Call of Duty: Modern Warfare – Reflex Edition - Gecko Codes [RJAE52]
Mega Custom Class Unlocker Code Removed! 20th May Wifi Function Deactivated! -CODE REMOVED! 20th MAY WIFI FUNCTION DEACTIVATED- wall hack [superman] 05077DAC 420C0000 non host Join session in progress On/Off [superman] 2817FE0A 00008000 050689D4 01000000 2817FE0A 00000004 050689D4 00000000 E0000000 80008000 Press home for ON and Down for OFF AC130 [Crashzer] 077FDFE0 00000008 2A9A10F6 000C6140 *Replaces Backlot * Kill House [Crashzer] 077FE04C 00000008 39D06E7E 000B4D00 *Replaces Vacant * Jeep Ride [Crashzer] 077FE16C 00000008 39CC0816 000D6A20 *Replaces Pipeline * Scout Sniper [Crashzer] 077FE1D8 00000008 39F9F2F6 0009B540 *Replaces Strike * Sound Spoofer [Crashzer] 077FE298 00000008 1A5CFC00 00000800 *Game Sounds Robotic Red Vision [Crashzer] 0494D0D4 6FFFFFFF Blue Vision [Crashzer] 0494D0D0 6FFFFFFF * Lime Vision [Crashzer] 0494D0D0 FFFFFFFF Checkered Map In lobby [Crashzer] F6000001 8100817F 810761E8 8068D00C 14000010 80EA0AB9 E0000000 80008000 * *This code will cause a freeze if you start the game with it activated Name Of Map Modifier [Crashzer] 06EA075C 00000018 XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX E0000000 80008000 * "Please insert the Disc" Modifier [Crashzer] 060F113C 00000018 XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 060F13A8 00000018 XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX E0000000 80008000 *Use this code and eject the disc * X = Message in hex Reticle Color Cycler V1.0 [PoptartHunter] 2817FE0A 00000400 0506610C 00000001 CC000000 00000001 0506610C 00000002 CC000000 00000001 0506610C 00000003 CC000000 00000001 0506610C 00000004 CC000000 00000001 0506610C 00000005 CC000000 00000001 0506610C 00000006 CC000000 00000001 0506610C 00000007 CC000000 00000001 0506610C 00000008 CC000000 00000001 0506610C 00000009 E0000000 80008000 *Every time you shoot, the color of your reticle will change. Auto Shoot On Reload PoptartHunter 0470F4F4 01000000 *This will make your gun shoot automatically when you reload. Reticle Color Cycler V2.5 A8000008 00000020 80000000 8106610C 86010000 00000001 2506610C 00000009 0506610C 00000000 E2100000 80008000 *This version cycles the colors automatically without activating. *V.5 - fixed the freezing caused by a few messed up lines in the code. Reticle Color Cycler V2.0 PoptartHunter A8000008 00000020 80000000 8106610C 86010000 00000001 2406610C 00000009 0406610C 00000000 E2100000 80008000 *This version cycles the colors automatically without activating. Moon Jump Host Only [Seth@WiiPlaza] 2817FE0A FFF70008 [Seth@WiiPlaza] C0000000 00000004 3D808078 618C44F4 3D604400 616B0000 916C0000 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 C0000000 00000004 3D808107 618C387C 3D606904 616B5951 916C0000 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *press UP for moon Jump Instant Level 55 [Seth@WiiPlaza] C0000000 00000004 3D808090 618C8600 3D600028 616B6425 916C0000 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 E0000000 80008000 All Players Have Infinite Health (Host Only) [Seth@WiiPlaza] C0000000 00000004 3D606000 3D80803A 398C6F2A 616B0000 916C18DE 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 E0000000 80008000 Give Laser On Weapon [Seth@WiiPlaza] 2817D6E0 00008000 0506E53C 01000000 C0000000 00000004 3D600100 3D808106 398C7FFF 616B0000 916C64F5 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *press home on wiimote to activate *credits to ozelot Infinite Ammo All Players (Host Only) [Seth@WiiPlaza] 2817D6E0 00008000 C0000000 00000004 3D808078 618C4700 3D600000 616B0001 916C0000 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 C0000000 00000004 3D80802D 618C95F4 3D606000 616B0000 916C0000 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *press HOME to activate Rapid Fire (All Players+HostOnly) [Seth@WiiPlaza] 2817D6E0 00008000 C0000000 00000004 3D80802D 618CBBEC 3D606000 616B0000 916C0000 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *Press Home To activate Infinite Ammo All Players (Host Only) [Seth@WiiPlaza] 2817D6E0 00008000 C0000000 00000004 3D808078 618C4700 3D600000 616B0001 916C0000 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 C0000000 00000004 3D80802D 618C95F4 3D606000 616B0000 916C0000 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *press HOME to activate Rapid Fire (All Players+HostOnly) [Seth@WiiPlaza] 2817D6E0 00008000 C0000000 00000004 3D80802D 618CBBEC 3D606000 616B0000 916C0000 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *Press Home To activate Reticle Color Cycler (outer) [BoxNinja] A8000008 00000020 80000000 81066154 86010000 00000001 25066154 00000009 05066154 00000000 E2100000 80008000 *Huge thanks to PoptartHunter for the address range Reticle Style Cycler [BoxNinja] A8000008 00000020 80000000 810660C4 86010000 00000001 250660C4 00000009 050660C4 00000000 E2100000 80008000 *Huge thanks to PoptartHunter for the address range Running While Walking [BLiTz*] 04785B84 FFFFFFFF Bunny Hop Movement [BLiTz*] 04785B84 01000000 Disable Knifing All Players [BLiTz*] 050750AC FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF 00000000 E0000000 80008000 050750F4 FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF 00000000 E0000000 80008000 0507513C FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF 00000000 E0000000 80008000 05075184 FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF 00000000 E0000000 80008000 Auto Teams [BLiTz*] 050687DC 0X000000 X Values: 1: On 0: Off Ingame Color Name Changer [BLiTz*] 050715E4 RRGGBBAA Silent Running/Walking [BLiTz*] 05074374 7F000000 Individual Ping Color Modifier [BLiTz*] 05071288 RRGGBBAA 050712CF RRGGBBAA 05071318 RRGGBBAA 05071360 RRGGBB80 In order: (High Ping-RED) (Med. ping-YELLOW) (Low Ping-LIGHT GREEN (Ping Bar Background)Keep the 80 there. Jump and Kill Yourself [BLiTz*] 047844F4 FFFFFFFF modify kill & score [xcoopa] 04785AD2 00000xxx 04785ADA 00000xxx Activator version modify kill & score [xcoopa] 2817D6E0 00008000 CC000000 00000001 04785AD2 00000xxx 04785ADA 00000xxx E0000000 80008000 use HOME botton to turn on The Piss off Code [xcoopa] 2817D6E0 00008000 CC000000 00000001 0417FFB4 FFFFFFFF E0000000 80008000 give this code to some one you dont will bring up the menu over and over. Gun rectical enhancer [xcoopa] 2817D6E0 00008000 CC000000 00000001 05066A0C 40834466 81066164 0000000X E0000000 80008000 Press Home to activate reaplce the X with 1 threw 9 changes out side color Prestige Changer [hetoan2] 04908664 0000000X use values 0-B (0 through 11th) Infinite Ammo all players ON [hetoan2] 042D969C 380000FF Infinite Ammo all players OFF [hetoan2] 042D969C 7C040050 Moon Jump host only [hetoan2] 2817FE0A FFF70008 047844F4 44000000 E0000000 80008000 Rapid fire host only [hetoan2] 04784500 00000000 XP modifier (doesnt unlock and breaks level ups) [hetoan2] 04908600 00XXXXXX Level 55 [hetoan2] 04908600 00286425 non-host nick mod slot 1 [hetoan2] 067F72C4 000000YY XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX Inf HP host only [hetoan2] 05556BB0 00000000 Inf HP all players ON [hetoan2] 043A8808 60000000 Inf HP all players OFF [hetoan2] 043A8808 90130170 rapid fire all players ON [hetoan2] 042DBBE8 60000000 rapid fire all players OFF [hetoan2] 042DBBE8 80030448 Golden Guns on Weapon Slot 3 [hetoan2] 00907A61 00000006 Ammo swapper ON [hetoan2] 042C9E84 380000XX Ammo swapper OFF [hetoan2] 042C9E84 80030104 Speed Modifiers [hetoan2] 04785B84 XXXXXXXX 04787484 XXXXXXXX 04788D84 XXXXXXXX 0478A684 XXXXXXXX 0478BF84 XXXXXXXX 0478D884 XXXXXXXX 0478F184 XXXXXXXX 04790A84 XXXXXXXX 04792384 XXXXXXXX 04793C84 XXXXXXXX Name Modifier - Ingame [hetoan2] 06785BDC 000000YY XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX clan tag modifier [hetoan2] 04785C18 XXXXXXXX 04785C1C XXXXXXXX No Damage Visuals for falling [hetoan2] 04785C98 00000000 Total Control mode (C+Z to enable, C,Z,+B to disable) [hetoan2] 2817FE0A 00006000 04785C68 000000FF E0000000 80008000 2817FE0A 00006400 04785C68 00000000 E0000000 80008000 Gravity modifier [hetoan2] 05750000 3F8F0000 05750004 00000000 05750008 3F720000 C22CD2CC 00000005 3E808175 C0B40004 FC002840 41800010 C0340000 EC010032 4800000C C1D40008 EC0E0032 00000000 Gravity Modifier OFF [hetoan2] 042CD2CC EC010032 All Easy Challenges UN-Done [hetoan2] 02907B70 00500101 All Easy Challenges Done [hetoan2] 02907B70 0050FFFF Teleporter [hetoan2] 2817FE0A 00008000 82210000 007844E0 82210001 007844E4 82210002 007844E8 E0000000 80008000 2817FE0A 00001000 84210000 007844E0 84210001 007844E4 84210002 007844E8 E0000000 80008000 2817FE0A 0000C000 82210003 007844E0 82210004 007844E4 82210005 007844E8 E0000000 80008000 2817FE0A 00005000 84210003 007844E0 84210004 007844E4 84210005 007844E8 E0000000 80008000 2817FE0A 0000A000 82210006 007844E0 82210007 007844E4 82210008 007844E8 E0000000 80008000 2817FE0A 00003000 84210006 007844E0 84210007 007844E4 84210008 007844E8 E0000000 80008000 non-host name changer 2 [hetoan2] 067F72E4 000000YY XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX Points Mod Team 1 [hetoan2] 04781908 00000XXX Points Mod Team 2 [hetoan2] 04781904 00000XXX Deaths Modifier [hetoan2] 04785984 00000XXX Kills Modifier [hetoan2] 04785988 00000XXX Personal Points Modifier Modifier [hetoan2] 04785980 00XXXXXX 99 k/d/a All players [hetoan2] 043EF480 7C7CE92E 00000000 00000000 C23EF480 00000002 38600063 7C7CE92E 60000000 00000000 non-host name changer slot 3 [hetoan2] 067F7304 000000YY XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX prestige cycler [hetoan2] 8201000F 00908667 2817FE0A FFF70008 A8000000 F0000000 8600000F 00000001 E0000000 80008000 2817FE0A FFFB0004 A8000000 F0000000 8600000F FFFFFFFF E0000000 80008000 8401000F 00908667 2C908666 0000000B 00908667 00000000 E0000000 80008000 Team You Are On Modifier [hetoan2] 04785BA8 0000000X X values: 0 - team 1's spectator mode (can still kill) 1 - team 1 2 - team 2 3 - spectator (can still kill) 4 - team 2's spectator mode (can still kill) Max Ammo Multiplier [hetoan2] 050740A4 XXXXXXXX See-through Walls [hetoan2] 05077B6C 60000000 Regular Walls (for activators) [hetoan2] 05077B6C 00000000 Gamespeed Multiplier [hetoan2] 050618C4 XXXXXXXX X's should be floating points converted to HEX Force Host [hetoan2] 050683A4 00000000 No Wait Time between Invites [hetoan2] 05069514 00000000 Gravity Modifier [hetoan2] 05080C44 XXXXXXXX use floating points 800inches/second is default Lagometer Display [hetoan2] 0506D7BC 01B00000 FPS Display [hetoan2] 0506CACC 01000000 Prestige modifier 04908664 0000000X use values 0-B (0 through 11th) X's should be floating points converted to HEX See-through Walls [hetoan2] 05077B6C 60000000 Regular Walls (for activators) [hetoan2] 05077B6C 00000000 Force Host [hetoan2] 050683A4 00000000 No Wait Time between Invites [hetoan2] 05069514 00000000 Gravity Modifier [hetoan2] 05080C44 XXXXXXXX use floating points 800inches/second is default Lagometer Display [hetoan2] 0506D7BC 01B00000 FPS Display [hetoan2] 0506CACC 01000000 Moon Jump [Sharkbyte] 2817D6E0 FFF70008 04725130 43F80000 E0000000 80008000 2817D6E0 FFFB0004 04725130 40840000 E0000000 80008000 offline only press up to jump and down to land safely you will die if you don't press down in time Infinite Ammo/explosives/Grenades/Grenade Launcher [matt123337] 042DA3D0 60000000 Infinite HP [matt123337] 043B58BC 60000000 Max Online Score prank [matt123337] 048D2FB4 7FFFFFFF Just a joke to mess with people (on the same wii)... makes it look like your score is really high (doesn't actually change!)! Universal Codes (any/all regions) Checkered Map In lobby [Crashzer] F6000001 8100817F 810761E8 8068D00C 14000010 80EA0AB9 E0000000 80008000 * *This code will cause a freeze if you start the game with it activated Campaign Codes No Clip [Bully@Wiiplaza] 2817FE0A 7FFF8000 F6000001 80108100 8003B854 2C000000 2817FE0A FEFF0100 14000000 38000001 CC000000 00000000 14000000 8003B854 E0000000 80008000 *Press Home on Main Menu to activate code* *Press 1 to toggle ON/OFF* God Mode [Bully@Wiiplaza] 2817FE0A 7FFF8000 F6000001 80008100 80180190 2C000000 F4000000 022C0002 38000001 9818017F 80180190 00000000 E0000000 80008000 *Press Home on Main Menu to activate code* *Total Invincibility* Infinite Ammo [Bully@Wiiplaza] 2817FE0A 7FFF8000 F6000001 80008100 7C9D0214 A8840178 14000010 38000001 14000418 38800000 E0000000 80008000 *Press Home on Main Menu to activate code* *Infinite Weapon Ammo & Grenades* All Missions Unlocked [Bully@Wiiplaza] 2817FE0A 7FFF8000 F6000001 81008180 3F800000 3F19999A 140001EC 01000000 E0000000 80008000 *Press Home on Main Menu to activate code* *Non-permanent* *Video: Multiplayer Codes Infinite Ammo [Bully@Wiiplaza] 20152BA4 FFFFFFFA F6000001 80008100 A80301F4 7C040050 14000004 60000000 E0000000 80008000 *Host All-Players* God Mode [Bully@Wiiplaza] 20152BA4 FFFFFFFA F6000001 80008100 9003000C 80130150 14000004 38001001 E0000000 80008000 *Host All-Players* *Total Invincibility* *Hold a grenade until it explodes to die* Noclip [Bully@Wiiplaza] 20152BA4 FFFFFFFA F6000001 80008100 54000290 901E00CC 2817FE0A 7FFF8000 14000008 38000001 CC000000 00000000 14000008 801E17A4 E0000000 80008000 *Host All-Players* *Press Home to toggle ON/OFF* No Recoil [Bully@Wiiplaza] 20152BA4 FFFFFFFA F6000001 80008100 FC013040 4C411382 1400000C 60000000 E0000000 80008000 *Non-Host* *Credits to WiiOS_Ozelot*These codes have been collected from around the web and all credit goes to the original poster of the code. Notes associated with any code may be written by the original code creator. Some notes have been added or modified from their original source.
Do you know any additional codes for this game? Is there an error listed above? Let us know about it and we’ll update the list.
Code Indexes for Nintendo Wii (Wii) These codes are to be used through Nintendo Wii Custom Firmware/Homebrew or a compatible Wii emulator, such as Dolphin.
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