Driver: Parallel Lines - Gecko Codes [RDVP41]
Unlock all Cheats [TNTkryzt] 06366BE8 00000014 2C000000 408206C0 38000001 98030C46 480006B4 00000000 Access all Vehicles [TNTkryzt] 0403BD58 90C41A10 0403BD5C 80041A10 0403BD68 48000004 Pause Timer (2+Up Wiimote) [TNTkryzt] 205F2760 00000108 0424B6F0 38030000 E0000000 80008000 (must be resumed!) Resume Timer (2+Dwn Wiimote) [TNTkryzt] 205F2760 00000104 0424B6F0 38030001 E0000000 80008000 Collect 1 Star for 50 [TNTkryzt] 043645B8 38000032 Infinite Cash [TNTkryzt] 077EF52C 00000014 3D600099 396B967F 916414C8 808414C8 4A83DBE4 00000000 0402D11C 497C2410 Infinite Health [TNTkryzt] 077EF4F0 00000024 817E06E0 280B0000 41820014 816B0000 816B0004 280B0000 40820008 D03E06E4 4AAACA9C 00000000 0429BFA8 49553548 Bullet Proof Vehicle (in use) [TNTkryzt] 077EF514 00000018 38800004 39600000 917F0578 917F057C 917F17A8 4A8FBDA0 040EB2C4 49704250 Engine Fully Worked [TNTkryzt] 077EF540 00000018 2C1A0001 4082000C 3D604000 917E0198 C03E0350 4A92C058 0411B5A8 496D3F98 04119624 60000000 Reduce Felony Gauge [TNTkryzt] 077EF558 0000001C 39600000 91630014 91630018 9163001C 91630020 C0230014 4A9C9F60 00000000 041B94CC 4963608C No Reload [TNTkryzt] 042FF828 9083000C Rapid Fire [TNTkryzt] 042FF854 38000004 Super Sprint [TNTkryzt] 042E2E84 60000000 Light Traffic [TNTkryzt] 205F2760 00002200 077EF584 0000001C 3976FFFC 816B0000 816B0528 2C0B0001 40820008 D0030000 4A9356F8 00000000 04124C90 496CA8F4 E0000000 80008000 205F2760 00004200 04124C90 D0030000 E0000000 80008000 (Z+1=On C+1=Off)These codes have been collected from around the web and all credit goes to the original poster of the code. Notes associated with any code may be written by the original code creator. Some notes have been added or modified from their original source.
Do you know any additional codes for this game? Is there an error listed above? Let us know about it and we’ll update the list.
Code Indexes for Nintendo Wii (Wii) These codes are to be used through Nintendo Wii Custom Firmware/Homebrew or a compatible Wii emulator, such as Dolphin.
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