Dead Rising: Zombie no Ikenie - Gecko Codes [RINJ08]
Infinite LIFE [ZiT] 040A3AB0 D0190170 If bitten , LIFE MAX (Subcharacter) [ZiT] C2096728 00000004 82230168 2C110060 4182000C D0430170 48000008 D0030170 60000000 00000000 Infinite Bullet [ZiT] 040AEE14 60000000 If Ex Increase, MAX [ZiT] C20A525C 00000002 3E003B9B 3810C9FF 901C03E8 00000000 If Money Increase, MAX [ZiT] C2082960 00000002 3C803B9B 3884C9FF 90830490 00000000 Item Get 100 [ZiT] C22F4FE4 00000002 38000064 90040128 60000000 00000000 Infinite Item [ZiT] 040AEE10 60000000 Damage 0 [ZiT] 04082988 D2030494 Death frequency 0 [ZiT] 046D0180 00000000 ZOMBIE KILLED [ZiT] C21391D4 00000002 3CA005F6 38A5E0FF 90BE0250 00000000 Time freeze [ZiT] 04082BD0 D20304B0 Total Time freeze [ZiT] 04082BC0 D20304AC Speed Up [ZiT] 046CC968 00000000 046CC960 40400000 Weapon Weapon Code [ZiT] 42000000 90000000 04000A0C xxxxxxxx 04000A10 yyyyyyyy 04000A2C xxxxxxxx 04000A30 yyyyyyyy E0000000 80008000 Weapon = xxxxxxxx The number = yyyyyyyy xxxxxxxx= 00040000=ハンドガン 00040001=レッド9 00040002=ブラックテイル 00040003=けつばん 00040004=ショットガン 00040005=セミオート 00040006=ライオットガン 00040007=ライフル 00040008=セミートライフル 00040009=マグナム 0004000A=キラー7 0004000B=マシンピストル 0004000C=シカゴタイプライター 0004000D=女王蜂ボム 0004000E=消火器 0004000F=火炎瓶 00040010=調理油 00040011=回転ノコギリ刃 00040012=リアルメガバスター 00040013=けつばん yyyyyyyy = 00000001~00000064These codes have been collected from around the web and all credit goes to the original poster of the code. Notes associated with any code may be written by the original code creator. Some notes have been added or modified from their original source.
Do you know any additional codes for this game? Is there an error listed above? Let us know about it and we’ll update the list.
Code Indexes for Nintendo Wii (Wii) These codes are to be used through Nintendo Wii Custom Firmware/Homebrew or a compatible Wii emulator, such as Dolphin.