Lumines - CWCheat Codes [EU]
The following are known CWCheat Codes for
Lumines on Sony Playstation Portable (PSP).
_S ULES-00043
_G Lumines [EU]
_C0 Time Attack: Infinite Time
_L 0x88B09D98 0x00000001
_L 0xD3000000 0x08B09D98
_L 0xF8B09D94 0x00000004
_L 0xD2000000 0x00000000
_C0 Time Attack: Time is Over (Press L+R)
_L 0x99F7FDF4 0x00000300
_L 0x08B09D98 0x00000001
_L 0x08B09D94 0x00000000
_L 0xD2000000 0x00000000
Do you know any additional codes for this game? Is there an error listed above? Let us know about it and we’ll update the list.
Code Indexes for Sony Playstation Portable