Arc Rise Fantasia - Gecko Codes [RPJJ99]
Moon Jump ("-" + Z Button) [ZiT] 284412DA 00003000 C204A2E0 00000003 821F08B8 3E80001A 7E10A214 921F08B8 60000000 00000000 E0000000 80008000 284412DA 00002000 C204A2E0 00000003 821F08B8 3E80000A 7E148050 921F08B8 60000000 00000000 E0000000 80008000 284412DA 00000000 0404A2E0 D01F08B8 E0000000 80008000 MAX Rico [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 044480D4 0098967F E0000000 80008000 Will be reflected in the saved MAX Coin [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 0444CEE8 000F423F E0000000 80008000 Will be reflected in the saved MAX ITEMS [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 08447394 63636363 20810004 00000000 E0000000 80008000 Item also includes a dummy There are valuable items, except Will be reflected in the saved MAX Supplies [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 00447395 00000063 02447396 00006363 08447398 63636363 20090004 00000000 024473C0 00006363 004473C2 00000063 004473CF 00000063 084473D0 63636363 20020004 00000000 084473E4 63636363 20040004 00000000 E0000000 80008000 Except dummy may Will be reflected in the saved GEM MAX [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 0844740C 63636363 20070004 00000000 E0000000 80008000 Except dummy may Will be reflected in the saved Monster fully illustrated book [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 0844C1D0 000001FF 110C0002 00000000 E0000000 80008000 Will be reflected in the saved All ROGURESU [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 024489BE 00001FFE E0000000 80008000 Will be reflected in the saved All costumes [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 0844761E 00000101 103C0002 00000000 E0000000 80008000 Will be reflected in the saved Monster Encyclopedia vertical camera lift restrictions [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 04199490 2C000168 0419949C 38000000 041994B4 38000168 04199558 2C000168 04199564 38000000 0419957C 38000168 E0000000 80008000 99 Days of items acquired [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 0403D50C 38000063 E0000000 80008000 Get the treasure box enemy The purchase was confirmed Shop Now is not a weapon 99 Get map can be viewed before or around [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 040447B8 60000000 04132EB8 60000000 E0000000 80008000 A map in the dungeon and see the city. To save is not implemented Enhanced optical flying boat [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 041C2748 60000000 041CDAE0 4800000C 041CDB08 4800000C 041CC6FC 60000000 04211474 60000000 04211994 60000000 04211A50 60000000 04535728 43960000 0453572C 43960000 E0000000 80008000 Bring / use even without a boat flying a light automatic navigation Speed light craft flying / landing in the desert can be charged Speed is faster than the state and event strengthening If you do not usually get a light boat flying the A button so乗RENAI - Please bring in a button Not reflected in the saved EXPx acquisition times [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 040D570C 60000000 040D5710 1FBD000A E0000000 80008000 Under three of four data lines like please change to 16 digits decimal number The default is 10 times EXP is obtained directly, the spreading of their characters X times the EXP By design of the game with the enemy and obtain LV EXP lower the large difference Rico retrieved x times [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 04003250 1C000009 04003254 7C040214 04003258 480D0A80 040D3CC4 60000000 040D3CD4 4BF2F57C E0000000 80008000 Under two of the four data lines like please change to 16 digits decimal number Calculate the actual number is +1 input The default is 10 times WPx acquisition times [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 04003260 1C000009 04003264 7C040214 04003268 480D0A50 040D3CA4 60000000 040D3CB4 4BF2F5AC E0000000 80008000 Under two of the four data lines like please change to 16 digits decimal number Calculate the actual number is +1 input The default is 10 times MP unbated [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 0405C198 60000000 0407C6C8 38040000 04106704 60000000 E0000000 80008000 Is effective both when moving combat. RP unbated [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 040589F0 60000000 E0000000 80008000 Fixed combat SP100 [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 0405BFA0 60000000 0405E948 38000064 0407AB70 60000000 0407C7D0 60000000 E0000000 80008000 You may also have an effect on the enemy AP9 � fixed maximum number of combat [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 0405E984 38000009 E0000000 80008000 AP9 � fixed number of combat recovery [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 0405E98C 38000009 E0000000 80008000 Always steal success [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 0406EDF0 60000000 0406EDF8 60000000 E0000000 80008000 Increases MAX WP [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 0403DC4C 380003E7 E0000000 80008000 DP unbated [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 04106C8C 60000000 E0000000 80008000 BGM change battle [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 0403EA60 3BC00006 E0000000 80008000 Ars against default BGM Bottom line 2 of the two-digit data 00 Light rain (Title) 01獅子奮迅(usually early in battle) 02 fighters usually end 03 against Weiss 04 bosses in 05 Kessen 06 against ars 07 against crown 08 great presence (ROGURESU match) Ars 09 against 2 0A against God Isa 0B win battle 0Cbgm_battle_12 0D TOPAJION / JADA 0E DIAMANTO帝都 0Fbgm_town_03 10 ANTORAKUSU Capital Research 11 BATORAKITESU / Eble 12 BENETONASHU Holy City 13 KARUBUNKURUSU capital 14 OPARUSU 15 Ferris 16bgm_town_10 17 Sato KOPIN 18bgm_dungeon_01 19 Kino Mitiyuki wilderness 1Abgm_dungeon_03 1B Seifert衝塔heaven 1Cbgm_dungeon_05 1Dbgm_dungeon_06 1Ebgm_dungeon_07 1Fbgm_dungeon_08 20bgm_dungeon_09 21bgm_dungeon_10 22 are waiting for the ends of the earth (air corridor BERUKUTO) 23bgm_dungeon_12_1F 24 Casino 25 house of the moon 26 Sato KOPIN 27bgm_world_01 (Field) 28 FURUHEIMU (light flying boat) 29bgm_theme_01 2Abgm_theme_02 2Bbgm_feeling_01 2Cbgm_feeling_02 2Dbgm_feeling_03 2Ebgm_feeling_04 2Fbgm_feeling_05 30bgm_feeling_06 31 RASUKADA air corridor 32bgm_feeling_08 33bgm_feeling_09 34bgm_feeling_10 35bgm_feeling_11 36bgm_feeling_12 37bgm_feeling_13 38bgm_feeling_14 39bgm_feeling_15 No 3A 3B Sato KOPIN 3C Sato KOPIN Sato 3D KOPIN Song IMAJINARU 3E 3Fbgm_song_02_acappella 40bgm_song_02_chorus 41 Song Real 42bgm_song_02_long_chorus 43bgm_song_02_short 44bgm_song_02_short_chorus 45 concert 46 None 47bgm_casino_start_05 48 KOPINRESU 49bgm_casino_win_03 4Abgm_casino_lose_04 4Bbgm_dungeon_12_2F 4Cbgm_dungeon_12_3F 4Dbgm_dungeon_12_4F 4Ebgm_song_01_loop 4Fbgm_song_02_acappella_loop 50bgm_battle_13 Party Change [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 044480D8 00000000 044480DC 00000001 044480E0 00000002 044480E4 00000003 044480E8 00000004 044480EC 00000005 E0000000 80008000 I think that would affect the story Will be reflected in the saved Characters 00 RARUKU 01 RIFIA 02 Sage 03 Eugen 04 Cecil 05 Leslie Ars 06 07 ADERU 08 Nicole 09 Clyde 0A DINOSU 0B ADERU 2 FF � 4 None MAX RARUKUSUTETASU [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 04448100 0000270F 04448110 0000270F 04448134 000F41DC 04448138 0000639C 0444813C 0000639C 04448140 0000639C 04448144 0000639C 04448148 0000639C 0444814C 0000639C E0000000 80008000 Please change your equipment once Will be reflected in the saved MAX RIFIASUTETASU [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 044481B8 0000270F 044481C8 0000270F 044481EC 000F41DC 044481F0 0000639C 044481F4 0000639C 044481F8 0000639C 044481FC 0000639C 04448200 0000639C 04448204 0000639C E0000000 80008000 Please change your equipment once Will be reflected in the saved MAX SAJUSUTETASU [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 04448270 0000270F 04448280 0000270F 044482A4 000F41DC 044482A8 0000639C 044482AC 0000639C 044482B0 0000639C 044482B4 0000639C 044482B8 0000639C 044482BC 0000639C E0000000 80008000 Please change your equipment once Will be reflected in the saved MAX OIGENSUTETASU [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 04448328 0000270F 04448338 0000270F 0444835C 000F41DC 04448360 0000639C 04448364 0000639C 04448368 0000639C 0444836C 0000639C 04448370 0000639C 04448374 0000639C E0000000 80008000 Please change your equipment once Will be reflected in the saved MAX SESHIRUSUTETASU [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 044483E0 0000270F 044483F0 0000270F 04448414 000F41DC 04448418 0000639C 0444841C 0000639C 04448420 0000639C 04448424 0000639C 04448428 0000639C 0444842C 0000639C E0000000 80008000 Please change your equipment once Will be reflected in the saved MAX RESURISUTETASU [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 04448498 0000270F 044484A8 0000270F 044484CC 000F41DC 044484D0 0000639C 044484D4 0000639C 044484D8 0000639C 044484DC 0000639C 044484E0 0000639C 044484E4 0000639C E0000000 80008000 Please change your equipment once Will be reflected in the saved Ars MAX status [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 04448550 0000270F 04448560 0000270F 04448584 000F41DC 04448588 0000639C 0444858C 0000639C 04448590 0000639C 04448594 0000639C 04448598 0000639C 0444859C 0000639C E0000000 80008000 Please change your equipment once Will be reflected in the saved MAX ADERUSUTETASU [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 04448608 0000270F 04448618 0000270F 0444863C 000F41DC 04448640 0000639C 04448644 0000639C 04448648 0000639C 0444864C 0000639C 04448650 0000639C 04448654 0000639C E0000000 80008000 Please change your equipment once Will be reflected in the saved Nicole MAX status [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 044486C0 0000270F 044486D0 0000270F 044486F4 000F41DC 044486F8 0000639C 044486FC 0000639C 04448700 0000639C 04448704 0000639C 04448708 0000639C 0444870C 0000639C E0000000 80008000 Please change your equipment once Will be reflected in the saved MAX KURAIDOSUTETASU [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 04448778 0000270F 04448788 0000270F 044487AC 000F41DC 044487B0 0000639C 044487B4 0000639C 044487B8 0000639C 044487BC 0000639C 044487C0 0000639C 044487C4 0000639C E0000000 80008000 Please change your equipment once Will be reflected in the saved MAX DINOSUSUTETASU [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 04448830 0000270F 04448840 0000270F 04448864 000F41DC 04448868 0000639C 0444886C 0000639C 04448870 0000639C 04448874 0000639C 04448878 0000639C 0444887C 0000639C E0000000 80008000 Please change your equipment once Will be reflected in the saved MAX status ADERU 2 [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 044488E8 0000270F 044488F8 0000270F 0444891C 000F41DC 04448920 0000639C 04448924 0000639C 04448928 0000639C 0444892C 0000639C 04448930 0000639C 04448934 0000639C E0000000 80008000 Please change your equipment once Will be reflected in the saved MAX RARUKUKASUTAMAIZU [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 0044815C 00000005 04448164 09090909 04448168 03030303 0444816C 03030303 E0000000 80008000 Will be reflected in the saved MAX RIFIAKASUTAMAIZU [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 00448214 00000005 0444821C 09090909 04448220 03030303 04448224 03030303 E0000000 80008000 Will be reflected in the saved MAX SAJUKASUTAMAIZU [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 004482CC 00000005 044482D4 09090909 044482D8 03030303 044482DC 03030303 E0000000 80008000 Will be reflected in the saved MAX OIGENKASUTAMAIZU [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 00448384 00000005 0444838C 09090909 04448390 03030303 04448394 03030303 E0000000 80008000 Will be reflected in the saved MAX SESHIRUKASUTAMAIZU [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 0044843C 00000005 04448444 09090909 04448448 03030303 0444844C 03030303 E0000000 80008000 Will be reflected in the saved MAX RESURIKASUTAMAIZU [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 004484F4 00000005 044484FC 09090909 04448500 03030303 04448504 03030303 E0000000 80008000 Will be reflected in the saved Customize ars MAX [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 004485AC 00000005 044485B4 09090909 044485B8 03030303 044485BC 03030303 E0000000 80008000 Will be reflected in the saved MAX ADERUKASUTAMAIZU [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 00448664 00000005 0444866C 09090909 04448670 03030303 04448674 03030303 Will be reflected in the saved Customize Nicole MAX [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 0044871C 00000005 04448724 09090909 04448728 03030303 0444872C 03030303 E0000000 80008000 Will be reflected in the saved MAX KURAIDOKASUTAMAIZU [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 004487D4 00000005 044487DC 09090909 044487E0 03030303 044487E4 03030303 E0000000 80008000 Will be reflected in the saved MAX DINOSUKASUTAMAIZU [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 0044888C 00000005 04448894 09090909 04448898 03030303 0444889C 03030303 Will be reflected in the saved Customize ADERU 2 MAX [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 00448944 00000005 0444894C 09090909 04448950 03030303 04448954 03030303 E0000000 80008000 Will be reflected in the saved All RARUKUEKUSERUAKUTO [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 00448183 000000FE E0000000 80008000 Will be reflected in the saved All RIFIAEKUSERUAKUTO [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 0044823A 000000FE E0000000 80008000 Will be reflected in the saved All SAJUEKUSERUAKUTO [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 004482F1 000000FE E0000000 80008000 Will be reflected in the saved All OIGENEKUSERUAKUTO [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 004483A8 000000FE E0000000 80008000 Will be reflected in the saved All SESHIRUEKUSERUAKUTO [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 00448467 000000FE E0000000 80008000 Will be reflected in the saved All RESURIEKUSERUAKUTO [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 0044851E 000000FE E0000000 80008000 Will be reflected in the saved All ARUSUEKUSERUAKUTO [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 004485D5 0000001E E0000000 80008000 Will be reflected in the saved All ADERUEKUSERUAKUTO [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 0044868D 00000060 E0000000 80008000 Will be reflected in the saved All NIKORUEKUSERUAKUTO [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 00448744 0000001E E0000000 80008000 Will be reflected in the saved All KURAIDOEKUSERUAKUTO [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 00448803 0000000E E0000000 80008000 Will be reflected in the saved All DINOSUEKUSERUAKUTO [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 004488BB 000000E0 E0000000 80008000 Will be reflected in the saved 2 ADERU all EKUSERUAKUTO [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 0244896C 00008180 00448973 00000001 E0000000 80008000 Will be reflected in the saved Erase RARUKUGESUTOFURAGU [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 0044817C 00000000 E0000000 80008000 Will be reflected in the saved Erase RIFIAGESUTOFURAGU [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 00448234 00000000 E0000000 80008000 Will be reflected in the saved Erase SAJUGESUTOFURAGU [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 004482EC 00000000 E0000000 80008000 Will be reflected in the saved Erase OIGENGESUTOFURAGU [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 004483A4 00000000 E0000000 80008000 Will be reflected in the saved Erase SESHIRUGESUTOFURAGU [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 0044845C 00000000 E0000000 80008000 Will be reflected in the saved Erase RESURIGESUTOFURAGU [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 00448514 00000000 E0000000 80008000 Will be reflected in the saved Erase ARUSUGESUTOFURAGU [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 004485CC 00000000 E0000000 80008000 Will be reflected in the saved Erase ADERUGESUTOFURAGU [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 00448684 00000000 E0000000 80008000 Will be reflected in the saved Erase NIKORUGESUTOFURAGU [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 0044873C 00000000 E0000000 80008000 Will be reflected in the saved Erase KURAIDOGESUTOFURAGU [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 004487F4 00000000 E0000000 80008000 Will be reflected in the saved Erase DINOSUGESUTOFURAGU [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 004488AC 00000000 E0000000 80008000 Will be reflected in the saved Deleted flag ADERU 2 guests [xtatu] 42000000 80000000 00448964 00000000 E0000000 80008000 Will be reflected in the savedThese codes have been collected from around the web and all credit goes to the original poster of the code. Notes associated with any code may be written by the original code creator. Some notes have been added or modified from their original source.
Do you know any additional codes for this game? Is there an error listed above? Let us know about it and we’ll update the list.
Code Indexes for Nintendo Wii (Wii) These codes are to be used through Nintendo Wii Custom Firmware/Homebrew or a compatible Wii emulator, such as Dolphin.
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