Bakugan Battle Brawlers - Gecko Codes [RUHP52]
Gecko Hook Type: AXNextFrame Unlock all Characters [TNTkryzt] 04073FE4 38000001 04073FE8 980303B2 Unlock all Battlefields [TNTkryzt] 040805D8 38000002 040805DC 980303C4 Unlock all Special Shots [TNTkryzt] 04148958 3960FFFF 0414895C 7D7E01AE 04148960 38000001 Have all Cards [TNTkryzt] 0412DD9C 38000001 0412DDA0 980326E8 0412DDA4 38600000 All Bakugans On Sale [TNTkryzt] 07797414 00000018 88830070 2C0400FF 4082000C 38800001 98830070 4AA227F8 041B9C1C 495DD7F8 Receive Sale Price [TNTkryzt] 041B8D90 7C9E1A14 Infinite Throw Power [TNTkryzt] 04185174 D0030018 Have 5000 G-Power [TNTkryzt] 07797400 00000014 80750020 3D60459C 396B4000 91630034 4A995B48 00000000 0412CF54 4966A4AC Obtain Viewed Bakugan [TNTkryzt] 0779742C 000000A0 2C0A0F6C 40820094 8061001C 8BA30347 816D9B7C 398B0020 1FBD0053 7C8CEA14 3FC08034 3BDE2D98 1FBC0014 7FDEEA14 83DE0000 7C84F214 8BA40070 2C1D0001 40820058 3BA00002 9BA40070 88830347 1FDE0078 7D6BF214 1C840014 7D6B2214 396B001C 396B0458 83BF0000 93AB0000 83BF0004 93AB0004 A3BF0008 B3AB0008 8BBF000B 9BAB000B 83BF000C 93AB000C 8BBF0010 9BAB0010 83E1001C 4A918410 040AF8D4 496E7B58 (Use WiiMote D-Pad to Cycle through Shops Bakugan List)These codes have been collected from around the web and all credit goes to the original poster of the code. Notes associated with any code may be written by the original code creator. Some notes have been added or modified from their original source.
Do you know any additional codes for this game? Is there an error listed above? Let us know about it and we’ll update the list.
Code Indexes for Nintendo Wii (Wii) These codes are to be used through Nintendo Wii Custom Firmware/Homebrew or a compatible Wii emulator, such as Dolphin.