Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Road Rash - Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Super Password
Enter the following password to begin on level 4 with over $7 million in funds.

34441 01MS0

Diablo 1000 Bike
Enter the following password to start with the Diablo 1000 superbike.

10000 02FM0
101B1 177E9

Level Passwords

Level    Password  
1        00000 07DJ1 
         12G9A 1786E  
2        00000 07O71
         13IJJ 2N7SR  
3        00000 07QF0
         03JS3 37GL5  
4        00000 083O0
         12NIK 473FC  
5        00000 083S1
         12K38 5782A  
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