300: March to Glory - CWCheat Codes [US]
The following are known CWCheat Codes for
300: March to Glory on Sony Playstation Portable (PSP).
_S ULUS-10241
_G 300: March To Glory [US]
_C0 6220800 KLEOS
_L 0x205F2A90 0x47730000
_C0 Infinite Health
_L 0x603E2B50 0x434A0000
_L 0x00020001 0x000026C8
_C0 Infinite Wrath
_L 0x603E2B50 0x434A0000
_L 0x00020001 0x00002704
Do you know any additional codes for this game? Is there an error listed above? Let us know about it and we’ll update the list.
Code Indexes for Sony Playstation Portable Other Content for 300: March to Glory