Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Super Tennis - Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Play as Phil vs. Don J.
Enter BQ14065 C6PDJST K8XD3HR FTLWJPC 2GNYBQ1 4065C6P DJS4WQ3 MJB as a password. Note: Don J. is located on a hidden island.

Play as John vs. Don J.
Enter DJSTK8X D3HRFTL WJPC2GN Y8Q1406 5C6PDJS TK8XD3H RFT1BMX YCM as a password.

Play as Meyer vs. Don J.
Enter BQ14065 C6PDJST K8XD3HR FTLWJPC 2GNYBQ1 4065C6P DJS8OR3 MCD as a password.

Play as Amy in the New York Open
Enter 08QCMVF RHRMSYY RHYH9QX J0VYQYH 4HR0CQ1 4065C6P DJSSSRL MM8 as a password.

Exhibition Tournament
Enter PC2GNYB Q140065C TLWJPC2 GNYBQ14 6PDJSTK 8XD3HRF 065QJNM FTW as a password.

Adjust Opponent
Press Select to display the score and statistics. Press R(2), Left, Down, B, A, L(2) on controller two. The sound of applause will confirm correct code entry. . Press A or B, then use the D-pad and X to change the characters. Adjust the values in the top two rows to “FF” for an expert opponent, or to “00” for an easy opponent.

Don J. Stats
Highlight a character on the player selection screen. Press L(5), X, R(7), X on controller two. The selected player will have Don J.’s statistics.

Do you know any additional cheats for this game? Is there an error listed above? Let us know about it and we’ll update the list.

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