Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo’s Dungeon - Gecko Codes [R7FPGD]
Maxed Money [Patedj] 04B472DC xxxxxxxx If you max out the code (7FFFFFFF) it won't load the stages that you have to send back the items to the bank. Replace the X with a hex number. Maxed HP [Patedj] 08B46C00 0000270F 20010004 00000000 Maxed SP [Patedj] 08B46C08 000002BC 20010004 00000000 Never Hungry [Patedj] 08B46C10 00000064 20010004 00000000 Maxed Jobs [Patedj] 0408CCD4 38007FFF maxed with one block Maxed Experience [Patedj] 0408CBC0 3CA07FFF maxed with one defeat Stats Maxed Attack [Patedj] 04B46C18 7FFFFFFF Maxed DEF [Patedj] 04B46C1C 7FFFFFFF Maxed Magic [Patedj] 04B46C20 7FFFFFFF Maxed Psyche [Patedj] 04B46C24 7FFFFFFFThese codes have been collected from around the web and all credit goes to the original poster of the code. Notes associated with any code may be written by the original code creator. Some notes have been added or modified from their original source.
Do you know any additional codes for this game? Is there an error listed above? Let us know about it and we’ll update the list.
Code Indexes for Nintendo Wii (Wii) These codes are to be used through Nintendo Wii Custom Firmware/Homebrew or a compatible Wii emulator, such as Dolphin.
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