Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter - Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Chun-Li’s Alternate Outfit
Highlight Chun-li on the character selection screen, then hold START and push any button.

Full Life Energy in Vs. Mode
By beating the game once an option for full life meters in vs mode should appear on the options screen.

Infinite Combo on Apocalypse
Once you get to the Apocalypse stage, you can get an infinite combo WITH ANYONE. All you do is keep hitting the probes the fire lasers at you. Once you hit them, the combo meter does not go off until you hit Apocalypse himself. Once you hit Apocalypse, the combo meter goes away and says “marvelous” or “good”.

Mech-Gouki NOW! Mode

  1. Win the Arcade Mode and the Survival Mode once.
  2. Then Highlight Survival Mode
  3. Hold “R” or “L”
  4. Some words will appear says “Mech-Gouki?NOW!”
  5. Press any button.

Play as Mech-Gouki
After you have beat the Mech-Gouki NOW! Mode, select Arcade or Versus Mode. Hold START on Gouki for 5 seconds, then push any button. Do this for your second character, and WALLAH!

Play as the Same Character
To use the same player twice, just beat the game once, save it, and the select the same player twice.

Reverse Fighters
Any time the “Vs.” screen appears (the one that shows pictures of the four combatants), hold ALL the punch and kick buttons until the fight loads. Your fighters will now be reversed (if you pick Ryu as your first and Chun-Li as second, Chun-Li will be the one who begins the fight). They also have new animations (Dan kind of “explodes” onto the screen).

Secret Characters
To select these characters simply go to their designated characters, then hold START and press any button. Here are the designated characters…

Armor Spidey:   Spiderman
Shadow Charlie: Dhalsim
U.S. Agent:     Vega (Bison)
Mega Sakura:    Hulk
Mega Zangief:   Blackheart
Mephisto:       Omega Red

Unlimited Super Gauge
To get unlimited Supers you must beat the game at any setting withuot losing a round. After you go through the end credits go to the options Menu and set the Super Combo Gauge to *FULL*.

Do you know any additional cheats for this game? Is there an error listed above? Let us know about it and we’ll update the list.