Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Triple Play 96 - Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Hidden Players
Highlight the “General Manager” option on the setup screen and press C. Select the custom players option, highlight an empty location on the roster, and press C to create a new player. Enter one of the following names…

Classic players              Development team  
Ty Cobb                      Chris Taylor 
Babe Ruth                    Kevin Pickell 
Willie Mays                  Jan Tian 
Hank Aaron                   Eric Pauker 
Cool Papa Bell               David Hards  
Roberto Clemente             Conan Reis  
Jackie Robinson              George Ashcroft  
Rogers Hornsby               Margaret Livesey  
Pee Wee Reese                George Samilski  
Mickey Mantle                David Adams  
Stan Musial                  Mike Sokyrka 
Ted Williams                 Bruce McMillan  
Lou Gehrig                   Ken Lam 
Yogi Berra                   Warren Wall 
Nolan Ryan                   Adrienne Travica  
Dizzy Dean                   Chip Lange 
Warren Spahn                 David Lee 
Bob Gibson                   Rick Smith 
Satchel Paige                Gary Lam 
Sandy Koufax                 Scott Blackwood  
Steve Carlton                Eric Whiteford  
Carl Yastrzemski  
Frank Robinson  
Reggie Jackson  
Joe DiMaggio  
Cy Young  
Tom Seaver  
Josh Gibson  
Nap Lajoire  
Catfish Hunter  
Jimmie Foxx  
Walter Johnson 
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