Plants vs. Zombies - VitaCheat Codes [US]
The following are known VitaCheat Codes for
Plants vs. Zombies on Sony Playstation Vita (PS Vita).
# ID: PCSE00064
# Title: Plants vs Zombies
# Region: US
# Version: 1.02
# Type: Mai, NoNpDRM
# Code Author: Yohoki
# Source:
# Original Source:
# Wiki:
# Note: Change value of Sun only in increments of 5 or game will crash after completing round.
# Note1: Some users report crashing with coins code. If it crashes, try just activating on main menu and then turning it off.
# Note2: Activate this code once you've chosen your plants and it will replace slots 1-8 with new cards.
# Hold square and press either L or R on Dpad to swap these out with another new set of plants.
# This allows you to use any and all plants you desire.
_V0 NoNpDRM Codes
$0000 00000000 00000000
_V0 --1M Coins
$B200 00000000 00000000
$3201 005FFB70 00000308
$3300 00000000 0001869F # Edit Value Here (Default: 0x1869F = 99,999)
_V0 --Inf Sun
$B200 00000000 00000000
$3201 005F41DC 000055CC
$3300 00000000 00001388 # Edit Value Here (Default 0x1388 = 5,000)
_V0 --No Cooldown
$7102 815FC1F0 00000E9C
$7100 00000000 00000080
$7702 00000000 0000FFFF
$000A 00000074 00000000
_V0 -- See Note2
$0000 00000000 00000000
_V0 --Square plus DPad Swaps Plants
### Initialize
#Check if 81888000 is blank
$D201 81888000 00000000
#Write normal data to 81888000 (05000100)
$0200 81888000 00010005
### Controller Combo
#Check LB is 0
$D003 81888003 00000000
#Check Controller for R+Sq
$C202 00000001 00008020
#Mov single bit left
$5000 81888001 81888002
#Set LB to 1
$0000 81888003 00000001
### Controller Combo
#Check LB is 0
$D003 81888003 00000000
#Check Controller for L+Sq
$C202 00000001 00008080
#Mov single bit right
$5000 81888001 81888000
#Set LB to 1
$0000 81888003 00000001
### Apply Selection
#Check LB is 1
$D007 81888003 00000001
#Check S1 for 0x00
$D006 81888001 00000000
#Apply Set 0 to P.Compression
$7002 815FC1F0 00000E9C
$7200 00000000 00000090
$7702 00000000 00000000
$0008 00000074 00000001
#Set Normal Data to Set 0
$0000 81888000 00000005
$0000 81888002 00000001
### Apply Selection
#Check LB is 1
$D007 81888003 00000001
#Check S1 for 0x00
$D006 81888001 00000001
#Apply Set 0 to P.Compression
$7002 815FC1F0 00000E9C
$7200 00000000 00000090
$7702 00000000 00000008
$0008 00000074 00000001
#Set Normal Data to Set 0
$0000 81888000 00000000
$0000 81888002 00000002
### Apply Selection
#Check LB is 1
$D007 81888003 00000001
#Check S1 for 0x00
$D006 81888001 00000002
#Apply Set 0 to P.Compression
$7002 815FC1F0 00000E9C
$7200 00000000 00000090
$7702 00000000 00000010
$0008 00000074 00000001
#Set Normal Data to Set 0
$0000 81888000 00000001
$0000 81888002 00000003
### Apply Selection
#Check LB is 1
$D007 81888003 00000001
#Check S1 for 0x00
$D006 81888001 00000003
#Apply Set 0 to P.Compression
$7002 815FC1F0 00000E9C
$7200 00000000 00000090
$7702 00000000 00000018
$0008 00000074 00000001
#Set Normal Data to Set 0
$0000 81888000 00000002
$0000 81888002 00000004
### Apply Selection
#Check LB is 1
$D007 81888003 00000001
#Check S1 for 0x00
$D006 81888001 00000004
#Apply Set 0 to P.Compression
$7002 815FC1F0 00000E9C
$7200 00000000 00000090
$7702 00000000 00000020
$0008 00000074 00000001
#Set Normal Data to Set 0
$0000 81888000 00000003
$0000 81888002 00000005
### Apply Selection
#Check LB is 1
$D007 81888003 00000001
#Check S1 for 0x00
$D006 81888001 00000005
#Apply Set 0 to P.Compression
$7002 815FC1F0 00000E9C
$7200 00000000 00000090
$7702 00000000 00000028
$0008 00000074 00000001
#Set Normal Data to Set 0
$0000 81888000 00000004
$0000 81888002 00000000
### Reset to normal State
#Check LB is 1
$D002 81888003 00000001
#Check Controller for Sq alone
$C201 00000001 00008000
#Set LB to 0
$0000 81888003 00000000
### Reset to normal State
#Check LB is 1
$D002 81888003 00000001
#Check Controller for L alone
$C201 00000001 00000080
#Set LB to 0
$0000 81888003 00000000
### Reset to normal State
#Check LB is 1
$D002 81888003 00000001
#Check Controller for R alone
$C201 00000001 00000020
#Set LB to 0
$0000 81888003 00000000
_V0 MaiDump Codes
$0000 00000000 00000000
_V0 --1M Coins
$B200 00000000 00000000
$3201 005FFB40 00000308
$3300 00000000 0001869F # Edit Value Here (Default: 0x1869F = 99,999)
_V0 --Inf Sun
$B200 00000000 00000000
$3201 005F41AC 000055CC
$3300 00000000 00001388 # Edit Value Here (Default 0x1388 = 5,000)
_V0 --No Cooldown
$7102 815FC1C0 00000E9C
$7100 00000000 00000080
$7702 00000000 0000FFFF
$000A 00000074 00000000
_V0 -- See Note2
$0000 00000000 00000000
_V0 --Square plus DPad Swaps Plants
$D201 81888000 00000000
$0200 81888000 00010005
$D003 81888003 00000000
$C202 00000001 00008020
$5000 81888001 81888002
$0000 81888003 00000001
$D003 81888003 00000000
$C202 00000001 00008080
$5000 81888001 81888000
$0000 81888003 00000001
$D007 81888003 00000001
$D006 81888001 00000000
$7002 815FC1C0 00000E9C
$7200 00000000 00000090
$7702 00000000 00000000
$0008 00000074 00000001
$0000 81888000 00000005
$0000 81888002 00000001
$D007 81888003 00000001
$D006 81888001 00000001
$7002 815FC1C0 00000E9C
$7200 00000000 00000090
$7702 00000000 00000008
$0008 00000074 00000001
$0000 81888000 00000000
$0000 81888002 00000002
$D007 81888003 00000001
$D006 81888001 00000002
$7002 815FC1C0 00000E9C
$7200 00000000 00000090
$7702 00000000 00000010
$0008 00000074 00000001
$0000 81888000 00000001
$0000 81888002 00000003
$D007 81888003 00000001
$D006 81888001 00000003
$7002 815FC1C0 00000E9C
$7200 00000000 00000090
$7702 00000000 00000018
$0008 00000074 00000001
$0000 81888000 00000002
$0000 81888002 00000004
$D007 81888003 00000001
$D006 81888001 00000004
$7002 815FC1C0 00000E9C
$7200 00000000 00000090
$7702 00000000 00000020
$0008 00000074 00000001
$0000 81888000 00000003
$0000 81888002 00000005
$D007 81888003 00000001
$D006 81888001 00000005
$7002 815FC1C0 00000E9C
$7200 00000000 00000090
$7702 00000000 00000028
$0008 00000074 00000001
$0000 81888000 00000004
$0000 81888002 00000000
$D002 81888003 00000001
$C201 00000001 00008000
$0000 81888003 00000000
$D002 81888003 00000001
$C201 00000001 00000080
$0000 81888003 00000000
$D002 81888003 00000001
$C201 00000001 00000020
$0000 81888003 00000000
Do you know any additional codes for this game? Is there an error listed above? Let us know about it and we’ll update the list.
Code Indexes for Sony Playstation Vita