Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Super Hang-On - Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Secret Options
Hold A + B and press C(2) at the title screen to display a menu with difficulty, time, language, and sound test options.

View Ending Sequence
Enter GFF3F546F35564 FFOSLPIMFJEDGH to view the original mode ending. Note: This password is not valid for the Triple Score version of the game.

Extra Money
Enter 5FF3F540F33504FFHWKJOMBJOFDU as a password. An alternate method is to repeatedly crash until your bike develops engine trouble or a broken windshield. You will be forced to retire at the start of the next race. Press B or C to return to the options screen with an extra $400. Repeat this process to build your total amount of money.

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