Tales of Hearts R - VitaCheat Codes [US]
The following are known VitaCheat Codes for
Tales of Hearts R on Sony Playstation Vita (PS Vita).
# ID: PCSE00429
# Title: Tales of Hearts R
# Region: USA
# Version: 1.00
# Type: PSN/NoNpDrm
# Code Author: eighthdayregret
# Credits: Max Grade by r0ah
# Wiki: https://github.com/r0ah/vitacheat/wiki/PCSE00429
# Source: https://github.com/r0ah/vitacheat/blob/master/db/PCSE00429.psv
# Original Source: https://eighthsregrets.blogspot.com/2018/09/pcse00429-tales-of-hearts-r-psnnonpdrm.html
_V0 Max Gald
$0200 81298274 3B9AC9FF
_V0 Max Grade
$0200 81298278 000F423F
_V0 Max Cooking Level
$0000 81298298 00000062
_V0 Sacrosanct Bottle Effect
$0100 81298314 00000384
$0000 81298310 00000004
_V0 Somas Can Be Leveled to Max
$4001 81295381 00000014
$0008 00000638 00000000
$4001 81295391 00000014
$0008 00000638 00000000
$4001 812953A1 00000014
$0008 00000638 00000000
$4001 812953B1 00000014
$0008 00000638 00000000
$4001 812953C1 00000014
$0008 00000638 00000000
_V0 Spiria Drive Gauge Aways Full
$0200 8129829C 43C80000
_V0 Quick Lv Gain
$4201 812953EC 00000000
$0008 00000638 00000000
_V0 Inf HP
$5100 81295418 832263D0
$5100 81295A50 832263E2
$5100 81296088 832263F4
$5100 812966C0 83226406
$5100 81296CF8 83226418
$5100 81297330 8322642A
$5100 81297968 8322643C
$5100 81297FA0 8322644E
_V0 Max HP - Permanent
$4101 8129541C 0000270F
$0008 00000638 00000000
_V0 Inf TP
$5100 8129541A 832263D2
$5100 81295A52 832263E4
$5100 8129608A 832263F6
$5100 812966C2 83226408
$5100 81296CFA 8322641A
$5100 81297332 8322642C
$5100 8129796A 8322643E
$5100 81297FA2 83226450
_V0 Max TP - Permanent
$4101 8129541E 000003E7
$0008 00000638 00000000
_V0 Always Max LUCK
$4001 832263DC 00000004
$0008 00000012 00000000
_V0 Max SP - Permanent
$4001 812954DE 00000063
$0008 00000638 00000000
_V0 Max TC
$4001 8322645C 00000063
$0008 00000001 00000000
_V0 Max Stats - Temporary
$4201 832263D4 270F270F
$0008 00000012 00000000
$4201 832263D8 270F270F
$0008 00000012 00000000
_V0 Max Stats - Permanent
$4201 81295420 270F270F
$0008 00000638 00000000
$4201 81295424 270F270F
$0008 00000638 00000000
_V0 Elemental Affinity Modifier [Note 1]
$0000 83226464 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value here
$0000 83226465 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value here
$0000 83226466 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value here
$0000 83226467 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value here
$0000 83226468 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value here
$0000 83226469 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value here
$0000 8322646A 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value here
$0000 8322646B 00000000 #<---SET VALUE HERE: Enter the value here
_V0 Max Ailment Resistances
$4001 832264A4 00000002
$0028 00000001 00000000
_V0 Max Elemental Resistances
$4001 8322646C 00000002
$0038 00000001 00000000
_V0 All Artes
$4101 81295438 00000001
$0023 00000002 00000000
$4101 81295A70 00000001
$0022 00000002 00000000
$4101 812960A8 00000001
$0020 00000002 00000000
$4101 812966E0 00000001
$0026 00000002 00000000
$4101 81296D18 00000001
$0026 00000002 00000000
$4101 81297350 00000001
$0023 00000002 00000000
$4101 81297988 00000001
$0026 00000002 00000000
$4001 81297FC0 00000001
$0026 00000002 00000000
_V0 Max SBP
$4101 812953C4 0000270F
$0008 00000638 00000000
_V0 Max Bonds
$4201 812953CC 05F5E0FF
$0007 00000004 00000000
$0200 81295A00 05F5E0FF
$4201 81295A08 05F5E0FF
$0006 00000004 00000000
$4201 81296038 05F5E0FF
$0002 00000004 00000000
$4201 81296044 05F5E0FF
$0005 00000004 00000000
$4201 81296670 05F5E0FF
$0003 00000004 00000000
$4201 81296680 05F5E0FF
$0004 00000004 00000000
$4201 81296CA8 05F5E0FF
$0004 00000004 00000000
$4201 81296CBC 05F5E0FF
$0003 00000004 00000000
$4201 812972E0 05F5E0FF
$0005 00000004 00000000
$4201 812972F8 05F5E0FF
$0002 00000004 00000000
$4201 81297918 05F5E0FF
$0006 00000004 00000000
$0200 81297934 05F5E0FF
$4201 81297F50 05F5E0FF
$0007 00000004 00000000
$0000 00000000 00000000
_V0 Max EXP Bonus
$D202 878D1C64 FFFFFFFF
$0200 878D1CCC 3B9AC9FF
$0200 878D1CD4 3B9AC9FF
_V0 Max Hits 999
$D202 878D1C64 FFFFFFFF
$0100 878D1F2C 000003E7
_V0 Max Gald Bonus
$D202 878D1C64 FFFFFFFF
$0200 878D1CD8 05F5E0FF
$0200 878D1CE0 05F5E0FF
_V0 Low Battle Time
$D202 878D1C64 FFFFFFFF
$0100 878D1F3A 00000000
_V0 Max Grade Bonus
$D202 878D1C64 FFFFFFFF
$4201 878D1CE8 0001869F
$0025 00000004 00000000
$0000 00000000 00000000
_V0 All Consumables
$4201 812921B8 00630000
$0026 00000004 00000001
_V0 All Somas
$4201 81292B18 00630258
$00F5 00000004 00000001
_V0 All Bodywear
$4201 81292258 00630028
$0054 00000004 00000001
_V0 All Headwear
$4201 81292438 006300A0
$0053 00000004 00000001
_V0 All Accessories
$4201 81292618 00630118
$0050 00000004 00000001
_V0 All Ingredients
$4201 81292758 00630168
$0022 00000004 00000001
_V0 All Valuables
$4201 81292848 006301A4
$0051 00000004 00000001
_V0 Notes:
_V0 #1: These is a modifier cheat. See Wiki for details.
Do you know any additional codes for this game? Is there an error listed above? Let us know about it and we’ll update the list.
Code Indexes for Sony Playstation Vita