
_L 0x00000640 0x3c0808c1
_L 0x00000644 0x3c0908bf
_L 0x00000648 0x850aff58
_L 0x0000064c 0x240b0510
_L 0x00000650 0x154b0007
_L 0x00000654 0x8d2cd3d4
_L 0x00000658 0x00000000
_L 0x0000065c 0x240d0020
_L 0x00000660 0x018d7020
_L 0x00000664 0xad2ed3d4
_L 0x00000668 0x10000008
_L 0x0000066c 0x240c0a40
_L 0x00000670 0x154c0006
_L 0x00000674 0x8d2dd3d4
_L 0x00000678 0x00000000
_L 0x0000067c 0x240e0020
_L 0x00000680 0x01ae7822
_L 0x00000684 0xad2fd3d4
_L 0x00000688 0x00000000
_L 0x0000068c 0x03e00008
_C0 Massive
_L 0x6042035C 0x40800000
_L 0x00020001 0x00000190
_L 0x6042035C 0x40800000
_L 0x00020001 0x000001A4
_L 0x6042035C 0x40800000
_L 0x00020001 0x000001B8
_L 0x6042035C 0x00000000
_L 0x00020001 0x00000000
_C0 Massive Jump
_L 0x20206654 0x3C014000
_L 0x20206678 0x4481B800
_C0 Massive Jump
_L 0x2021EE84 0x3C014000
_L 0x2021EEA8 0x4481B800
_C0 Max Score
_L 0x003ED3D4 0x00018736
_C0 Moonjump (Hold X)
_L 0x20111C18 0xE6000084
_L 0xD0000000 0x10004000
_L 0x20111C18 0x00000000
_C0 Moonjump (Hold X)
_L 0x2012286C 0xE6000084
_L 0xD0000000 0x10004000
_L 0x2012286C 0x00000000
_C0 Much Closer
_L 0x203B4888 0x41F40000
_C0 Much Closer
_L 0x203D8F40 0x41F40000
_C0 Much Further Away
_L 0x203B4888 0x42840000
_C0 Much Further Away
_L 0x203D8F40 0x42840000
_C0 Much Quicker
_L 0x203B1B08 0x3D688889
_C0 Much Quicker
_L 0x203D61E8 0x3D688889
_C0 Narrowed
_L 0x203D0E14 0x3F680000
_L 0x102422F4 0x00000E14
_C0 No Head
_L 0x203AC7C0 0x3D000000
_L 0x10227820 0x0000C7C0
_C0 No Head
_L 0x203D0E14 0x3D000000
_L 0x102422F4 0x00000E14
_C0 Normal
_L 0x10227820 0x0000C7BC
_L 0x203AC7C0 0x3F666666
_C0 Normal
_L 0x20206654 0x3C013FA0
_L 0x20206678 0xC457C7BC
_C0 Normal
_L 0x203B4888 0x42340000
_C0 Normal
_L 0x203B1B08 0x3D088889
_C0 Normal
_L 0x203D61E8 0x3D088889
_C0 Normal
_L 0x203D8F40 0x42340000
_C0 Normal
_L 0x2021EE84 0x3C013F80
_L 0x2021EEA8 0xC4570E08
_C0 Normal
_L 0x6042035C 0x3F800000
_L 0x00020001 0x00000190
_L 0x6042035C 0x3F800000
_L 0x00020001 0x000001A4
_L 0x6042035C 0x3F800000
_L 0x00020001 0x000001B8
_L 0x6042035C 0x00000000
_L 0x00020001 0x00000000
_C0 Normal
_L 0x102422F4 0x00000E08
_C0 Pygmy
_L 0x203AC7C0 0x3F680000
_L 0x10227820 0x0000C7C0
_C0 Quick Score Gain
_L 0x003F5BE4 0x000000FF
_C0 Quick Score Gain
_L 0x0041C52C 0x000000FF
_C0 Quicker
_L 0x203B1B08 0x3D488889
_C0 Quicker
_L 0x203D61E8 0x3D488889
_C0 Size Modifer (Select+L/Select+R)
_L 0xD0000009 0x10000101
_L 0x6042035C 0x00000190
_L 0x00000001 0x09000000
_L 0x6042035C 0x00008000
_L 0x00000001 0x04000000
_L 0x6042035C 0x00000190
_L 0x00000001 0x06000000
_L 0x6042035C 0x000001A0
_L 0x00000001 0x06000000
_L 0x6042035C 0x000001B0
_L 0x00000001 0x06000000
_L 0x6042035C 0x00000190
_L 0x00000001 0x09000000
_L 0x6042035C 0xFFFF7FFF
_L 0x00000001 0x04000000
_L 0x6042035C 0x00000190
_L 0x00000001 0x06000000
_L 0x6042035C 0x000001A0
_L 0x00000001 0x06000000
_L 0x6042035C 0x000001B0
_L 0x00000001 0x06000000
_C0 Slow Motion
_L 0x203B1B08 0x3C888889
_C0 Slow Motion
_L 0x203D61E8 0x3C888889
_C0 Super Slow Motion
_L 0x203B1B08 0x3C088889
_C0 Super Slow Motion
_L 0x203D61E8 0x3C088889
_C0 SuperSack JetPack
_L 0x002005A0 0x0A200184
_L 0x00000610 0x3c0808bf
_L 0x00000614 0x8d080d04
_L 0x00000618 0x3c0908c1
_L 0x0000061c 0x8d29ff58
_L 0x00000620 0x240a0010
_L 0x00000624 0x240b0040
_L 0x00000628 0x240c0001
_L 0x0000062c 0x152a000a
_L 0x00000634 0x3c0da2a9
_L 0x00000638 0x25ad0001
_L 0x0000063c 0xad0d03a0
_L 0x00000640 0x3c0e47a4
_L 0x00000644 0x25ce4201
_L 0x00000648 0xad0e03d8
_L 0x0000064c 0x3c0f0b00
_L 0x00000650 0x25ef0100
_L 0x00000654 0xad0f06a0
_L 0x00000658 0x152b000a
_L 0x00000660 0x3c0da2a9
_L 0x00000664 0x25ad0000
_L 0x00000668 0xad0d03a0
_L 0x0000066c 0x3c0e47a4
_L 0x00000670 0x25ce4200
_L 0x00000674 0xad0e03d8
_L 0x00000678 0x3c0f0b00
_L 0x0000067c 0x25ef0000
_L 0x00000680 0xad0f06a0
_L 0x00000684 0x152c0025
_L 0x0000068c 0x3c080880
_L 0x00000690 0x8d090724
_L 0x00000694 0x240a0001
_L 0x00000698 0x012a5820
_L 0x0000069c 0xad0b0724
_L 0x000006a0 0x240c0000
_L 0x000006a4 0x240d0003
_L 0x000006a8 0x240e0008
_L 0x000006ac 0x240f000d
_L 0x000006b0 0x152c0007
_L 0x000006b8 0x3c0f08bf
_L 0x000006bc 0x8def0d04
_L 0x000006c0 0x8df803a0
_L 0x000006c4 0x3c19a2a9
_L 0x000006c8 0x27390001
_L 0x000006cc 0xadf903a0
_L 0x000006d0 0x152d0007
_L 0x000006d8 0x3c0f08bf
_L 0x000006dc 0x8def0d04
_L 0x000006e0 0x8df806a0
_L 0x000006e4 0x3c190b00
_L 0x000006e8 0x27390100
_L 0x000006ec 0xadf906a0
_L 0x000006f0 0x152e0007
_L 0x000006f8 0x3c0f08bf
_L 0x000006fc 0x8def0d04
_L 0x00000700 0x8df806a0
_L 0x00000704 0x3c190b00
_L 0x00000708 0x27390000
_L 0x0000070c 0xadf906a0
_L 0x00000710 0x152f0002
_L 0x00000718 0xad0c0724
_L 0x0000071c 0x03e00008
_C0 Tiny
_L 0x6042035C 0x3F400000
_L 0x00020001 0x00000190
_L 0x6042035C 0x3F400000
_L 0x00020001 0x000001A4
_L 0x6042035C 0x3F400000
_L 0x00020001 0x000001B8
_L 0x6042035C 0x00000000
_L 0x00020001 0x00000000
_C0 Where Am I Going?
_L 0x203B4888 0x41A40000
_C0 Where Am I Going?
_L 0x203D8F40 0x41A40000
Do you know any additional codes for this game? Is there an error listed above? Let us know about it and we’ll update the list.
Code Indexes for Sony Playstation Portable Other Content for LittleBigPlanet