Lucky * Star: Net Idol Meister - CWCheat Codes [JP]
The following are known CWCheat Codes for
Lucky * Star: Net Idol Meister on Sony Playstation Portable (PSP).
_S ULJM-05542
_G Lucky * Star: Net Idol Meister [JP]
_C0 Akusyu 99999999
_L 0x2031F88C 0x05F5E0FF
_C0 animate points 1000000
_L 0x203142A8 0x000F4240
_C0 animate points 999,999,999,999
_L 0x203142A8 0xD4A50FFF
_L 0x203142AC 0x000000E8
_C0 animate points 999,999,999,999
_L 0x203142A8 0xD4A50FFF
_L 0x203142AC 0x000000E8
_C0 Blog 255Win
_L 0x103200E8 0x000000FF
_C0 Date 1
_L 0x10314298 0x00000001
_C0 fan 10000nin
_L 0x203142A0 0x00002710
_C0 fan 999,999,999,999 nin
_L 0x203142A0 0xD4A50FFF
_L 0x203142A4 0x000000E8
_C0 fan 999,999,999,999 nin
_L 0x203142A0 0xD4A50FFF
_L 0x203142A4 0x000000E8
_C0 Mikoshi 99999999
_L 0x20320200 0x05F5E0FF
_C0 Omake All
_L 0x200120F8 0x240100FF
_L 0x200120FC 0xA0810000
_L 0x20012108 0x24020001
_C0 Omake All
_L 0x200120F8 0x240100FF
_L 0x200120FC 0xA0810000
_L 0x20012108 0x24020001
_C0 Quiz Auto Win
_L 0x2001BA50 0x240B0001
_L 0x2001BA74 0x15200003
_L 0x2001BA7C 0x1000001B
_L 0x2001BA80 0x340503E8
_L 0x2001BA84 0x34050000
_L 0x2001BA88 0x1000000E
_C0 Quiz Auto Win
_L 0x2001BA50 0x240B0001
_L 0x2001BA74 0x15200003
_L 0x2001BA7C 0x1000001B
_L 0x2001BA80 0x340503E8
_L 0x2001BA84 0x34050000
_L 0x2001BA88 0x1000000E
_C0 Quiz Time Stop
_L 0x20316018 0x02580258
_C0 Quiz Time Stop
_L 0x20316018 0x02580258
_C0 Synchro 0
_L 0x10314290 0x00000000
_C0 Synchro 0
_L 0x10314290 0x00000000
Do you know any additional codes for this game? Is there an error listed above? Let us know about it and we’ll update the list.
Code Indexes for Sony Playstation Portable