Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - Gecko Codes [SM8E52]
Campaign No Recoil [Sgt.Ghost] 2820236A 7FFF8000 F23B3C28 02F41801 60000000 00000000 F23BF590 02C03F01 D2C4C414 00000000 E0000000 80008000 **Ported from Spec Ops Bully@wiiplaza** Screen Render [Sgt.Ghost] 2820236A 7FFF8000 046F9F40 XXXXXXXX E0000000 80008000 **X = 80000000-FF000000** Red Dot/Acog Cycler [Sgt.Ghost] 2820236A 7FFF8000 A8000008 00000001 046BC070 xxxxxxxx E0000000 80008000 A8000008 00000002 046BC070 xxxxxxxx E0000000 80008000 A8000008 00000003 046BC070 xxxxxxxx E0000000 80008000 **Credits to GOOBER** Multiplayer Gamer-tag/Radar Color [Sgt.Ghost] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 046F0558 XXXXXXXX 046F055C XXXXXXXX 046F0560 XXXXXXXX 046F0564 XXXXXXXX 046F0568 XXXXXXXX 046F056C XXXXXXXX 046F0570 XXXXXXXX 046F0574 XXXXXXXX E0000000 80008000 Gametype Score Either team [Sgt.Ghost] 0489F83C XXXXXXXX 04EFB5E8 XXXXXXXX 0489F840 XXXXXXXX 04EFB5EC XXXXXXXX *Visual Only* *Except Free-for-All* Primary Weapon Lag [Sgt.Ghost] 046EC1B4 41000000 Sound Mod Ingame Only [Sgt.Ghost] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 046DD500 XXXXXXXX E0000000 80008000 X values = 0 no sound X values = whatever u put Default = 3F800000 Screen Render/Wall Hack [Sgt.Ghost] 2820236A 00008000 046F0288 3F800000 046F02C0 3F800000 CC000000 00000000 046F0288 3F801000 046F02C0 3F801000 E0000000 80008000 can't exceed below 3F700000 or 3F900000 screen will be messed up works great with Red Box Disable Sprinting Host Only [Sgt.Ghost] 2820236A 00008000 088A4680 00000000 20030004 00000000 E0000000 80008000 if non-host its visual and lags so its host only. cant find correct value its just Screen Rendering CCP d-pad up [Sgt.Ghost] 282028F0 00000001 0475A903 XXXXXXXX CC000000 00000001 0475A903 FF000000 E0000000 80008000 *Default - FF000000* *00000000 needs hardcore mode to be dende* *X Values - 00000000-FF000000* *Do not use 40000000-6FFFFFFF or you'll will not see unless you useThese codes have been collected from around the web and all credit goes to the original poster of the code. Notes associated with any code may be written by the original code creator. Some notes have been added or modified from their original source.Below* HardCore Mode/Black Screen Menu d-pad Right [Sgt.Ghost] 282028F0 00008000 046F0324 70000000 CC000000 00000001 046F0324 80000000 E0000000 80008000 Color Map Type 1 d-pad left [Sgt.Ghost] 282028F0 00000002 046F06C0 437F0000 CC000000 00000001 046F06C0 00000000 E0000000 80008000 Black and White Game Map Type 2 Zr [Sgt.Ghost] 282028F0 00000004 046F06A8 52000000 CC000000 00000001 046F06A8 FFFF004C E0000000 80008000 * Demo video - Variable Zoom Multi Private Match Variable Zoom Scope Wii-Remote [Sgt.Ghost] 2820236A 0000XXXX 048A1ECC 00000001 CC000000 00000001 048A1ECC 00000002 CC000000 00000001 048A1ECC 00000003 CC000000 00000001 048A1ECC 00000004 E0000000 80008000 *Default is 1* Variable Zoom Scope CCP [Sgt.Ghost] 282028F0 0000XXXX 048A1ECC 00000001 CC000000 00000001 048A1ECC 00000002 CC000000 00000001 048A1ECC 00000003 CC000000 00000001 048A1ECC 00000004 E0000000 80008000 *Default is 1* Underground Spec Ops Private Host Only Armor [Sgt.Ghost] 2820236A 0000XXXX 04CF3B10 00000999 E0000000 80008000 *Public Freezes* Wave [Sgt.Ghost] 2820236A 0000XXXX 04CDC000 XXXXXXXX E0000000 80008000 *How Many Waves you Start and Stays on that Wave* *Public Freezes* Ammo/Level 50 .etc Spec-Ops Host Only Infinite Ammo [Sgt.Ghost] F2531334 FC104601 38C00000 00000000 **Credits Bully@Wiiplaza** Level 50 [Sgt.Ghost] 2820236A 0000XXXX 04CDF210 01000000 E0000000 80008000 *Survival Only* *Activate and kill one person to take Effect* *gives you more Money not infinite* *Public Freezes* (Press Buttons CCP> 282028F0 or Wii-Remote> 2820236A) Spec Ops Screen Rendering [Sgt.Ghost] 2820XXXX 0000XXXX 04769500 XXXXXXXX CC000000 00000001 04769500 FF000000 E0000000 80008000 *Default - FF000000* *00000000 needs hardcore mode to be dende* *X Values - 00000000-FF000000* *Do not use 40000000-6FFFFFFF or you'll will not see unless you use * Below* HardCore Mode/Black Screen Menu [Sgt.Ghost] 2820XXXX 0000XXXX 04700D9C 70000000 CC000000 00000001 04700D9C 80000000 E0000000 80008000 Color Map Type [Sgt.Ghost] 2820XXXX 0000XXXX 04701138 437F0000 CC000000 00000001 04701138 00000000 E0000000 80008000 Gamer-tag/Radar Color [Sgt.Ghost] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 04700FD0 XXXXXXXX 04700FD4 XXXXXXXX 04700FD8 XXXXXXXX 04700FDC XXXXXXXX 04700FE0 XXXXXXXX 04700FE4 XXXXXXXX 04700FE8 XXXXXXXX 04700FEC XXXXXXXX E0000000 80008000 Sgt.Ghost More Coming Soon Spec Ops/Multiplayer Enjoying The View [Seth@WiiPlaza] 05145530 000000FF 05145564 00000FFF 05145574 0000FFFF 051455B8 00FFFFFF *your dead body will be just chillin *view video here- Rage quit code [Seth@WiiPlaza] 2820236A 00004C00 046EEFE0 AAA00000 046EF300 AAA00000 046F4150 AAA00000 049149D8 52616765 049149DC 20517569 049149E0 74205375 049149E4 63657373 049149E8 66756C21 069149EF 0000000A 00000000 00000000 E0000000 80000000 2820236A 00000800 046EEFE0 42F00000 046EF300 42F00000 046F4150 42F00000 E0000000 80008000 *PRESS A B and C to activate *wont show up on record *view video here- Run Fast While ADS *NON-HOST* [Seth@WiiPlaza] 046DB6F4 3FCCCCCD 046DB82C 3FCCCCCD 046DBA34 3FCCCCCD 046DBC8C 3FCCCCCD 046DC05C 3FCCCCCD 046DC214 3FCCCCCD 046DC21C 3FCCCCCD *view video here- Show Base Commands [Seth@WiiPlaza] 01138314 00000000 CC000000 00000000 01138314 00000010 *view video here- Extremely Accurate Pro-Mod [Seth@WiiPlaza] 051339C4 40000000 *view video here- Large UAV Map [Seth@WiiPlaza] 0513FA58 40000000 Dead Bodies Twitch Mod [Seth@WiiPlaza] 05145530 000000FF 05145564 00000FFF 05145574 0000FFFF 051455B8 0000000B 05145640 00000000 *view video here- Tap Z to View all players on Map *NON HOST ONLY* [Seth@WiiPlaza] 046DB82C 5FCCCCCD 046DBA34 5FCCCCCD 046DBC8C 5FCCCCCD 046DC05C 5FCCCCCD 046DC214 5FCCCCCD 046DC21C 5FCCCCCD Dancing Words in Menu [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA A8000008 00000005 046F0510 40152BE4 CC000000 00000000 046F0510 4A152BE4 CC000000 00000000 046F0510 46000000 E0000000 80008000 *demo video- Binoculars (Toggle) [Seth@WiiPlaza] 2820236A FDFF0200 046F06B0 3EF00000 CC000000 00000000 046F06B0 3F800000 E0000000 80008000 *press 1 to enable *demo video- Tilted Letters [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 006F0510 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *demo video- 3D Letters [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 046F0510 40152BE4 E0000000 80008000 *demo video- Black Out Menu [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 046F06B4 2A000000 E0000000 80008000 *demo video- Grey Creeping Cloud [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 006F069C 000000AA E0000000 80008000 *demo video- Trippy [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA A8000008 00000001 046F02A8 C0000000 CC000000 00000000 046F02A8 40000000 E0000000 80008000 *forgot what this does, i had it nicknamed 'trippy' in my text file so go figure *distorts screen Immediate ADS *NON-HOST* [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 026DC0A0 00000CCC 046DC0A4 70000000 E0000000 80008000 *demo video- White Camo On ALL Weapons [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 0475A618 10101010 E0000000 80008000 *demo video- Player Reflection On UAV Map [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 04A6881C 81130080 E0000000 80008000 *auto activated *demo video- Cool Class Name Toggler [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA A8000008 00000001 0084EC76 00000000 CC000000 00000000 0084EC76 0000000F A8000008 00000001 0084EC78 00000000 CC000000 00000000 0084EC78 0000000F A8000008 00000001 0084EC7A 00000000 CC000000 00000000 0084EC7A 0000000F E0000000 80008000 *demo video- Negative Timer Running *ALL PLAYERS* [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 0072AA5F 00000000 0072AA63 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *all players can see when host launchs this code *demo video- High Jumps (Host Only/All Players) [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA [Seth@WiiPlaza] 046DBC54 40200000 E0000000 80008000 *demo video- Map is Upside Down *ALL PLAYERS* [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 006EBB00 000000AA E0000000 80008000 *demo video- Control World Tilt With Wiimote [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 026EBB08 00003F80 E0000000 80008000 *demo video- Body Goes Airbourne Upon Death [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 046EBC10 3A800000 E0000000 80008000 *demo video- Disappear On UAV Map *NON-HOST* [Seth@WiiPlaza] 026EFDC4 00004280 *may make you invisible to UAV *demo video- Sky Mod aka "Wrath Of The Heavens" [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 026F03A8 00004080 E0000000 80008000 *demo video- Trippy Sky Backround [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 026F03A8 00004280 E0000000 80008000 *demo video- Sky Mod Cycler *NON-HOST* [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA A8000008 00000010 026F03A8 0000C200 CC000000 00000000 026F03A8 00002200 A8000008 00000010 026F03A8 0000AA00 CC000000 00000000 026F03A8 00000000 A8000008 00000010 026F03A8 00008800 CC000000 00000000 026F03A8 00001820 A8000008 00000010 026F03A8 00000100 CC000000 00000000 026F03A8 00000001 E0000000 80008000 *demo video- Depersonalization Mod (Small Map) *NON-HOST* [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 42000000 90000000 0442D314 40800000 E0000000 80008000 *demo video- Intoxicated Player *NON-HOST* [Seth@WiiPlaza] 006EBC2C 000000C2 *will make people be like... wtf? Run down time ( HOST CONTROLLED ) [Seth@WiiPlaza] 2820236A XXXXXXXX 049149BC 42800000 E0000000 80008000 X= Button Activator *demo video - Epic Visual Gun Mod *NON-HOST* [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 046F0294 32A00000 E0000000 80008000 *demo video - All Players + Guns Are Ninjas [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 006EFCCC 000000AA 046EFCD4 AA000000 [Seth@WiiPlaza] E0000000 80008000 *demo video - Force Objects On Map Disappear [Seth@WiiPlaza] 2820236A FDFF0200 046F04A0 42000000 046EF980 42000000 046F04A0 42000000 046F0148 42F80000 E0000000 80008000 2820236A FEFF0100 046F04A0 3F000000 046EF980 3F000000 046F04A0 3F000000 046F0148 3F800000 E0000000 80008000 *press 1 to enable *press 2 to disable *demo video - Weapon Position [Seth@WiiPlaza] 2820236A YYYYYYYY 046EF484 XX000000 E0000000 80008000 *X Values: 42 - Randomze 45 - Gangster *demo video - Some Attachments Are Invisibile [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 04A691C8 030A0475 E0000000 80008000 *grenade launcher + more is invisible *demo video - Split Screen [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 006F0314 00000019 E0000000 80008000 *demo video - Display ACOG Glass + Enemys [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 046F02B8 22000000 E0000000 80008000 *demo video - Ammo Bar Mod [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 04AC1490 CCC00000 04AC14BC CCC00000 04AC14E8 CCC00000 04AC1514 CCC00000 04AC1540 CCC00000 E0000000 80008000 *demo video - *Demo Picture- Gun Shoots Blast Waves [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA C0000000 00000006 3D808087 618C7138 3D604200 616B0000 916C0000 3D80806E 618CDF64 3D604200 616B0000 916C0000 4E800020 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *auto activates *demo video- Walk Thru Walls *TOGGLE* (ALL PLAYERS) [Seth@WiiPlaza] 2820236A EFEF1010 0498DDD4 42000000 CC000000 00000000 0498DDD4 3F000000 E0000000 80008000 *press + and - to toggle on/off *demo video- Player Spectator Mode [Seth@WiiPlaza] 2820236A EFFF1000 04BC1050 0000B900 CC000000 00000000 04BC1050 00001000 E0000000 80008000 *press - to toggle on/off *use the control pad to move *demo video- Owl Mode/360 Vision V2.0 [Seth@WiiPlaza] 2820236A EFFF1000 04BC1050 0000A200 CC000000 00000000 04BC1050 00001000 E0000000 80008000 *press - to toggle on/off *use the control stick to look 360 degrees easily *demo video- Slow Motion Bullet Tracers [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 80000003 80143064 8A00043F 006EDF64 E0000000 80008000 *demo video- Spiral Bullets [Seth@WiiPlaza] 04877138 42000000 *demo video- Stretch Me *ALL-PLAYERS* [Seth@WiiPlaza] 2820236A FFEF0010 04730F04 42100000 E0000000 80008000 *Press + to stretch out all players (everyone can see) *demo video- No Friction [Seth@WiiPlaza] 006DBCA0 01000700 Bullet Tracers *NON-HOST* [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 80000003 8098DE84 8A00043F 006DC9F0 E0000000 80008000 *auto activates *demo video - Color Storm *NON-HOST* [Seth@WiiPlaza] 2820236A 7FFF8000 026DF488 00004140 026DF4D8 00004140 026DF520 00004140 E0000000 80008000 *home on wiimote *also bullet holes are painted and large, demo- *demo video - Alien Player Models [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 0498E3FC 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *auto activates *works non-host *demo video - SlenderMan [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA C0000000 00000004 3D808000 618C88D7 818C0000 3D60806E 616BCBAC 918B0000 4E800020 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *auto activates *demo video - Death Skull Icons Are Huge *NON-HOST* [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 80000003 8098DE88 8A00043F 006DC89C 80000003 8098DE8C 8A00043F 006DC8E8 E0000000 80008000 *auto activates *demo video - Epic Light Effects [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 80000003 8098DE80 8A00043F 006DE9B0 E0000000 80008000 *auto activates *demo video - 100ph Grenades (All Players Host Only) [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 80000003 8098E480 8A00043F 006E0724 E0000000 80008000 *auto activates *demo video - No Migrate Infinite Ammo v.10 [Seth@WiiPlaza] 2820236A 7FFF8000 C0000000 00000006 3D6042C8 3D80806D 398C7EDC 616B0000 916C41A8 3D6042C8 3D80806D 398C6FEF 616B0000 916C5141 4E800020 4E800020 E0000000 80008000 2820236A 00004000 C0000000 00000006 3D600000 3D80806D 398C7EDC 616B0000 916C41A8 3D600000 3D80806D 398C6FEF 616B0000 916C5141 4E800020 4E800020 E0000000 80008000 *must do as in video- *press HOME to activate *kill yourself by HOLDING A GRENADE *press C when your back alive and it will be infintie (you have to do this method after every death) Large Jumps While Walking (Only Host) [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 80000003 80BF9794 8A00043F 006DC188 E0000000 80008000 *demo video All Players FoV modifier [Seth@WiiPlaza] 046EBBF0 XXXXXXXX X= FoV in float *demo video All Player Wall Hack [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 046DBC28 10000000 046DBC24 10000000 046DBC2C 10000000 046DBC20 10000000 E0000000 80008000 *demo video Always Appear Talking On Mic [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 04A7D1FC 66A20000 E0000000 80008000 *works host+non-host *will make it seem you are always talking on the mic *demo picture - Time Stopper/Player Freezer(HOST+NON-HOST) [Seth@WiiPlaza] 2820236A 7FFF8000 0091CDC7 0000000A CC000000 00000000 0091CDC7 00000005 E0000000 80008000 *press home on the wiimote to turn time on/off *host only it freezes all players. (except you) *non-host, only to you it shows the players frozen, and you can explore without being shot Insane Name Cycler [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA A8000008 00000001 80000003 8026317C 8A00043F 00A07C0C A8000008 00000001 80000003 80292480 8A00043F 00A07C0C A8000008 00000001 80000003 8025B6C0 8A00043F 00A07C0C E0000000 80008000 *demo pictures- *cycles random names *auto activates *again credits to whoever also found the 80A07C0C address Run While ADS *NON-HOST* [Seth@WiiPlaza] 2820236A 00002800 046DC084 11800000 CC000000 00000000 046DC084 3F800000 E0000000 80008000 *press Z and A to activate code (from then on you can run while in ADS) *press Z and A again to revert back to normal, non-ads mode Invisibility All Players [Seth@WiiPlaza] 2820236A 7FFF8000 80000003 80C58B94 8A00043F 006ECBAC E0000000 80008000 2820236A EFEF1010 80000003 80E8831C 8A00043F 006ECBAC E0000000 80008000 *demo video- *HOME to make invisible *+ and - re appear Walk Under Map (ALL PLAYERS) [Seth@WiiPlaza] 2820236A FFEF0010 80000003 803FF8D1 8A00043F 006E1B10 E0000000 80008000 2820236A EFFF1000 80000003 80E8831C 8A00043F 006E1B10 E0000000 80008000 *demo video- *press + to teleport all players under the map *press - to make the ground solid (after death) Blind All Players UAV [Seth@WiiPlaza] 28XXXXXX XXXXXXXX 046DC380 42000000 046EB3DC FFFFFFFA E0000000 80008000 *demo video- *X= Button Activator Magazine Extender (No Reloads) *HOST-ONLY* [Seth@WiiPlaza] 2820236A 7FFF8000 046DC130 42800000 046DC178 42800000 E0000000 80008000 2820236A EFEF1010 046DC130 3F800000 046DC178 3F800000 E0000000 80008000 *press HOME on the wiimote to extend clips,then reload and press + and - to return clips to regular state Change Players Name/Score To Something Random (Host Only/All Players) [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 048444CC 0000000F 04844568 0000000F 04848630 0000000F 04843908 0000000F E0000000 80008000 *demo picture- *changes all players names to something random Lag Switch/ Slow Motion v1.1 [Seth@WiiPlaza] 2820236A BFFF4000 04A07C70 00000000 04A07C78 00000000 04A08E6C 00000000 04A09008 00000000 04A09064 00000000 04A0A1F4 00000000 04A0A210 00000000 04A0B598 00000000 04A21100 00000000 04A21F18 00000000 04A21F90 00000000 04A248A8 00000000 04A259DC 00000000 04A276E8 00000000 04A2780C 00000000 04A2961C 00000000 04A2B42C 00000000 04A2D23C 00000000 04A2F04C 00000000 04A30E5C 00000000 04A32C6C 00000000 04A34A7C 00000000 04A3688C 00000000 04A3869C 00000000 04A3AB78 00000000 04A4278C 00000000 04A42A78 00000000 04A42B00 00000000 04A42B88 00000000 04A42C10 00000000 04A42C88 00000000 04A42C98 00000000 04A42D20 00000000 04A44578 00000000 04A4463C 00000000 04A44700 00000000 04A447C4 00000000 04A44888 00000000 04A4494C 00000000 04A44A10 00000000 04A44AD4 00000000 04A44B98 00000000 04A44C5C 00000000 04A44D20 00000000 04A44DE4 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *demo video- *PRESS C on the WiiMote to begin lag/slow motion, then release to stop Prestiege/Mic Color Cycler [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA A8000008 00000010 046EC720 00000000 CC000000 00000000 046EC720 3F800000 A8000008 00000010 046EC724 00000000 CC000000 00000000 046EC724 3F800000 A8000008 00000010 046EC728 00000000 CC000000 00000000 046EC728 3F800000 E0000000 80008000 *demo video - *only tested or earlier prestiges *no activator *all players can see *cycles through entire color spectrum Multiplayer Menu Theme: Black [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 80000003 80142777 8A00043F 006EB620 E0000000 80008000 *no activator Brightness Modifier [Seth@WiiPlaza] 04A6AE64 0000000X *X= 1-F *the higher the number the brighter Moving Player Texture (Its Alive!) v.01 [Seth@WiiPlaza] 208A2928 01000000 A8000008 00000002 80000000 817AF864 86010000 000C000C 254ACE28 000F000F 054ACE28 0000000F E2100000 80008000 *demo video- * only tested for SAS models on seatown *only works for 1 match i will be updating the code Super Flying Code [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 48000000 802D505C DE000000 80008180 14000774 42000000 E0000000 80008000 *demo video- *aim down the sites of your gun and walk forward to fly Shadow Map Texture [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 0577FEFC 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *demo video- *no activator Skipping [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 0514308C 427FFA00 E0000000 80008000 *demo video- *no activator Texture Hack (see video) [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA [Seth@WiiPlaza] 049FE494 0000000A 04A09024 0000000A 04A427B4 0000000A 04A593E4 0000000A 04A5943C 0000000A 04A59494 0000000A 04A6862C 0000000A 04A68DB8 0000000A 04A6B930 0000000A 04A6B990 0000000A 04A6B9F0 0000000A 04A6E6AC 0000000A 04A783F8 0000000A 04A783FC 0000000A 04A78400 0000000A 04A78404 0000000A 04A78668 0000000A 04A7866C 0000000A 04A78670 0000000A 04A78674 0000000A 04AA7A48 0000000A 04AA7AB0 0000000A 04BC3808 0000000A 04F0E1E0 0000000A 04F0E3E4 0000000A 04F4CAFC 0000000A 04F4CC6C 0000000A E0000000 80008000 *demo video- *no activator View Last Place Of Death Host + Non-Host [Seth@WiiPlaza] 2820236A 7FFF8000 04BBE844 00000008 CC000000 00000000 04BBE844 00000000 E0000000 80008000 2820236A 7FFF8000 04BBE8D0 02000000 CC000000 00000000 04BBE8D0 00000000 E0000000 80008000 2820236A 7FFF8000 04BBE9DC 0000007F CC000000 00000000 04BBE9DC 00000000 E0000000 80008000 2820236A 7FFF8000 04BC1044 00000008 CC000000 00000000 04BC1044 00000000 E0000000 80008000 2820236A 7FFF8000 04BC10D0 02000000 CC000000 00000000 04BC10D0 00000000 E0000000 80008000 2820236A 7FFF8000 04BC11DC 0000007F CC000000 00000000 04BC11DC 00000000 E0000000 80008000 2820236A 7FFF8000 04BDDD84 00000008 CC000000 00000000 04BDDD84 00000000 E0000000 80008000 2820236A 7FFF8000 04BDDE10 02000000 CC000000 00000000 04BDDE10 00000000 E0000000 80008000 2820236A 7FFF8000 04BDDF1C 0000007F CC000000 00000000 04BDDF1C 00000000 E0000000 80008000 2820236A 7FFF8000 04BE0584 00000008 CC000000 00000000 04BE0584 00000000 E0000000 80008000 2820236A 7FFF8000 04BE0610 02000000 CC000000 00000000 04BE0610 00000000 E0000000 80008000 2820236A 7FFF8000 04BE071C 0000007F CC000000 00000000 04BE071C 00000000 E0000000 80008000 2820236A 7FFF8000 04E88104 00000008 CC000000 00000000 04E88104 00000000 E0000000 80008000 2820236A 7FFF8000 04E88190 02000000 CC000000 00000000 04E88190 00000000 E0000000 80008000 2820236A 7FFF8000 04E8829C 0000007F CC000000 00000000 04E8829C 00000000 E0000000 80008000 2820236A 7FFF8000 04E8A904 00000008 CC000000 00000000 04E8A904 00000000 E0000000 80008000 2820236A 7FFF8000 04E8A990 02000000 CC000000 00000000 04E8A990 00000000 E0000000 80008000 2820236A 7FFF8000 04E8AA9C 0000007F CC000000 00000000 04E8AA9C 00000000 E0000000 80008000 2820236A 7FFF8000 04EBD704 00000008 CC000000 00000000 04EBD704 00000000 E0000000 80008000 2820236A 7FFF8000 04EBD790 02000000 CC000000 00000000 04EBD790 00000000 E0000000 80008000 2820236A 7FFF8000 04EBD89C 0000007F CC000000 00000000 04EBD89C 00000000 E0000000 80008000 2820236A 7FFF8000 04EF051C 00000001 CC000000 00000000 04EF051C 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *demo video- *PRESS HOME ON THE WIIMOTE TO TOGGLE ON/OFF Ejaculate On Recticle [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 04AC0ED0 3F800000 E0000000 80008000 *no activator needed All Smoke/Explosions are Pink *NON-HOST* [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 046DF4A4 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *demo video- Never Phased/Blinded By Concussion Grenades *NON-HOST* [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 04BDDF04 00000000 04BE0704 00000000 04E88284 00000000 04E8AA84 00000000 04EBD884 00000000 04EFC6EC 00000000 04F86DC4 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *no button activator needed Rotational Vision (360 Degrees) *NON-HOST* [Seth@WiiPlaza] 2820236A 7FFF8000 04E8A888 FFC0FC0F CC000000 00000000 04E8A888 3F800000 E0000000 80008000 *demo video- *press HOME on wiimote to toggle on/off *when you shoot enemies with your head turned around, the person being shot will see bullets come out of your back xD Bullet Hole Modifier *NON-HOST* [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 046EFD1C FF000000 046F03D0 FF000000 E0000000 80008000 *demo video- Epic Map Texturization WiiMote *NON-HOST* [Seth@WiiPlaza] 2820236A 7FFF8000 04A70D88 00000000 E0000000 80008000 2820236A 7FFF8000 04A58528 00000000 E0000000 80008000 2820236A 7FFF8000 04A209F4 00000000 E0000000 80008000 2820236A 7FFF8000 04A10ED8 00000000 E0000000 80008000 2820236A 7FFF8000 04A0B3E8 00000000 E0000000 80008000 2820236A 7FFF8000 04A01C90 00000000 E0000000 80008000 2820236A 7FFF8000 049FE6B0 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *VIDEO- *go into a match and press HOME on the wiimote 2 times *only tested for seatown map, works host + non-host Epic Map Texturization CCP *NON-HOST* [Seth@WiiPlaza] 282028F0 00000004 04A70D88 00000000 E0000000 80008000 282028F0 00000004 04A58528 00000000 E0000000 80008000 282028F0 00000004 04A209F4 00000000 E0000000 80008000 282028F0 00000004 04A10ED8 00000000 E0000000 80008000 282028F0 00000004 04A0B3E8 00000000 E0000000 80008000 282028F0 00000004 04A01C90 00000000 E0000000 80008000 282028F0 00000004 049FE6B0 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *VIDEO- *go into a match and press Zr on the CCP 2 times *only tested for seatown map, works host + non-host Change Name TO HOSTS [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 80000003 8083A67C 8A00043F 00A07C0C E0000000 80008000 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 80000003 8083A680 8A00043F 00A07C10 E0000000 80008000 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 80000003 8083A684 8A00043F 00A07C14 E0000000 80008000 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 80000003 8083A688 8A00043F 00A07C18 E0000000 80008000 *demo video- Display Ip Address in Name [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 80000003 80A4C9C0 8A00043F 00A07C0C E0000000 80008000 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 80000003 80A4C9C4 8A00043F 00A07C10 E0000000 80008000 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 80000003 80A4C9C8 8A00043F 00A07C14 E0000000 80008000 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 80000003 80A4C9CC 8A00043F 00A07C18 E0000000 80008000 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 00A07C1C 00000000 00A07C1D 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *demo video- Display Host Name v.1 [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 82100000 8083A67C 84100000 933DA47E E0000000 80008000 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 82100001 8083A680 84100001 933DA482 E0000000 80008000 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 82100002 8083A684 84100002 933DA486 E0000000 80008000 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 82100003 8083A688 84100003 933DA48A E0000000 80008000 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 42000000 92000000 053DA48B 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *demo video- *host name replaces the name for custom class 2 *host name is extremely scrambled (idk why but its still readable) but i will fix in the future Recoil+No Bullet Spray (Host Only) [Seth@WiiPlaza] 2820236A 00000C00 046DBCAC 00000000 CC000000 00000000 046DBCAC 43B40000 E2100000 80008000 *press A + B to activate and then again to deactivate *very laggy in public, but works *the no bullet spray works when you are aimed down sights Speed Run (HOST ONLY) [Seth@WiiPlaza] 2820236A 7FFF8000 80000003 80143068 8A00043F 006DBCA0 E0000000 80008000 *non-host its just a visual but is still kind of cool *start running to start clipping! stop running to stop *kind of like the ultimate speed hack but faster Piss Off Code [Seth@WiiPlaza] 046DBCA8 3BEA0899 All Players Have Big Guns (Toggle) *NON-HOST* [Seth@WiiPlaza] 2820236A 7FFF8000 047931CC 80000000 CC000000 00000000 047931CC 20000000 E0000000 80008000 2820236A 7FFF8000 046EBC58 40000000 CC000000 00000000 046EBC58 C0D80C06 E0000000 80008000 2820236A 7FFF8000 046EBC48 40000000 CC000000 00000000 046EBC48 406CCCCD E0000000 80008000 2820236A 7FFF8000 046EBC44 40000000 CC000000 00000000 046EBC44 40400000 E0000000 80008000 2820236A 7FFF8000 046EBC60 40000000 CC000000 00000000 046EBC60 40C00804 E0000000 80008000 *demo video- *press HOME on the wiimote to toggle big guns on/off *other players can see you with big guns and your fucked up body when you die with a grenade Spec Ops 360 Degree Rotational Vision [Seth@WiiPlaza] 48000000 80246FCC DE000000 80008180 14007D6C FFC0FFFF E0000000 80008000 *able to turn 360 Degrees (like a owl) and still kill enemys Spec Ops Enemy Tracker [Seth@WiiPlaza] 057B90AC FF000000 *makes it easier to read location of enemys Ultimate Sexy Graphics [Seth@WiiPlaza] 48000000 80A688D0 DE000000 80008180 14000118 64000000 E0000000 80008000 *increases shading so it resembles Xbox360 (sort of :-p) *preview - Ultimate Speed Hack (Host Only) [Seth@WiiPlaza] 046DBC58 40000000 *demo video Teleport Upon Jump (Host Only) [Seth@WiiPlaza] 046DB88C 42800000 *demo video Green Square On Inactivity [Seth@WiiPlaza] 046DC5B8 FFFFFFFF * Backwards Vision [Seth@WiiPlaza] 2820236A 00008000 046EBC38 3F800000 CC000000 00000000 046EBC38 3D800000 E0000000 80008000 *press HOME on wiimote to toggle *also shows what enemys are behind you * * Blank UAV Map [Seth@WiiPlaza] 046DC380 42000000 Have X Amount Of Overall Score [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 049EC978 XXXXXXXX 049EC924 XXXXXXXX 049E9070 XXXXXXXX 049E901C XXXXXXXX 42000000 90000000 05824A94 XXXXXXXX E0000000 80008000 *X=amount of score desired in hex *no need for button activator * Allow Explicit Name Online [Seth@WiiPlaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 06A07C0D 00000017 XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX *demo video *code activates by itself *X= Explicit Name Desired In Hexadecimal **the best part about this code is its temporary, so if you were to remove the code from your gct file that changes your name, your name will go back to the original profile name you had before the code!!! HIDDEN GAMETYPE {INFECTION} (HOST ONLY) [Seth@WiiPlaza] 2820236A 7FFF8000 C0000000 00000004 3D60000E 3D8080FD 3D8CFFA2 398C62BB 616B0000 916C3701 4E800020 4E800020 E0000000 80008000 *demo video *go into a private match and JUST choose your map, then press the home button on the wiimote and start the game! have lulz HIDDEN GAMETYPE {GUN GAME} (HOST ONLY) [Seth@WiiPlaza] 2820236A 7FFF8000 C0000000 00000004 3D60000D 3D8080FD 3D8CFFA2 398C62BB 616B0000 916C3701 4E800020 4E800020 E0000000 80008000 *demo video *go into a private match and JUST choose your map, then press the home button on the wiimote and start the game! have lulz Map Texture Viewer [Seth@WiiPlaza] 28XXXXXX XXXXXXXX 4A000000 8112FE00 16000000 0000000C 00000000 3F800000 00000000 00000000 CC000000 00000000 4A000000 8112FE00 16000000 0000000C 01000000 3F800000 00000000 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *28XXXXXX XXXXXXXX = BUTTON ACTIVATOR *this is a toggle code so when you replace it with button activator, when you press it again it will go back to regular view Game Speed Modifier [Seth@WiiPlaza] 051267EC XXXXXXXX *X=Floating Point *convert desired value from decimal to float Show Connection Ping [Seth@WiiPlaza] 05141874 01000000 05141834 01000000 *shows if your connections good or not Make YOUR Name Invisible In Lobby's [Seth@WiiPlaza] 2820236A 7FFF8000 C0000000 00000004 3D600000 3D8080BA 3D8CFFE6 398C470F 616B0000 916C34FD 4E800020 4E800020 E0000000 80008000 *kind of lolish *only temporary though Third Person View (Toggle) [Seth@WiiPlaza] 2820236A 00008000 C313E2F8 00000001 00000001 00000000 CC000000 00000000 C313E2F8 00000001 00000000 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *press home on the wiimote to toggle *remove the top line if you wish to change activator Unlock All Callsigns [Seth@WiiPlaza] 42000000 92000000 093DADF8 07070707 20090004 00000000 053DADF4 04040707 053DAE1C 07070909 E0000000 80008000 Allow 15 Players In Lobby (Host Only) [Seth@WiiPlaza] 04A20D4F 0000000F *if you want more than less than 15 change 0F to whatever your desire is in hexadecimal Enlarge MiniMap [Seth@WiiPlaza] 0513FA58 3F99999A No Clip Host Only Multiplayer [Seth@WiiPlaza] 28XXXXXX XXXXXXXX C0000000 00000004 3D600000 3D80808A 398C3641 616B0001 916C101F 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 C0000000 00000004 3D808113 618CC978 3D600000 616B0000 916C0000 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 C0000000 00000004 3D808113 618C3A08 3D600000 616B0000 916C0000 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 CC000000 00000001 C0000000 00000004 3D600000 3D80808A 398C3641 616B0000 916C101F 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 C0000000 00000004 3D808113 618CC978 3D600100 616B0000 916C0000 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 C0000000 00000004 3D808113 618C3A08 3D600100 616B0000 916C0000 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 E0000000 00000000 *working after patch *28XXXXXX XXXXXXXX = replace with custom button activator, then use that button to toggle it on/off *also gives god mode Give 999 Kills (HOST ONLY) [Seth@WiiPlaza] C0000000 00000006 3D600000 48000008 38030000 380303E7 3D80808A 398C2587 48000004 7C1E0000 616B03E7 916C1E11 4E800020 4E800020 E0000000 80008000 *press activator to gain 999 Kills *Demo video soon Team Deathmatch: Have 9999 Score [Seth@WiiPlaza] C0000000 00000006 3D600000 3D80808A 4800000C 38000000 3800270F 7C0802A6 398C2588 616B270F 916C1E08 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *Host Only Never Obtain Deaths [Seth@WiiPlaza] C0000000 00000007 3D600000 4800000C 7C03002E 7F20D214 7C1A002E 3D80808A 48000004 3B9C0000 398C1899 616B0000 916C2AFB 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *HOST ONLY *Add Onine Activator to the code so it will always remain constant Infinite Clips Of Ammo Host Only [Seth@WiiPlaza] C0000000 00000004 3D601337 3D80808A 398C1337 616B1337 916C0C6D 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 C0000000 00000004 3D601337 3D80808A 398C1337 616B1337 916C0C5D 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 E0000000 80008000 Give Gold Camo To Weapon [Seth@WiiPlaza] 28XXXXXX XXXXXXXX 04F00757 928CF00D C0000000 00000004 3D600000 3D808100 398C4BCE 616B000D 916C185E 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *add button activator Give N23 Designator (Host Only) [Seth@WiiPlaza] C0000000 00000004 3D600000 3D80808A 398C0755 616B003E 916C1723 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *hidden weapon only viewable on Seatown map *add activator *demo video Give Bomb Weapon (Host Only) [Seth@WiiPlaza] C0000000 00000004 3D600000 3D80808A 398C0755 616B0050 916C1723 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *funny for other players to see *dont use with code above this *add activator *demo video Give Laptop Weapon (Host Only) [Seth@WiiPlaza] C0000000 00000004 3D600000 3D80808A 398C0755 616B005E 916C1723 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *funny for other players to see *dont use with code above this *add activator *demo video Rapid Fire HOST ONLY [Seth@WiiPlaza] C0000000 00000004 3D600000 3D8080E8 398C24DD 616B0000 916C5E5F 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *code only works for host player,testing and working oly for host Allow Chat With Enemy Players [Seth@WiiPlaza] C0000000 00000004 3D600000 3D808113 398C26BC 616B0000 916C156C 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 E0000000 80008000 Always Invisible Host Only [Seth@WiiPlaza] 28XXXXXX XXXXXXXX C0000000 00000004 3D600000 3D80814B 398C7AAA 616B0000 916C5E7E 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *MUST, I REPEAT, MUST ADD CUSTOM BUTTON ACTIVATOR *28XXXXXX XXXXXXXX= replace this line with button activator *demo video God Mode (Infinite Health) HOST ONLY [Seth@WiiPlaza] 054BD95C 7FFFFFFF C0000000 00000004 3D600000 3D80814B 398C7CF0 616B1001 916C5C54 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *add button activator *credits to bully No Recoil (Multiplayer) [Seth@WiiPlaza] C0000000 00000004 3D600000 3D8080BC 398C28A0 616B0000 916C1084 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 C0000000 00000004 3D8080BC 618C3928 3D600000 616B0000 916C0000 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 C0000000 00000004 3D8080BC 618C392C 3D600000 616B0000 916C0000 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *add custom button activator *works after update *credits to bully Infinite Ammo Host Only Multiplayer [Seth@WiiPlaza] C0000000 00000004 3D80808A 618C1FA4 3D600000 616B270F 916C0000 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 C0000000 00000004 3D80808A 618C1F94 3D600000 616B270F 916C0000 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 C0000000 00000004 3D80808A 618C2030 3D600000 616B270F 916C0000 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 C0000000 00000004 3D80808A 618C2018 3D600000 616B270F 916C0000 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 C0000000 00000004 3D80808A 618C200C 3D600000 616B270F 916C0000 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 C0000000 00000004 3D80808A 618C2024 3D600000 616B270F 916C0000 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *add custom button activator *works after update Give Default Weapon (1 hit kills) Campaign [Seth@WiiPlaza] F6000001 80008100 90830060 7C050214 D2000030 00000002 81230000 3D808000 912C1600 00000000 E0000000 80008000 28001602 7FFF8000 C0000000 00000004 3D600000 3D80807B 398C2AA1 616B0001 916C2EAF 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 C0000000 00000004 3D600000 3D80807B 398C4A27 616B0001 916C0D55 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *press HOME on the wiimote to activate *ONLY for wiimote (creds to bully for button activator) Campaign Increased Jump Height [Seth@WiiPlaza] C0000000 00000004 3D600000 3D8080B4 398C3A1C 616B4316 916C4F40 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 C0000000 00000004 3D600000 3D8080B4 398C0AAA 616B437A 916C7A72 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 E0000000 80008000 Infinite Health Campaign [Seth@WiiPlaza] C0000000 00000004 3D606A6A 3D8080B3 398C7999 616B6A6A 916C54C3 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 E0000000 80008000 Campaign Super Speed [Seth@WiiPlaza] C0000000 00000004 3D600000 3D8080B4 398C4ACB 616B028C 916C5AFD 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 E0000000 80008000 Infinite Clips Of Ammo Campaign [Seth@WiiPlaza] C0000000 00000004 3D80807B 618C58B8 3D600000 616B03E7 916C0000 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 C0000000 00000004 3D80807B 618C58A0 3D600000 616B03E7 916C0000 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 E0000000 80008000 Infinite ammo XM25 (Campaign) [Seth@WiiPlaza] 047B593C DEAD0000 Infinite ammo XM25 (Campaign) [Seth@WiiPlaza] 047B593C DEAD0000 Some Objects Dissapear [T.B.W] 2820236A 0000XXXX 046EBB98 01000000 CC000000 00000001 046EBB98 3F800000 E0000000 80008000 Add Activator Toggle On and Off Invisible Ground [T.B.W] 2820236A 0000XXXX 046EBBAC 01000000 CC000000 00000001 046EBBAC 3F800000 E0000000 80008000 Add Activator Toggle On and Off Background objects dissapear [T.B.W] 2820236A 0000XXXX 046EBBD4 01000000 CC000000 00000001 046EBBD4 3F800000 E0000000 80008000 Add Activator Toggle On and Off Crazy Screen [T.B.W] 2820236A 0000XXXX 046EBBE8 01000000 CC000000 00000001 046EBBE8 3F7FE000 E0000000 80008000 Add Activator Toggle On and Off Random Rotation When Walking [T.B.W] 2820236A 0000XXXX 046EBC08 01000000 CC000000 00000001 046EBC08 3F000000 E0000000 80008000 Add Activator Toggle On and Off Cant move or see body when shooting [T.B.W] 2820236A 0000XXXX 046EBC30 01000000 CC000000 00000001 046EBC30 43300000 E0000000 80008000 Add Activator Toggle On and Off Sideways View [T.B.W] 2820236A 0000XXXX 046EBBFC 3F800000 CC000000 00000001 046EBBFC 4096CBE4 E0000000 80008000 Add Activator Toggle On and Off Sideways Mini Map [T.B.W] 2820236A 0000XXXX 046EBB34 44440000 CC000000 00000001 046EBB34 43B40000 E0000000 80008000 Add Activator Toggle On and Off Bullet Shoots in the oppisite direction [T.B.W] 2820236A 0000XXXX 046EBB34 01000000 CC000000 00000001 046EBB34 43B40000 E0000000 80008000 Add Activator Toggle On and Off Epileptic Sky Cycler [T.B.W] A8000008 00000000 046F02A8 01000000 E0000000 80008000 A8000008 00000001 046F02A8 01000000 E0000000 80008000 A8000008 00000002 046F0238 01000000 E0000000 80008000 A8000008 00000003 046F0238 01000000 E0000000 80008000 A8000008 00000004 046F03A8 01000000 E0000000 80008000 A8000008 00000005 046F03A8 01000000 E0000000 80008000 Bright Screen [T.B.W] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 046F02A8 01000000 E0000000 80008000 Night Sky [T.B.W] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 046F0238 01000000 E0000000 80008000 Grey Sky [T.B.W] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 046F03A8 01000000 E0000000 80008000 Grey Sky+Invisible Screen [T.B.W] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 046F0310 01000000 E0000000 80008000 Bloody red screen [T.B.W] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 04BC11E0 11111111 E0000000 80008000 Shaky Screen [T.B.W] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 04BC10A4 01000000 E0000000 80008000 Invisible Ammo [T.B.W] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 088A1E70 00000000 20030004 00000000 E0000000 80008000 Clear Text Messages [T.B.W] 2820236A 0000XXXX 08A4C0EC 00000000 20090008 00000000 E0000000 80008000 Add Activator See through Everything [T.B.W] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 048A1C14 99999999 E0000000 80008000 Spectating Screen [T.B.W] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 048A1C10 FFFFFFFF E0000000 80008000 Loading Spoofer [T.B.W] 2817E372 00000001 081441C0 01000000 20001004 01000000 E0000000 80008000 Display Router Ip Address as Name [T.B.W] 2820236A 0000XXXX 80000003 80181E88 8A00043F 00A07C0C 80000003 80181E8C 8A00043F 00A07C10 80000003 80181E90 8A00043F 00A07C14 80000003 80181E94 8A00043F 00A07C18 E0000000 80008000 Add Activator Display your xuid as name [T.B.W] 2820236A 0000XXXX 80000003 80A07C38 8A00043F 00A07C0C 80000003 80A07C3C 8A00043F 00A07C10 80000003 80A07C40 8A00043F 00A07C14 80000003 80A07C44 8A00043F 00A07C18 E0000000 80008000 Add Activator Triggerbot/Auto aim Campagin v2 CCP [STRiiK3R] 206FA698 00008010 047484C0 01000000 0474845C 01010000 E0000000 80008000 206FA698 00008000 047484C0 00000000 0474845C 00000000 202023C8 00000080 0474845C 01010000 E0000000 80008000 206FA698 00000010 047484C0 01000000 0474845C 01010000 E0000000 80008000 206FA698 00000000 047484C0 00000000 0474845C 00000000 202023C8 00000080 0474845C 01010000 E0000000 80008000 *if you are looking at an enemy you automatically aims down sight and shoots! *Flawless Triggerbot Campaign [STRiiK3R] 206FA698 00008010 047484C0 01000000 E0000000 80008000 206FA698 00008000 047484C0 00000000 E0000000 80008000 206FA698 00000010 047484C0 01000000 E0000000 80008000 206FA698 00000000 047484C0 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *if you are looking at the enemy it automatically shoots! Auto aim Campaign CCP [STRiiK3R] 206FA698 00008010 0474845C 01010000 E0000000 80008000 206FA698 00008000 0474845C 00000000 202023C8 00000080 0474845C 01010000 E0000000 80008000 206FA698 00000010 0474845C 01010000 E0000000 80008000 206FA698 00000000 0474845C 00000000 202023C8 00000080 0474845C 01010000 E0000000 80008000 *if you are looking at the enemy it automaticaly Aims Down Sight! Inf HP Campaign [STRiiK3R] C0000000 00000003 3D40811F 614A92E0 3D600000 616B0064 916A0000 4E800020 *Works on all levels, no red screen! Drop-shot Campaign [STRiiK3R] 207484C0 01000000 047B5670 0000000B E0000000 80008000 *if you shoot you drop to the floor! Shoot if aiming down sight [STRiiK3R] 20796998 01000000 047968A8 01000000 E0000000 80008000 20796998 00000000 047968A8 00000000 E0000000 80008000 Rapid Fire Non Host [STRiiK3R] 04E8833C 00000000 *Don't take credit from this code, seth. Alternate Shoot Button Non Host WiiMote [STRiiK3R] 2820236A XXXXXXXX 04796898 00000000 E0000000 80008000 * X's = Desired button Alternate Shoot Button Non Host CCP [STRiiK3R] 282028F0 XXXXXXXX 04796898 00000000 E0000000 80008000 * X's = Desired button Make Guns Semi Auto Non Host [STRiiK3R] 047968A8 00000000 *Any Weapon is now Semi auto Fake Shoot Non Host [STRiiK3R] 048A1E3C 00000000 *Use best with single fire weapons. *Hold shoot and gun does the shooting animation even if the clip is empty Wierd Swap Weapons Non Host [STRiiK3R] 04BC127C 00000000 *When changing weapons the gun does wierd stuff Private Match -Infected- Edits (only use one at a time) Infected Gametype Edit 1 [Welohabi] C0000000 0000000A 3D80808A 39600000 2C0B000A 41820040 814C4464 2C0A0001 40820028 39200000 81AC1F94 2C0D0050 4180000C 912C1F94 912C200C 912C1F94 912C1F9F 912C2018 398C2D80 396B0001 4BFFFFC0 4E800020 *Infected have no ammo, only 1 throwing knife per spawn* Infected Gametype Edit 2 [Welohabi] C0000000 00000008 3D80808A 39600000 2C0B000A 41820030 814C4464 2C0A0001 40820018 39200000 39C00003 91CC200C 912C1F9F 912C2018 398C2D80 396B0001 4BFFFFD0 4E800020 *First person infected has inf ammo on primary (none other ammo) untill they kill/infect another person* *Then all infected have 0 ammo and unlimited throwing knives* Infected Gametype Edit 3 [Welohabi] C0000000 00000009 3D80808A 39600000 2C0B000A 41820038 814C4464 2C0A0001 40820020 39200000 3DC04000 91CC4448 912C1F94 912C200C 912C1F9F 912C2018 398C2D80 396B0001 4BFFFFC8 4E800020 *Infected Have No Ammo of any kind, but they are super fast* *Edit the "4000" value of the line "3DC04000" to edit the speed of the infected* Infected Gametype Edit 4 [Welohabi] C0000000 00000008 3D80808A 39600000 2C0B000A 41820030 814C4464 2C0A0001 40820018 39200000 912C1F94 912C200C 912C1F9F 912C2018 398C2D80 396B0001 4BFFFFD0 4E800020 *Infected have no Ammo at all* Infected Gametype Edit 5 [Welohabi] C0000000 0000000B 3D80808A 39600000 2C0B000A 41820048 814C4464 2C0A0001 40820018 39200000 912C1F94 912C200C 912C1F9F 912C2018 81CC1F9C 2C0E003C 4180000C 39C00007 91CC1F9C 39080280 398C2D80 396B0001 4BFFFFB8 4E800020 *Infected Have No Ammo at all, Survivors only start with 16 rounds.* *Change the "8" in the "39C00008" line to customize starting ammo, must be less than 60* Infected Gametype Edit 6 [Welohabi] C0000000 0000000B 3D80808A 39600000 2C0B000A 41820044 814C4464 2C0A0001 4082002C 39200000 81AC1F94 2C0D0050 41800010 3900000A 912C1F94 910C200C 912C1F94 912C1F9F 912C2018 398C2D80 396B0001 4BFFFFBC 4E800020 00000000 *First infected has 10 bullets each spawn untill he kills/infects someone* *Then infected have no ammo and 1 knife per spawn* Automatic Guns are Semi-Auto [sLoddir] C0000000 00000003 3D408074 614A84C0 3D600000 616B0000 916A0000 4E800020 E0000000 80008000 *Campaign only *press 2 to disable Campaign Screen Render [Sgt.Ghost] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA 046F9F40 XXXXXXXX E0000000 80008000 **X = 80000000-FF000000** Red Dot/Acog Cycler [Sgt.Ghost] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA A8000008 00000001 046BC070 xxxxxxxx E0000000 80008000 A8000008 00000002 046BC070 xxxxxxxx E0000000 80008000 A8000008 00000003 046BC070 xxxxxxxx E0000000 80008000 **Credits to GOOBER** The Troll Code [PoptartHunter] 2820236A 00008000 041FDA20 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *Press home on wiimote to activate trollage Disable AI Spawning (Spec Ops) [PoptartHunter] 2820236A 00008000 04C14044 01000000 CC000000 00000000 04C14044 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *Home = on/off Special Ops Wallhack [PoptartHunter] 2820236A 00006000 04C006D4 01000000 CC000000 00000000 04C006D4 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *Z and C to toggle on/off Items Have Low Friction (Spec Ops) [PoptartHunter] 04C0939C 3C23D70A Cartoon Vision (Spec Ops) [PoptartHunter] 04C00608 00000001 Christmas Vision (Spec Ops) [PoptartHunter] 04C00828 00000002 04C008F4 00000001 Care Packages Fall Slowly (Spec Ops) [PoptartHunter] 04C08CF8 BF800000 Set message of the day (Spec Ops) 48000000 80C068D8 [PoptartHunter] 16000000 00000018 XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX E0000000 80008000 Draw FPS (Spec Ops) [PoptartHunter] 04C040BC 01000000 G_speed (Spec Ops) 04C1340C XXXXXXXXX *X's = float to hex No wait between invites spec ops [PoptartHunter] 04C047A4 00000000 In Game Activator [PoptartHunter] 208A2928 01000000 *activates the code when you go into a match Glass Falls Slowly [PoptartHunter] 05132A18 3DCCCCCD Mute Everyone In Your Lobby [PoptartHunter] 2820236A 00000300 08A20D84 01000000 20090038 00000000 CC000000 00000000 08A20D84 00000000 20090038 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *Press 1 & 2 to mute everyone/unmute everyone All Allies In X Game Mode [PoptartHunter] 2820236A 00008000 08A3EFD0 000X0000 20630090 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *1 = Multiplayer *2 = Spec Ops *3 = Single Player Show Primary Weapon Value [PoptartHunter] C0000000 00000006 3D608020 616B2368 280B8000 41820004 3D40808A 614A1E78 3D20808A 61294394 810A0000 91090000 4E800020 4E800020 E0000000 80008000 *Press home on wiimote in a private match *Your primary weapon value will be written to your deaths on the ingame scoreboard *Convert that value to hex and it will be the value of your primary weapon Keyboards Shortcuts (CCP) [PoptartHunter] 202023C8 00000400 0494C4E3 00000001 CC000000 00000000 0494C4E3 00000000 E0000000 80008000 202023C8 00000004 0494BF13 00000001 CC000000 00000000 0494BF13 00000001 E0000000 80008000 *Press + to turn caps lock on/off *Press Zr to shift Keyboard Shortcuts (Wiimote) [PoptartHunter] 2820236A 00000010 0494C4E3 00000001 CC000000 00000000 0494C4E3 00000000 E0000000 80008000 2820236A 00002000 0494BF13 00000001 CC000000 00000000 0494BF13 00000001 E0000000 80008000 *Press + on Wiimote to turn caps lock on/off *Press Z on nunchuck to shift Choose 2 Attachments Without Attachments Profiency [PoptartHunter] 2094C390 00000001 0494C390 00000003 *Works for secondaries too All Allies Offline/Online [PoptartHunter] 2820236A 00008000 08A3EF50 00000000 20630090 00000000 CC000000 00000000 08A3EF50 01000000 20630090 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *Home on Wiimote Hold Grenades Forever [PoptartHunter] 042FC7E4 60000000 Host only Thermal Vision [PoptartHunter] C0000000 00000003 3D40808A 614A1C10 3D600000 616B1018 916A0000 4E800020 E0000000 80008000 *Host only * Inverted Vision [PoptartHunter] C0000000 00000003 3D4080A6 614AB81C 3D600100 616B0000 916A0000 4E800020 E0000000 80008000 * Flashing Red Vision [PoptartHunter] 2820236A 00008000 C0000000 00000003 3D4080A6 614A862C 3D600000 616B0004 916A0000 4E800020 C0000000 00000000 C0000000 00000003 3D4080A6 614A862C 3D600000 616B0009 916A0000 4E800020 E0000000 80008000 *Home on wiimote on/off * Soft Glow Vision [PoptartHunter] C0000000 00000003 3D4080A6 614A862C 3D600000 616B000A 916A0000 4E800020 E0000000 80008000 * Moon Jump Multiplayer (wiimote) [PoptartHunter] 2820236A 00000008 F6000001 808A808B 815FD7C0 814BD7C0 14000060 4479C000 E0000000 80008000 Moon Jump Multiplayer (CCP) [PoptartHunter] 282028F0 00000040 F6000001 808A808B 815FD7C0 814BD7C0 14000060 4479C000 E0000000 80008000 Moon Jump All Players [PoptartHunter] 2820236A 0000XXXX F6000001 808A808B 815FD7C0 814BD7C0 18000060 4479C000 20092D80 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *Add your own button activator No Clip Lobby [PoptartHunter] 2820236A 00008000 F6000001 808A808B 815FD7C0 814BD7C0 18002A90 00000001 20092D80 00000000 CC000000 00000000 18002A90 00000000 20092D80 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *Home on wiimote to turn on/off *Works for all players Start Match Early All Players [PoptartHunter] F6000001 808A808B 815FD7C0 814BD7C0 18002A90 00000000 20092D80 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *Needs Activator Teleport onto house in seatown [PoptartHunter] 2820236A 00008000 048A1C1C C34D8F57 048A1C20 C331742A 048A1C24 43DE1000 E0000000 80008000 *Home on wiimote activates. Reticle Style Changer [PoptartHunter] F6000001 81008130 8112A254 80740880 1400000C 0000000X E0000000 80008000 *X = values 6-F Reticle Style Cycler [PoptartHunter] A8000008 00000020 80000000 8112C8E0 86010000 00000001 2512C8E0 0000000F 0512C8E0 00000000 E2100000 80008000 Voice Activator [PoptartHunter] 20A3EC50 F8600001 XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX E0000000 80008000 *when you talk through your mic, the code will activate. Knife Bot V1 [PoptartHunter] 20EFB808 0000007C 04796920 01000000 E0000000 80008000 22EFB808 00000125 04796920 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *Kind of glitchy Hurdle Hint Text Modifier [PoptartHunter] 20AC0F48 50726573 06AC0F48 00000020 XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX E0000000 80008000 *X's = ASCII to Hex Connection Notifier [Crashzer] 20C9D448 00000200 42000000 92000000 0654CCBC 00000018 436F6E6E 65637469 6F6E203D 205E314C 6F770000 00000000 E0000000 80008000 20C9D448 00000600 42000000 92000000 0654CCBC 00000018 436F6E6E 65637469 6F6E203D 205E354D 65646975 6D000000 E0000000 80008000 20C9D448 00000800 42000000 92000000 0654CCBC 00000018 436F6E6E 65637469 6F6E203D 205E3247 72656174 00000000 E0000000 80008000 42000000 90000000 042FAFD8 00000018 E0000000 80008000 20C9D448 00001500 42000000 92000000 0654CCBC 00000018 436F6E6E 65637469 6F6E203D 205E3247 72656174 00000000 E0000000 80008000 42000000 90000000 042FAFD8 00000018 E0000000 80008000 20C9D448 0000030A 42000000 92000000 0654CCBC 00000018 436F6E6E 65637469 6F6E203D 205E354D 65646975 6D000000 E0000000 80008000 *If your signal strength to IW is low, it will say "mpui_connection = low" on the in game options menu and etc... *This displays your connection status to IW servers. NOT your ping * Foggy Map [Crashzer] 04A6B6C8 41F99999 * Blue Vision [Crashzer] 04A6BDE0 84561211 04A6BDE4 92819381 * Extreme Grenade Cook [Crashzer] 048A1C34 0000017F 04E88134 0000017F *Throw a grenade and it'll expload almost instantly Hold Grenades Forever [Crashzer] 048A1C34 00000000 *Self explanatory Display Game Version (Ingame) [Crashzer] 2820236A 00002400 0479AAF8 00000000 CC000000 00000001 0479AAF8 0000000A E0000000 80008000 *Press b+z (wiimote) to view your current version of mw3 (dont activate at menu, activate in game Title Changer [Crashzer] 048438BC XXXXXXXX E0000000 80008000 *This will change your Title *X = Your desired title number in hex *NOTE: You do NOT need to have the title unlocked to be able to set it on this code! Enable The Insane Bot [Crashzer] 2820236A 00008000 041FDAE4 00020100 E0000000 80008000 2820236A 00001010 041FDAE4 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *Press home to enable the most insane bot ever (It's funny). *Press Plus + minus then unplug the nunchuck to disable the bot. *Enable the bot ingame or at the menus. Title Flasher [Crashzer] 048438BC 0000FFFF *Will make your title flash (blink) (CallSign) Extreme Grenade Cook [Crashzer] 048A1C34 0000017F 04E88134 0000017F *Throw a grenade and it'll expload almost instantly Hold Grenades Forever [Crashzer] 048A1C34 00000000 Scroll Fast [Crashzer] 0479AAFC 0006900A 0494C198 81315768 04AC1FA8 9352F2C8 *Scroll through leaderboards/menu fast Teleportal v1 [Crashzer] 2820236A 00008000 82210000 008A1C1C 82210001 008A1C20 82210002 008A1C24 E0000000 80008000 2820236A 00001000 84210000 008A1C1C 84210001 008A1C20 84210002 008A1C24 E0000000 80008000 When pressing Home you save your current location When pressing Minus you reload your saved location Teleportal Extended v1 [Crashzer] 2820236A 00008000 82210000 008A1C1C 82210001 008A1C20 82210002 008A1C24 E0000000 80008000 2820236A 00001000 84210000 008A1C1C 84210001 008A1C20 84210002 008A1C24 E0000000 80008000 2820236A 0000C000 82210003 008A1C1C 82210004 008A1C20 82210005 008A1C24 E0000000 80008000 2820236A 00005000 84210003 008A1C1C 84210004 008A1C20 84210005 008A1C24 E0000000 80008000 2820236A 0000A000 82210006 008A1C1C 82210007 008A1C20 82210008 008A1C24 E0000000 80008000 2820236A 00003000 84210006 008A1C1C 84210007 008A1C20 84210008 008A1C24 E0000000 80008000 When pressing Home you save your current location When pressing Minus you reload your saved location When holding C or Z while pressing Home or Minus you create 2 more locations where you can save/load to teleport to. Extreme Silenced Weapon [Crashzer] 04BC127C 00000FFF *Makes your gun completely silent when you shoot. Able to play when in options menu [Crashzer] 0094BF07 00000000 *Enables play when you have the menu open. Timer Is Red [Crashzer] F6000001 8000817F 43C68000 00000000 14000014 D96666FF E0000000 80008000 * Green Timer [Crashzer] F6000001 8000817F 43C68000 00000000 14000014 D96666FF E0000000 80008000 Timer is Orange [Crashzer] F6000001 8000817F 43C68000 00000000 14000014 00770FFF E0000000 80008000 No Timer [Crashzer] F6000001 8000817F 43C68000 00000000 14000014 D96666FF E0000000 80008000 Purple Timer [Crashzer] F6000001 8000817F 43C68000 00000000 14000014 3F800000 E0000000 80008000 Blue Timer [Crashzer] F6000001 8000817F 43C68000 00000000 14000014 0077FFFF E0000000 80008000 * Cyan Timer [Crashzer] F6000001 8000817F 43C68000 00000000 14000014 0077FFFF E0000000 80008000 Yellow Timer [Crashzer] F6000001 8000817F 43C68000 00000000 14000014 FFF000FF E0000000 80008000 White Timer (default) [Crashzer] F6000001 8000817F 43C68000 00000000 14000014 FFFFFFFF E0000000 80008000 Dark Blue Timer [Crashzer] F6000001 8000817F 43C68000 00000000 14000014 000FFFFF E0000000 80008000 Faided Timer [Crashzer] F6000001 8000817F 43C68000 00000000 14000014 0000000F E0000000 80008000 Ammo Activator [Crashzer] 208A2024 000000XX *XX = Bullets in mag to activate *Just shoot down to X bullets to activate code Shooting Activator [Crashzer] 207968A8 01000000 *Shoot to activate code Prone Activator [Crashzer] 20BC38F8 00000002 *Prone to activate code ADS activator [Crashzer] 20796808 01010000 *ADS to activate Code Drop Shot [Crashzer] 207968A8 01000000 04BC38F8 00000002 E0000000 80008000 *Shoot and drop to the floor "Please insert the Disc" Modifier [Crashzer] 0614421C 00000018 XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX E0000000 80008000 *Use this code and eject the disc *X=Message in hex Infinite Ammo (Campaign) [Crashzer] 047B591B 0000007F Infinite Grenades (Campaign) [Crashzer] 047B5924 0000000A 047B5930 000000A0 Inf prestige tokens [Clay10] 42000000 92000000 053DBEC8 00000065 E0000000 80008000 Level 80 [Clay10] 42000000 92000000 053D9E5C 18A51A00 E0000000 80008000 Prestige changer [Clay10] 42000000 92000000 053DA06C 0X000000 E0000000 80008000 X = prestige Thanks to Demon, Q, and Koala for doing some searches when I couldn't Prestige cycler [Clay10] 42000000 92000000 A8000008 00000020 80000000 933DA06C 86010000 01000000 253DA06C 0B000000 053DA06C 00000000 E2100000 80008000 *do not use with prestige changer * X = Message in Hex Inf. ammo/clips(Multiplayer-Host Only) [ellijah!] 088A1F94 60000000 21000010 00000000 *My old code afterpatched and put into 08 codetype. Take away all ammo(Multiplayer-Host only) [ellijah!] 088A2009 00000000 21000018 00000000 *Remade in 08 codetype due to ASM not working for MW3 anymore. Armor Modifier Spec Ops(Resistance) [Coldfire202] 2820236A 0000YYYY 04C9E6B0 XXXXXXXX E0000000 80008000 *x's are how much armor in hex *y=activator Spec Ops XP Modifier(Resistance) [Coldfire202] 2820236A 0000YYYY 04CF3F30 XXXXXXXX E0000000 80008000 *replace x's with how much XP you want in hex *if number is to high, like 9999999999, you will actually be deranked *once in game, kill once and you are good *die to save *y=activator Spec Ops level 50(Resistance) [Coldfire202] 2820236A 0000YYYY 04CF3F30 05F5E0FF E0000000 80008000 *kill once *die to save *if you don't want to die, you can keep killing. It's not gonna derank you if you do *y=activator Spec Ops Round Modifier(Resistance) [Coldfire202] 2820236A 00008010 04CFC580 XXXXXXXX E0000000 80008000 *round you want in hex for the x's *activate with home and + Max Players in Lobby [Crazy52] 04A17D4C 0000000X Reticle Style Cycler [BoxNinja] A8000008 00000030 80000000 8112CFE0 86010000 00000001 2512CFE0 00000006 0512CFE0 00000000 E2100000 80008000 *Might need an activtor Reticle Color Cycler (Inner) [BoxNinja] A8000008 00000025 80000000 8112D024 86010000 00000001 2512D024 00000009 0512D024 00000000 E2000001 00000000 *Might need an activator Reticle Color Cylcer (Outer) [BoxNinja] A8000008 00000025 80000000 8112D068 86010000 00000001 2512D068 00000009 0512D068 00000000 E2000001 00000000 *Might need an activator Host Only Moon Jump [BoxNinja] 281FD220 FFF70008 0489B3B0 44000000 E0000000 80008000 Spec Ops Moon Jump [BoxNinja] 2820236A FFF70008 0482C8D0 44000000 E0000000 80008000 Moon Jump press A to glide [xcoopa] 282028C7 00000008 0489B3B0 44000000 E0000000 80008000 282028C7 00000800 0489B3B0 00000001 E0000000 80008000 Inf ammo everything [superman] 048993A4 00009999 0489940C 00009999 04899424 00009999 04899430 00009999 04899418 00009999 Level 50 on spec ops mod [superman] 2820236A 00008000 04CE6380 3B9AC9FF E0000000 80008000 All you do is go into a private match and get one kill after that your done. And this only works on the first map after you are level 50 you can play any map have fun. Prestige token mod [superman] 2820236A 00008000 04A1BF00 05F5E0FF E0000000 80008000 Speed mod all player [savage] 2820236A 00008000 0889B848 40000000 20092D80 00000000 CC000000 00000001 0889B848 3F800000 20092D80 00000000 E0000000 80008000 Home(wiimote)ON/OFF Unlimited Ammo (Campaign) [GMO] C25A89B0 00000002 3800001E 90030004 60000000 00000000 Original Code By The D3mon Button Activator Wiimote [strakn] 2820236A MMMMXXXX Welcome Scroller Mod [strakn] 2820236A 00008000 60000001 00000000 16836030 00000040 XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 5A100000 00000200 62000000 00000000 E0000000 80008000 X's are your text convert from ascii to hex. Press Home when you see the welcome scroller to change to your custom text. 3rd Person Toggle On/Off [strakn] 2820236A 0000XXXX 0113E8E8 00000000 CC000000 00000001 0113E8E8 00000001 E0000000 80008000 Minimap Extender Toggle Big/Small [strakn] 2820236A 0000XXXX 03140048 00003F80 CC000000 00000001 03140048 00003FA0 E0000000 00000000 Timescale Mod [strakn] 2113F3A8 000005DC 05126EEC XXXXXXXX E0000000 80008000 X's are you speed multiplier in floating point 3F800000 - normal 1.0x 40000000 - fast 2.0x 3F400000 - slow 0.75x Always Show Team Names [strakn] 2113F3A8 000005DC 0513F388 7FFFFFFF E0000000 80008000 Ingame Name Changer Player1 [strakn] 0689B8A4 00000018 XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX Ingame Name Changer Player2 [strakn] 0689E624 00000018 XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX Ingame Name Changer Player3 [strakn] 068A13A4 00000018 XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX Ingame Name Changer Player4 [strakn] 068A4124 00000018 XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX Ingame Name Changer Player5 [strakn] 068A6EA4 00000018 XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX Ingame Name Changer Player6 [strakn] 068A9C24 00000018 XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX Ingame Name Changer Player7 [strakn] 068AC9A4 00000018 XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX Ingame Name Changer Player8 [strakn] 068AF724 00000018 XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX Ingame Name Changer Player9 [strakn] 068B24A4 00000018 XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX Ingame Name Changer Player10 [strakn] 068B5224 00000018 XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX MW3 CCP Activator [777eThOd*] 282028F0 0000XXXX God Mode/Inf Health: [BlockBoy] 04BBCBD8 00000064 HOST ONLY. Red Screen: [BlockBoy] 04BBCBD8 00000001 ^It's not actually inf health even though i only changed the value. ;) Your screen will show BLOOD red with this code. Inf Ammo(Offline): [BlockBoy] 047B593C 00000004 047B5918 00000050 Works for noobtubing guns, RPG's, etc as well. Campaign only. Infinite Grenades/Flashes(Offline): [BlockBoy] 047B5924 00000004 047B5930 00000004 Campaign only. Works for throwing knives as well. God Mode/Inf Health(Offline): [BlockBoy] 051F92E0 00000064 INF AMMO off line [The D3mon] 045A89B0 60000000 all ammo including gernades and tacticials. Overhead Name size modifier() [The D3mon] 0513F058 40600000 0513F068 40600000 0513F078 40600000 .5 is default in float 3F000000 40600000=3.5 Universal Codes (any/all regions) Purple And Green Vision [Crashzer] F6000001 80008100 3C800000 00000000 14000014 FF00FF00 E0000000 80008000 Dark Blue And Yellow Vision [Crashzer] F6000001 80008100 80A30008 7FE3FB78 143697D4 0317FC00 E0000000 80008000 Grey And Bronze Vision [Crashzer] F6000001 80008100 7C850050 4802840D 143697C4 020067F0 E0000000 80008000 Campaign Codes (Press Home on Campaign to activate) Unlock All Missions [Bully@Wiiplaza] 2820236A 7FFF8000 F6000001 80008100 80040004 7C1F00AE F4000004 00000003 2C000571 4082000C 38000012 7C1F01AE 7C1F00AE 00000000 E0000000 80008000 Infinite Ammo [Bully@Wiiplaza] 2820236A 7FFF8000 F6000001 80008100 7FE5FB78 7CDE00D0 F4000004 FE849D01 38C00000 60000000 E0000000 80008000 God Mode [Bully@Wiiplaza] 2820236A 7FFF8000 F6000001 80008100 933F003C 933F0040 F4000034 022C0002 38000001 981A014F 801A0160 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *Demo Video: Attack Team Mates [Bully@Wiiplaza] 2820236A 7FFF8000 F6000001 80008100 801F031C 60000008 F4000004 02930301 60000000 60000000 E0000000 80008000 *You will not be prevented from knifing/shooting your team mates on purpoise* *This does not bypass the "Friendly fire will not be tolerated" message* Moonjump [Bully@Wiiplaza] 2820236A 7FFF8000 F6000001 80008100 C01D002C D0010094 F4000008 02D09904 3D808020 A18C236A 2C0C0008 4082000C 3D804450 919D0030 C01D0030 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *Press D-PAD UP on Wiimote to moonjump* Sticky Grenades [Bully@Wiiplaza] 2820236A 7FFF8000 F6000001 80008100 806B03E0 88030008 F4000004 022C0001 38000000 60000000 F6000001 80008100 EC400032 C01A0018 F4000198 02FC4102 3D804CBE 91830008 C0030008 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *Frags will stick to the ground if thrown, but still bounce off walls* Hide Ammo Counter [Bully@Wiiplaza] 2820236A 7FFF8000 F6000001 80008100 901F0000 2C830000 F4000020 02901B01 38000001 60000000 E0000000 80008000 No Heads-Up-Display (HUD) [Bully@Wiiplaza] 2820236A 7FFF8000 F6000001 80008100 7C850214 3C640002 F4000054 022C0001 38000000 60000000 E0000000 80008000 Infinite UAV [Bully@Wiiplaza] 2820236A 7FFF8000 F6000001 80008100 60000001 901F0028 F4000010 022C0001 38000001 60000000 E0000000 80008000 *Check your pause menu map to see enemy dots* Unlimited Sprint [Bully@Wiiplaza] 2820236A 7FFF8000 F6000001 80008100 3803FFF5 7C000034 F400008C 024EA001 38600001 60000000 E0000000 80008000 Movement Speed Modifier [Bully@Wiiplaza] 2820236A 7FFF8000 F6000001 80008100 80010184 901F0058 F4000010 02904301 3800XXXX 60000000 E0000000 80008000 *XXXX Values* 0064 = Slow Speed (100) 00BE = Default (190) 015E = Super Speed (350) Field of View Modifier [Bully@Wiiplaza] 2820236A 7FFF8000 F6000001 80008000 7C9C2378 FFC00890 F4000028 013C6002 3D80XXXX 91830008 C3E30008 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *XXXX Values* 4248 = Lesser FOV (50) 4282 = Default FOV (65) 42A0 = Higher FOV (80) Pause Menu Map Size Modifier [Bully@Wiiplaza] 2820236A 7FFF8000 F6000001 80008100 C0040008 EC010032 F4000000 02EC3302 3D80XXXX 91840008 C0040008 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *XXXX Values* 3F00 = Little (0,5) 3F80 = Default (1) 3F9D = Bigger (1,2265625) Gravity Modifier [Bully@Wiiplaza] 2820236A 7FFF8000 F6000001 80108100 801F0148 2C000000 F4000098 013C6002 3D80XXXX 91840008 C0230008 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *XXXX Values* 4396 = Low Gravity (300) 4448 = Default Gravity (800) 44BB = High Gravity (1496) Game Speed Modifier [Bully@Wiiplaza] 2820236A 7FFF8000 F6000001 80008100 F4000004 00000002 3D80XXXX 91830008 C0030008 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *XXXX Values* 3F00 = Slow Motion (0,5) 3F80 = Default Speed (1) 4000 = Fast Motion (2) Cartoon Vision [Bully@Wiiplaza] 2820236A 7FFF8000 F6000001 80108100 9864002A 9864002B F400001C 022C0001 38000001 60000000 E0000000 80008000 Playtime Is 00:00:00 [Bully@Wiiplaza] 2820236A 7FFF8000 F6000001 80008100 F4000004 021F8402 38000000 90030020 60000000 00000000 E0000000 80008000 Special Ops Codes Infinite Money [Bully@Wiiplaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA F6000001 80008100 801E0000 901F6200 F4000004 0283FD04 2C163970 40820010 3D807FFF 919F6200 48000008 901F6200 60000000 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *This will give you 2147418112 money after getting your first kill* *Demo Video: Instant Lv. 50 [Bully@Wiiplaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA F6000001 80008100 80650000 7CA320AE F4000004 02669004 2C040008 40820010 3D80FFFF 618CFF00 7D83212E 7CA320AE 60000000 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *Enter Spec Ops to instantly become Lv.50, play one mission to save the hacked level* Infinite Ammo [Bully@Wiiplaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA F6000001 80008100 7FE5FB78 7CDE00D0 F4000004 FE849D01 38C00000 60000000 E0000000 80008000 God Mode [Bully@Wiiplaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA F6000001 80008100 60000200 90040010 F400000C 0251EA01 38000001 60000000 E0000000 80008000 *Total invincibility against everything* *Credits to WiiOS_Ozelot for original address* Multiplayer Codes Infinite Ammo [Bully@Wiiplaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA F6000001 80008100 7FE5FB78 7CDE00D0 F4000004 FE849D01 38C00000 60000000 E0000000 80008000 *Demo Video: God Mode [Bully@Wiiplaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA F6000001 80008100 80040364 7C030000 F4000024 0253BF01 38001001 60000000 F400CFB4 0253FF01 38001001 60000000 E0000000 80008000 *Total invincibility against everything* Noclip [Bully@Wiiplaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA F6000001 80008100 901E00F8 807E2A60 2820236A YYYYZZZZ F4000004 02539F01 38600001 60000000 CC000000 00000000 F4000004 02539F01 807E2A60 60000000 E0000000 80008000 *You can fly around/through walls using the Nunchuk Stick* *Press your button(s) to toggle ON/OFF* Game Speed Modifier [Bully@Wiiplaza] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA F6000001 80008100 806500F0 80030008 F4000040 02EC1302 3D80XXXX 91830008 C0030008 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *The higher the value, the faster the game speed* *XXXX = Float* Pickup range mod [Clay10] 201D2644 FFFFFFFA F6000001 81008180 81149610 80716774 14000050 7F800000 E0000000 80008000 Host only Infinite Ammo Spec Ops [Seth@WiiPlaza] 28XXXXXX XXXXXXXX F6000001 80008100 80030004 7C00FA14 14000004 60000000 E0000000 80008000 *Add Your Own Custom Button Activator (X'S) *Works Host and Publicly!! *Demo Video *Only works when you activate in a game 1 time, then after you die or restart the match, it will start to lag the host. so if you want it to work clearly again, restart your wii and reactivate
Do you know any additional codes for this game? Is there an error listed above? Let us know about it and we’ll update the list.
Code Indexes for Nintendo Wii (Wii) These codes are to be used through Nintendo Wii Custom Firmware/Homebrew or a compatible Wii emulator, such as Dolphin.
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