Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 - CWCheat Codes [EU]
The following are known CWCheat Codes for
Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 on Sony Playstation Portable (PSP).
_S ULES-01580
_G Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 [EU]
_C0 End of Game (Discounts)
_L 0x68B2DF04 0x00000000
_L 0xB8B2DF04 0x00000000
_L 0x00003CCC 0x00000000
_L 0xD2000000 0x00000000
_C0 Fly (Y)
_L 0x68ACB404 0x00000000
_L 0xB8ACB404 0x00000000
_L 0x00000030 0xC506B8E1
_L 0xD2000000 0x00000000
_C0 Home Goals
_L 0x0925EA60 0x00000064
_C0 Infinite Time
_L 0x68B2DF04 0x00000000
_L 0xB8B2DF04 0x00000000
_L 0x00003CCC 0x00000951
_L 0xD2000000 0x00000000
_C0 Infinite Points
_L 0x098C1714 0x05F5E0FF
_C0 Powerful shot
_L 0x08B3D5F0 0x00005EE3
Do you know any additional codes for this game? Is there an error listed above? Let us know about it and we’ll update the list.
Code Indexes for Sony Playstation Portable