LEGO Marvel Super Heroes: Universe in Peril - VitaCheat Codes [US]
The following are known VitaCheat Codes for
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes: Universe in Peril on Sony Playstation Vita (PS Vita).
# ID: PCSE00250
# Title: LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
# Region: USA
# Version: 1.00
# Type: MaiV233.2zEx
# Code Author: optantic + eco95
# Source:
# Original Source:
# Note: LEGO Marvel Super Heroes (US) (Digital) (MaiV233.2zEx) [PCSE00250] by optantic + eco95
# - 金手指引擎為: PSVITA CHEAT [QQ官方群: 647061393] 作者: 東大神(Finalcheat), 樹的原理大神(FULLCODES)
# - 尊榮感謝: 我的老師 (ioritree大師 & optantic大師)
# - 尊榮感謝: Baga大神, cell9大神, enler大神, 一粒米飯大神, GAMES24大神, Rinnegatamante大神
# - 特別感謝: 我的朋友 (七支劍大大 & 真龍虎王大大 & Alex Wang大大)
_V0 Coin 999,999,999
$0200 8127911C 3B9AC9FF
$0200 8127A440 3B9AC9FF
$0200 8127AB00 3B9AC9FF
$0200 8131E280 3B9AC9FF
_V0 P1 Inf HP
$D002 8126E74B 00000083
$3201 8126E744 00000158
$3300 00000000 3C0000C8
_V0 P1 Inf Super
$D002 8126E74B 00000083
$0000 81279124 00000001
$0200 8128232C 00000000
Do you know any additional codes for this game? Is there an error listed above? Let us know about it and we’ll update the list.
Code Indexes for Sony Playstation Vita