Platypus - CWCheat Codes [EU]
The following are known CWCheat Codes for
Platypus on Sony Playstation Portable (PSP).
_S ULES-01029
_G Platypus [EU]
_C0 15 Lives
_L 0x003137E0 0x0000000F
_C0 5 Credits
_L 0x003137D4 0x00000005
_C0 5 Credits
_L 0x003137D4 0x00000005
_C0 High Score
_L 0x203137D8 0x10000172
_L 0x20634650 0x10000172
_C0 Infinite Lives
_L 0x003137E0 0x00000009
_C0 Infinite Special Weapon Time
_L 0x003137EE 0x0000420B
_C0 Weapon 2x Phaser (Standard)
_L 0x003137F4 0x00000004
_C0 Weapon 2x Phaser Fast
_L 0x003137F4 0x00000005
_C0 Weapon 4x Phaser
_L 0x003137F4 0x00000006
_C0 Weapon Laser
_L 0x003137F4 0x0000000C
_C0 Weapon Rockets
_L 0x003137F4 0x0000000A
_C0 Weapon Shockwave
_L 0x003137F4 0x00000009
Do you know any additional codes for this game? Is there an error listed above? Let us know about it and we’ll update the list.
Code Indexes for Sony Playstation Portable Other Content for Platypus