Minna no Golf 6 (Everybody’s Golf 6) - VitaCheat Codes [AS]
The following are known VitaCheat Codes for
Minna no Golf 6 (Everybody’s Golf 6) on Sony Playstation Vita (PS Vita).
# ID: PCSD00008
# Title: Everybody's Golf 6
# Region: ASA
# Version: 1.09
# Type: Unknown
# Code Author: speedfly
# Source: https://github.com/r0ah/vitacheat/blob/master/db/PCSD00008.psv
# Original Source: http://www.speedfly.cn/19417.html
_V0 Point//点数
$3201 817548A0 0006AA38
$3300 00000000 0098967F
_V0 Get Point//总获得点数
$3201 817548A0 0006AA3C
$3300 00000000 0098967F
_V0 Power Ball 98//威力球保持98次
$D502 81755BF4 00000000
$3001 81755CE0 00000076
$3300 00000000 00000062
_V0 Heart Level Max//爱用度最大
$7201 817548A0 000367D0
$7701 00000000 0002BF20
$0028 000004F0 00000000
_V0 Time of Use 999//角色使用次数999
$7201 817548A0 000367DC
$7701 00000000 000003E7
$0028 000004F0 00000000
_V0 Pole Number 1//始终为第一杆
$D506 81755BF4 00000000
$7101 81755CE0 0000014E
$7701 00000000 00000001
$0012 0000005C 00000000
$7101 81755CE0 00000150
$7701 00000000 00000001
$0012 0000005C 00000000
Do you know any additional codes for this game? Is there an error listed above? Let us know about it and we’ll update the list.
Code Indexes for Sony Playstation Vita